Version 1.01 
Datum: 13/03/2023

1.Winsroyal website, WG Project N.V. (Lizenznummer: 365/JAZ ) Sie wird vom Lizenznehmer betrieben. Sie ist in Curacao unter der Firmennummer 162816 registriert und wird als das Unternehmen mit der eingetragenen Adresse Abraham de Veerstraat 9, Curacao, in Curacao bezeichnet.
Bevor Sie unsere Website nutzen, lesen Sie bitte die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen sorgfältig durch. wird im Folgenden als die "Website" bezeichnet. Wenn Sie unsere Website ganz oder teilweise nutzen und auf sie zugreifen, erklären Sie sich mit allen nachstehenden Bedingungen einverstanden.
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, die auf unserer Website angegeben sind:
*Werbekampagnen, Boni und Sonderaktionen sowie die auf unserer Website angebotenen Bedingungen
*Die Regeln der auf unserer Website angebotenen Spiele und anderer Spiele, die über die verlinkten Websites zugänglich sind;
*andere Bedingungen, die Sie akzeptieren müssen, um bestimmte Bereiche und Dienstleistungen auf unserer Website zu nutzen;
3. allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, WG Project N.V. (Lizenznummer: 365/JAZ ) von Curaçao eGaming Commission. Es ist an Winsroyal lizenziert, das sich im Besitz des Unternehmens befindet.
4. die winsroyal-Website ist von der Regierung von Curacao lizenziert.
5. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen stellen eine Vereinbarung zwischen dem Spieler und WG Project N.V. dar.
In den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, die auf der Winsroyal-Website dargelegt sind, können Änderungen aufgrund von Bedarf und Notwendigkeit vorgenommen werden. Wenn Änderungen vorgenommen werden, werden die notwendigen Aktualisierungen auf unserer Website vorgenommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte der Spieler die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen regelmäßig auf mögliche Änderungen überprüfen. Auch auf unserer Website ist die Versionsnummer und das Datum der letzten Aktualisierung oben auf der Seite angegeben.
6. im Zusammenhang mit dieser Vereinbarung bedeuten die Begriffe "Website", "Website", "Website", "Website" und/oder "Wettbüro" "", alle relevanten URLs und/oder. Relevante Websites, auf denen die Winsroyal-Dienste betrieben und/oder angeboten werden.
7. Im Falle von Widersprüchen zwischen den Bonus- und Sonderangeboten, die durch Werbekampagnen gegeben werden, und den auf unserer Website angegebenen Bedingungen, gelten die allgemeinen Bedingungen und Konditionen.
8. Wenn Sie mit der Einhaltung der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen nicht einverstanden sind, sollten Sie kein Konto bei winsroyal casino anlegen und die auf unserer Website angebotenen Dienste nutzen. Wenn Sie die von angebotenen Dienste nutzen, bedeutet dies, dass Sie alle allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren.
9. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, beziehen sich die Begriffe "wir", "uns" und "unser" in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen auf das Unternehmen, den "Kunden", "Sie" und "Ihr", die unsere Website nutzen. und bezieht sich auf die Person oder Personen, die die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen akzeptieren.
10. Die Sprache der in den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen gültigen Version ist Englisch. Im Falle von Unstimmigkeiten in den Übersetzungen gilt die englische Version.
11. Winsroyal bietet den Zugang zu den Spielen unter Verwendung von Datenverschlüsselungstechnologie über ein geschütztes Netzwerk an.
12. Winsroyal behält sich das Recht vor, jedes Spiel auf der Website hinzuzufügen und jedes Spiel von der Website zu entfernen.
13. Alle Spiele bei Winsroyal Casino sind speziell für unsere Kunden entwickelt und ausgewählt, um eine angenehme Zeit zu haben. In dieser Hinsicht ist winsroyal casino nur für Unterhaltungszwecke. Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, um echtes Geld zu spielen, um unser Casino zu erleben. Der Kunde kann auch spielen, ohne eine Einzahlung zu tätigen. Der Kunde erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass winsroyal casino dies nicht als unfair oder unangemessen empfindet.
14. Alle Spiele im Winsroyal Casino sind speziell für unsere Kunden entwickelt und ausgewählt, um eine angenehme Zeit zu haben. In dieser Hinsicht ist winsroyal casino nur für Unterhaltungszwecke. Es besteht keine Notwendigkeit, um echtes Geld zu spielen, um unser Casino zu erleben. Der Kunde kann auch spielen, ohne eine Einzahlung zu tätigen. Der Kunde erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass er die Regeln und Bedingungen des winsroyal casino nicht als unfair oder unangemessen empfindet.
15. Der Kunde hält die Direktoren, Partner, Lizenznehmer, Händler, Tochtergesellschaften, Mitarbeiter, Aktionäre und Vertreter von Winsroyal von allen Ansprüchen, Forderungen, Verbindlichkeiten, Schäden, Verlusten, Kosten und Anwaltsgebühren und sonstigen Ausgaben schadlos und übernimmt die Verteidigung. In allen Fällen und unter allen Umständen akzeptiert er andere Ausgaben, die sich aus den folgenden Gründen ergeben können. (Mindestlohn ist 25%):
*Falls der Kunde ganz oder teilweise gegen die von Winsroyal Casino aufgestellten allgemeinen Regeln und Bedingungen verstößt;
*Verletzung von Gesetzen durch den Kunden oder Verletzung der Rechte Dritter;
* Verluste und Kosten, die durch den Zugang oder die Nutzung der Website durch einen anderen Kunden von Winsroyal Casino oder durch eine Person, die die Identitätsdaten des bestehenden Kunden nutzt, ohne Wissen des Kunden oder mit dessen Wissen, entstehen können.
16. Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, keine betrügerischen, kollusiven, match-fixing oder sonstigen illegalen Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit seiner Teilnahme oder der Teilnahme Dritter an den Winsroyal-Diensten zu unternehmen. Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, keine softwaregestützten Methoden oder technische oder Hardware-Geräte mit dem von ihm eingerichteten Konto im winsroyal casino zu verwenden. Sollte dies von Winsroyal Casino festgestellt werden, behält sich Winsroyal Casino das Recht vor, jede Wette zu annullieren und das Konto des Kunden zu schließen.
17. Winsroyal Casino ist nicht verantwortlich für Schäden, die dem Kunden durch die auf der Website angebotenen Dienstleistungen entstehen. Es akzeptiert, dass der Kunde vorherige Kenntnis von der Möglichkeit von Schäden, die auftreten können, hat. Darüber hinaus ist der Kunde verantwortlich für Verurteilungen.
18. Die Aufteilung der Winsroyal Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen ist nur für Referenzzwecke. Daher ist es keinen Einfluss auf die Auslegung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.
19. Winsroyalin Casino-Software-Produkte werden von Drittanbietern zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, die geistigen Eigentumsrechte von Drittunternehmen nicht zu verletzen.
20. Sollten eine oder mehrere der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Winsroyal Casinos in irgendeiner Gerichtsbarkeit rechtswidrig oder nicht durchsetzbar sein, so hat dies keinen Einfluss auf die Gültigkeit und Durchsetzbarkeit der anderen allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Darüber hinaus sind Bestimmungen, die in einer Gerichtsbarkeit als illegal, ungültig oder nicht durchsetzbar gelten, nur in dieser Gerichtsbarkeit unwirksam. Die Gültigkeit, Rechtmäßigkeit und/oder Vollstreckbarkeit solcher Bestimmungen in anderen Gerichtsbarkeiten bleibt davon unberührt.
21. Winsroyal Casino zahlt keine Zinsen auf Einzahlungen, Gewinne oder Auszahlungen. Aus diesem Grund ist das Winsroyal Casino kein Finanzinstitut. Außerdem sind Einzahlungen, Gewinne oder Auszahlungen im Winsroyal-Casino nicht durch ein Einlagen- oder Bankversicherungssystem versichert, garantiert, abgesichert oder anderweitig geschützt.
22. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Winsroyal Casinos unterliegen den Gesetzen von Curacao und werden entsprechend ausgelegt. Im Falle von Streitigkeiten bezüglich des Abschlusses, der Gültigkeit, der Anwendung und/oder der Auslegung dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen sind die englischen Gerichte allein und ausschließlich zuständig.
23. Winsroyal Casino Jackpot-Spiele können nur um echtes Geld gespielt werden.
24. Jackpot-Spiel Informationen bei Winsroyal Casino wird ständig aktualisiert. Aus diesem Grund sollten die allgemeinen Regeln und Bedingungen ständig von den Kunden überprüft werden. Die genaue Höhe des Jackpots bei Jackpot-Spielen wird auf der Grundlage der Anzahl der gespielten Runden berechnet, bis der Jackpot geknackt wird.
25. Bei Jackpot-Spielen im Winsroyal Casino ist der Jackpot, den der Kunde während des Spiels sieht, nicht in Echtzeit. Da die Anzahl der Runden aktualisiert wird, während der Kunde weiterspielt, kann er das tatsächliche Jackpot-Ergebnis nicht sehen. Der Kunde kann einen niedrigeren oder höheren Jackpot gewinnen, da er das Spiel während der Aktualisierung weiter spielen kann.
26. Progressive Jackpot-Gewinne werden von Winsroyal Casino-Beamten und dem jeweiligen Software-Anbieter überprüft. Alle Entscheidungen in dieser Angelegenheit sind endgültig. Da endgültige Entscheidungen in jedem Fall akzeptiert werden, wird keine Korrespondenz zu diesem Thema geführt.
27. Die Zähler in einigen Jackpot-Spielen im Winsroyal Casino können sich von der vom Kunden verwendeten Währung unterscheiden. In einem solchen Fall kann der Kunde das Spiel weiter spielen. Wenn der Kunde gewinnt, wird der gewonnene Betrag in die im Kundenkonto verwendete Währung umgerechnet und dem Kundenkonto gutgeschrieben.
28. Die Winsroyal-Casinobehörden und Softwareanbieter behalten sich das Recht vor, die Bonusregeln jederzeit und für jeden Zeitraum zu ändern oder aufzuheben.
29. Wenn Kunden im Winsroyal Casino einen Jackpot gewinnen, der von einem Softwareanbieter verwaltet wird, wird dieser Softwareanbieter den Jackpotbetrag an das Winsroyal Casino überweisen. Das vom Kunden gespielte Jackpot-Spiel kann auch auf eine andere Währung lauten. Wenn der Kunde in einem solchen Fall einen Gewinn erzielt und das Geld abheben möchte, behält sich Winsroyal das Recht vor, den vom Anbieter der Casino-Software erhaltenen Betrag auf das Konto des Kunden zu überweisen.

1. Der Kunde versteht und akzeptiert die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, die speziell für alle Boni von WinsRoyal erstellt wurden.
2. Im Falle von Unstimmigkeiten bei Werbekampagnen haben die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen von WinsRoyal immer Vorrang.
3. Verstößt der Kunde gegen die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Bonus und der Werbeaktion, behält sich WinsRoyal das Recht vor, Gewinne aus dem Bonus oder der Werbeaktion zu stornieren. Darüber hinaus kann der Kunde selbst für alle Kosten verantwortlich gemacht werden, die durch die Verletzung der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des WinsRoyal-Bonus oder der Werbeaktion durch den Kunden entstehen.
4. Die Umsatzbedingungen für alle von WinsRoyal angebotenen Boni und Freispiele müssen vom Spieler erfüllt werden. Der Spieler wird erst ausgezahlt, wenn die Umsatzbedingungen erfüllt sind.
Der Einzahlungsbonus wird nach dem Spielen mit der Einzahlung aktiviert, bevor die Umsatzbedingungen erfüllt sind. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt wird vom Kunden erwartet, dass er den Einzahlungsbonus vollständig einsetzt.
(5) Der Kunde, der den Einzahlungsbonus erhält, muss den Wetteinsatz innerhalb von 30 Tagen abschließen. Wenn der Kunde versucht, Geld abzuheben, ohne die Wettanforderungen zu erfüllen, oder mehr als den erlaubten Betrag setzt, verfällt das aktuelle Bonusguthaben des Kunden oder das Guthaben, das durch falsches Spiel gewonnen wurde, sowie alle erhaltenen Gewinne.
Bonusbeträge und Gewinne werden erst dann dem Hauptguthaben gutgeschrieben, wenn der Kunde die Umsatzbedingungen erfüllt hat. Außerdem darf der maximale Wetteinsatz pro Drehung mit Bonusgeldern nicht höher als 5 Euro/$5 oder dem Äquivalent (Euro ist die Äquivalenzwährung) Ihrer Währung sein.
6. alle Boni und Promotionen, die von WinsRoyal Casino angeboten werden, haben eine Wettanforderung. Daher müssen Sie, bevor Sie eine Auszahlung beantragen, so viel setzen wie Sie eingezahlt haben und/oder die Wettanforderungen der Boni und Promotionen, die Sie erhalten, erfüllen.
Die Umsatzbedingungen für WinsRoyal Casino-Boni und -Promotionen sind wie folgt;
Für alle einzahlungsbezogenen Boni muss der Kunde einen Einsatz von X35 des Bonusbetrages tätigen und die maximale Auszahlung, die der Kunde erhalten kann, beträgt bonusX25.
Für die 10% Cashback täglich, sind die maximalen Cashback-Beträge bis zu €/$250, R5000 und R$1500 (dies bedeutet Gesamteinzahlungen von €/$2500, R50000 und R$15000)
Für Freispiel-Aktionen maximaler AuszahlungsbonusX10
Für den Good Will oder andere einmalige Boni muss der Kunde einen Einsatz von 35 % tätigen und die maximale Auszahlung beträgt Bonus X10.
VIP-Boni sind individuell und werden von den Kontoverwaltern pro Spieler festgelegt. Es sei denn, die oben genannte Regel ist gültig.
7. Nach Erfüllung der Wettanforderungen für Bonus- und Freispiel-Aktionen können der Bonus und die Gewinne des Kunden, die den bei Freispiel-Aktionen festgelegten maximalen Bonusbetrag übersteigen, nicht abgehoben werden und werden in der Abhebungsphase vom Guthaben des Kunden abgezogen.
8. Der Auszahlungsantrag unterliegt dem Spielprüfungs- und Dokumentenprüfungsprozess für jeden gewährten Betrag.
Darüber hinaus kann der Kunde, nachdem er einen Auszahlungsantrag gestellt hat und der Auszahlungsantrag in der Schwebe ist, d.h. bevor der Auszahlungsantrag genehmigt wurde, keine Bonus- oder Freispielaktionen für seine Einzahlungen beanspruchen, erhalten und nutzen. Der Kunde muss warten, bis der Auszahlungsantrag genehmigt wurde, um die Bonus- oder Freispielangebote in Anspruch nehmen zu können.

9. im Falle eines Verstoßes gegen die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen für Boni, Gratiswetten oder andere Werbeangebote behält sich das WinsRoyal Casino das Recht vor, solche Konten zu schließen und alle Gewinne und Boni zu stornieren:
*Wir können die Fälle der Verletzung der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen wie folgt auflisten,
*Erstellung mehrerer Konten, um mehrere Boni zu beanspruchen,
*Ein Spieler, der nach jedem Spiel des Kunden und nach jeder Hand oder jedem Freispielgewinn aufhört und zu anderen Spielen geht, um weitere Freispiele zu erhalten oder eine weitere Hand in einem anderen Spiel zu spielen, was bedeutet, dass das Guthaben erschöpft ist und der Bonuseinsatz vom System eliminiert wird. Dann kommt der Spieler zurück und schaltet ein beliebiges Spiel frei, das noch nicht abgeschlossen ist oder auf den Freispielgewinn wartet. Das bedeutet, dass der Spieler das System missbraucht, um sich einen Vorteil zu verschaffen und Geld abzuheben, das die Umsatzbedingungen nicht erfüllt,
*Kunden haben die Möglichkeit, Boni zu kaufen, Boni zu sammeln, Freispiele und Mehrfachkäufe zu erwerben, usw. Die Wertschöpfung ist verboten.
10. wenn von den WinsRoyal Casino-Behörden festgestellt wird, dass der Kunde missbraucht oder versucht hat, wenn wir entdecken oder Grund zu der Annahme haben, dass Sie Geld einzahlen oder abheben oder anderweitig die Dienste nutzen, ohne echtes Spiel/Wetteinsatz.
*Der Kunde verliert den Bonus und die Gewinne aus dem Bonus.
*Der Kunde wird von zukünftigen Boni ausgeschlossen, wenn er sich nicht an die Regeln für die Bonusnutzung hält.

*Verstöße gegen die Bonusse und Regeln können wie folgt aussehen, sind aber nicht darauf beschränkt und führen zur Konfiszierung der Gewinne und Boni der Spieler.

- das Verschieben von Spielrunden in einem beliebigen Spiel, einschließlich Freispielen und Bonusfunktionen, auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt, wenn Sie keine Umsatzanforderungen haben;
- hohe Einsätze auf dem Tisch zu lassen, z. B. beim Blackjack, und zum Spiel zurückzukehren, nachdem der Bonusumsatz erfüllt wurde;
- Spiele mit Bonusgeld zu spielen, um einen Spielwert aufzubauen, das Bonusgeld zu verlieren und dann den aufgebauten Wert beim Spielen mit echtem Geld auszahlen zu lassen;
- die Anwendung von Strategien, die einen Softwarefehler oder -ausfall ausnutzen.

11. Konten können im WinsRoyal Casino in den Währungen EURO, USD, ZAR und BRL erstellt werden (wir haben das Recht, jederzeit weitere Währungen hinzuzufügen).
12. die Wetteinsätze und Wettanforderungen der Spiele können sich unterscheiden.
*Um dies anhand eines Beispiels zu erläutern: Wenn der Kunde 100 Einsätze im Live-Roulette-Spiel tätigt, erfüllt er/sie die 10 (10 %) Wettanforderung. Wenn der Kunde 100 Einsätze an einem Spielautomaten tätigt, erfüllt er die 100 (100%) Umsatzbedingungen.
13. maximale Bonusbeträge, die Kunden nach Währung erhalten können;



Spielautomaten, Bingo, Rubbellose und Keno


Alle Live-Spiele mit Ausnahme von Baccarat


Alle Tisch- und Kartenspiele mit Ausnahme von Baccarat








Baccarat, Würfelspiel, Craps



Nicht verfügbar für Spiele mit Bonusgeldern

Maximaler Gesamtbonusbetrag;
USD: 500 (Mindesteinzahlung: 10 USD)
EURO: 500 (Mindesteinzahlung: 10 €)
ZAR: 10000 (Mindesteinzahlung: R100)
BRL: R50000 (Mindesteinlage: R$50)

Vorteil von 20% Reload-Bonus;
Maximaler Bonus-Betrag;

USD: 100 (Mindesteinlage: 10 USD)
EURO: 100 (Mindesteinlage: 10 €)
ZAR: 2000 (Mindesteinlage: R100)
BRL: R$500 (Mindesteinlage: R$50)

14. 10% Cashback täglich;
Ihr Guthaben muss zwischen 0 und R50, €/$3 und R$15 liegen, wenn Sie Ihr Cashback in Anspruch nehmen möchten. Die maximalen Cashback-Beträge sind bis zu R5000 (d.h. Gesamteinzahlungen von R50000), bis zu €/$250 und bis zu R$1500
Das Cashback-Angebot kann nicht mit einem anderen Einzahlungsbonus oder anderen Bonusangeboten kombiniert werden (z. B.: Sie können keinen Einzahlungsbonus nutzen und gleichzeitig diesen Cashback-Bonus in Anspruch nehmen).
Das Cashback-Angebot ist 10x durchspielbar bei Spielautomaten. Die Durchspielbedingungen für andere Spiele können variieren. Cashback kann bis zu 7 Tage vor dem Tag, an dem der Cashback beantragt wurde, auf geplatzte Einzahlungen eingefordert werden. Sie müssen Ihr Cashback nicht nach jeder Einzahlung einlösen ... Sie können Ihr Cashback auch nach mehreren Einzahlungen einfordern.
15. WinsRoyal Casino bietet allen Kunden einen fairen Service. In dieser Hinsicht sind alle Kunden, Benutzer, Spieler oder bestimmte Wetten und regelmäßige Spiele nicht erlaubt, so dass Kunden, Benutzer und Spieler nicht missbrauchen oder missbrauchen alle Casino-Dienstleistungen, Boni und Promotionen. In den Punkten zu erklären,
15.1. Jede kollektive oder individuelle Kreuzwette usw.
15.2. Beim Roulette dürfen nicht mehr als 50% der Zahlen und der schwarzen/roten Farben auf eine Hand gesetzt werden. Diese Einsätze zählen nicht zum Wetteinsatz und werden von der Software eingeschränkt.
Das WinsRoyal Casino behält sich das Recht vor, die Gewinne der Spieler und Kunden zu unterbrechen, wenn es feststellt, dass gegen die Regeln gespielt wurde.
Spielanbieter mit speziellen Sicherheitsabteilungen können auch vom Spielanbieter gekennzeichnet werden, da sie spezielle Sicherheitsabteilungen haben, um die Rechte sowohl der Spieler als auch des Casinos zu schützen, und diese Situation zum Schutz der Rechte des Spielers und des Casinos.
16. Alle Boni und Promotionen, die von WinsRoyal angeboten werden, haben ein Verfallsdatum. Die Standardnutzungsdauer aller Boni beträgt 30 Tage. Die Frist beginnt in dem Moment, in dem der Bonus dem Kundenkonto gutgeschrieben wird. Einige Promotionen können andere Verfallsdaten haben. Der Kunde muss die Umsatzbedingungen der Boni und Promotionen innerhalb des Nutzungszeitraums erfüllen. Nach Ablauf des Nutzungszeitraums wird das Bonusguthaben aus dem Kundenkonto gelöscht.
17. WinsRoyal Casino verbietet Kunden die Teilnahme an der gleichen Bonus-Kampagne mehr als einmal von demselben Gerät oder von demselben Haus. Die WinsRoyal Casino Behörden behalten sich das Recht vor, die erhaltenen Boni und Promotionen zu stornieren und alle Gelder auf dem Konto des Kunden einzufrieren, wenn sie eine solche Situation feststellen.
18. WinsRoyal Casino verbietet seinen Kunden, mehr als einmal von derselben IP-Adresse aus an denselben Bonus- und Werbeaktionen teilzunehmen. Es behält sich das Recht vor, eine solche Teilnahme zu verweigern. Sollte WinsRoyal Casino eine solche Situation feststellen, behält es sich das Recht vor, den Bonus und die Promotionen auf den Konten der Kunden zu stornieren und das Geld auf den Konten einzufrieren.
19. die Sprache der gültigen Version der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ist Englisch. WinsRoyal Casino hat die englische Version als Rechtsgrundlage für seine Beziehung zum Kunden gewählt. Im Falle von Unstimmigkeiten in den Übersetzungen wird die englische Version als gültig angesehen.
20. in jedem Fall haben die Informationen in den allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen Vorrang vor den Informationen, die der Kunde angibt.
21.die Regeln für den kostenlosen Bonus ohne Einzahlung;
21.1 Der kostenlose Bonus ohne Einzahlung ist ausschließlich für das südafrikanische Land gültig.
21.2.der kostenlose No Deposit Bonus hat eine maximale Auszahlungsmöglichkeit von 2x dem Bonusbetrag. z.B. wenn Sie R300 No Deposit Bonus erhalten, können Sie maximal R300X2=R600 abheben.
21.3 Der Bonus ohne Einzahlung unterliegt einer Wettanforderung von 80 mal dem Bonusbetrag. Beispiel: Der Einsatz, der für einen R300 Bonus ohne Einzahlung zu leisten ist: R300X80=R24000
21.4 Der maximale Einsatz für jede Hand beträgt 0,80$/€, R8. Wenn Wetten über den vom WinsRoyal Casino festgelegten Maximalbetrag hinausgehen, verfallen sowohl der Bonus als auch die erzielten Gewinne.
21.5 Die Nutzungsdauer des kostenlosen Bonus ohne Einzahlung, der zu Test- und Unterhaltungszwecken gewährt wird, beträgt 7 Tage. Nach Ablauf der 7 Tage wird er vom System storniert und sowohl der Bonus als auch die Gewinne werden automatisch gelöscht.
21.6 Nach Abschluss des Einsatzes des kostenlosen Bonus ohne Einzahlung wird Ihr Bonus freigegeben und erreicht den maximalen Auszahlungsbetrag. Sobald Ihr Bonus den maximalen Auszahlungsbetrag erreicht hat, wird er Ihrem Casino-Konto als abhebbarer Betrag gutgeschrieben. Sie können also nicht mehr mit diesem Geld spielen. Da er den maximalen Auszahlungsbetrag erreicht hat, kann er nicht weiter erhöht werden.
22.7. Das Guthaben, das den maximalen Auszahlungsbetrag übersteigt, wird automatisch von Ihrem Konto abgezogen.
22.8 Jeder Kunde kann den kostenlosen Bonus ohne Einzahlung nur einmal in Anspruch nehmen.
22.9.Ausgeschlossene Slot-Spiele für den Bonuseinsatz (und nicht beschränkt auf): The Prohibited Games list is: 10x Rewind, Le Kaffee Bar, Scarab Treasure, Fruit Loop, Aztec Emerald, Wild Hearts, Starfang, Guardians of Inari, Legend of Hydra Power Zones, Ishtar Power Zones, Vikings Empire Treasures, Cave of Fortune, Stunning Cube, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Sugar Pop 2, Sugar Pop, Spinfinity Man, Take the bank, Mr Macau, Take the Kingdom, Legend of the Nile, The Hive, Mystic Hive, Take Santas Shop, Tower of Fortuna, Thai Blossoms, Stay Frosty, Triple Juicy Drops, Enchanted, Pinocchio, Fruit bat crazy, Viking Voyage, Total OverDrive, Back to venus, 100 Bit Dice, Golden Tour, Take Olympus, Lava Gold, Return to Paris, WBC Ring Of Riches, Zorro Wild Heart, Crazy Jungle, Johnny the Octopus, Johnny the Octopus HR, Magic Crystals, Minesweeper, Minesweeper HR, Redbeard & Co., Secondary game, White Rabbit, Lil Devil, Crazy Gems, Diego Fortune, Fruity Frost, Gnomes' Gems, Happy Chinese New Year, Hell's Band, Hunting Party, Kailash Mystery, Kangaliens, Nord's War, Poisoned Apple, The Witch, Wild Galaxy, Zodiac, Mighty Moon, Clover Wheel, Neon Bananas, Defenders of the Monastery, Extra Liner Jackpot, Hot Dragon, Amu Tep, Tizona, Astro Legends Lyra and Erion, The Sword and the Magic, Romance V, Sushi Yatta, Towering Pays Excalibur, Elite of Evil Portal of Gold, Jasons Quest, Euro Golden Cup, Gods of Power, Maya U Max, Empire Shields, Fruit Punch KO, Star Supreme, Spirits Of The Valkyrie, Candy Tower, Marvelous Furlongs, Knockout Football Rush, Fly, London Hunter, Jellyfish Flow, Big 500 Slot, Cops N Robbers Megaways, Tiki Tastic, Da Winci, Bullion Bars, Jungle Falls, Paint, Gifts of Ostara, Gladiators Go Wild, Phantasmic Fortunes, Secrets Of The Sorcerer, Steam Spin, Raigeki Rising x30, Wild Mine, Gates of Babylon, Dino Odyssey, Monkey God, Bangkok dreams, Age of Dragons, Age of Ice Dragons, Wildcraft, Sky Hunters, Beers on reels, Firedrakes Fortune, Agent 51, Finnegans Formula, Age of Huracan, Double Joker, Tree of Gold, Desert Gem, Speakeasy Boost, Joker Times, Blazing Bull 2, Jewels of Jupiter, Joker Times Xmas Edition, Atlantis Thunder, Burning Diamonds, Griffins Quest, Pawprints of Purrsia, Griffins Quest Xmas Edition, Joker Leprechauns, Pearls of Aphrodite, Atlantis Thunder St Patricks Day, Hattrick Heroes, Hercules: Do Or Die, Secrets of the Nile, Gold Bonanza, Ali Babas Luck, Leprechauns Magic Megaways, Ali Babas Luck Megaways, Lucky Clucks, Vampire: The Masquerade - Las Vegas, Beautiful Bones, Castle Builder 2, Cool Buck 5 Reel, Immortal Romance, Peek-a-Boo - 5 Reel, Santas Wild Ride, Scrooge, Stardust, Tomb Raider- Secret of the Sword, Untamed Giant Panda, 11 Champions, Pirates Quest, Amber Sterlings Mystic Shrine, Thunderstruck Wild Lightning, Lara Croft Temples and Tombs, Tiki Mania, Banana Drop, Royal Mint Megaways, Diamond King Jackpots, Atlantis Rising, Jurassic Park Remastered, Big Bad Beasts, Zombie Hoard, Age of Conquest, Augustus, Golden Stallion, Incan Adventure, Africa X Up, Chronicles of Olympus X Up, Blood Suckers, Blood suckers 2, EggOMatic, Narcos, Reel Rush 2, Robin Hood: Shifting Riches, Scudamore's Super Stakes, Secrets of the Stones Max, Serengeti Kings, Simsalabim, Street Fighter 2, Victorious, Wish Master, Scudamores Super Stakes, Wilderland, Rome The Golden Age, Codex of Fortune, Mansa Musas Golden Journey, The Wild 3, God of Fire, Cosmic Charms, Kaiser, Golds Guardian, King Kokos Quest, Hula Magic, Mystery Fox Christmas Party, Faith, Titans Riches, Book of Itza, Scrolls of Aphrodite, Emeralds of Oz, The Smashing Biscuit, Hammer of Gods, Viking Runecraft, Sea Hunter, Mystery Joker 6000, Sweet Alchemy, Bakers Treat, Gunslinger Reloaded, Gemix 2, Pimped, Rage to Riches, Royal Masquerade, Eye of the Kraken, GEMiX, Solar Queen, Solar King, Solar Temple, Mr Cashback, Streak of Luck, Wolves Wolves Wolves, Savage Jungle, Hainan Ice, Midnight wilds, Ace Ventura, Ice Cave, Stallion Strike, Gem Splash Rainbows Gift, The Perfect Heist, Gem Splash Kings Court, Jungle Trouble, Miss Fortune, Heart of the Frontier, Ways of the Phoenix, Galactic Streak, Bombs, Gem Splash Marilyn Monroe, Wild Lava, Bronco Spirit, Golden Beauty, 3 Kingdoms Battle of Red Cliffs, Jungle Gorilla, Queen of Gold, Gold Train, The Champions, Emerald King, Wild Depths, Blaze of Ra, Wild Swarm, Bison Battle, The Shadow Order, Land of Zenith, Fat Drac, Crown of Valor, Dwarfs Gone Wild, Parrot Bay, Tommy Guns Vendetta, Alchemy Ways, Million Dracula 2, Million Zeus, Nefertitis Riches, Million 88, Solomon The King, Million 777, Super 20 Stars, Arcade Bomb, Reel Heist, Piggy Pirates, Spin Town, Win Escalator, Well of Wishes, Jewel Scarabs, Aztec Spins, Reel Keeper, Wild O Clock, Lucky Fridays, Dragons Fire Infinireels, Ancients Blessing, Cobra Queen, Cash Ultimate, Night Roller, The Wisecracker Lightning, Lions Hoard, Beriched, Get the Gold Infinireels, Fa Fa Babies, Ras Legend, Three Musketeers, Dragons Fire Megaways, Royal Gems, Atlantis (Red Tiger), Gems Gone Wild Power Reels, 5 Families, Hoard of Poseidon, Golden Tsar, Aurum Codex, Betty Boris and Boo, Primate King, Harlecoin, Reptizillions Power Reels, Wild Hot Chilli Reels, Wild Expedition, Forever 7s, Dragons Fire, Mega Pyramid, Mega Rise, Dynamite Riches, Eagle Riches, Leprechauns Magic, Bombuster, 10001 Nights, Jingle Bells Power Reels, Sylvan Spirits, Agent Royale, Pride and Prey, Hellcatraz, Marching Legions, Book of 99, Panda Warrior, Frequent Flyer, Heroes Hunt Megaways, Reel Clash, Monopoly Utility Trails, Rainbow Riches Race Day, Rainbow Riches Drops of Gold, Hurricane Horse, Gems Odyssey, Pets Go Wild, Crime Scene, Jokers Luck Deluxe, Jokers Luck, Wild Wild Cash Out, Bank Job, 1 Reel Egypt, 1 Reel Halloween, 1 Reel Monkey, 1 Reel Golden Piggy, 1 Reel Fruits, Mustang Riches, Casino On the House, Van Gogh, Laser Cats, Egypt King, Immortal Monkey King, Sea Raiders, Mega Maya, Sea God (Swintt), Royal Rumble XtraGacha, Kochbuch, Star Stretch, Tokyo Dragon, Jorgen From Bergen, Lone Rider XtraWays, Book of the East, La Tomatina, Soldier of Rome, Black Horse, Hot 777, Fruit Mania Deluxe, Hot 777 Deluxe, Butterfly Lovers, Black Horse Deluxe, Sonic Reels, Telly Reels, Arcade, Football Mania, 9 Lions, Larry the Leprechaun, Relic Hunters, Reel Hero, Football Mania Deluxe, Power of Gods The Pantheon, Neon City, Lucky 9, Power of Gods Egypt, Reel Joke, Prosperity Pearls, Power of Gods Hades, Sizzling Bells, Jelly Reels, Spectrum, Frozen Inferno, Jokerizer, Alchymedes, Wolf Hunters, Legion Hot 1, Towering Pays Valhalla, Double dragons, Spina Colada, Ozwins Jackpots, The Royal Family, Vikings Go To Hell, Tuts Twister, Dark Vortex, Baron Samedi, Football Glory, All Star Knockout Ultra Gamble, Frost Queen Jackpots, Atlantean Gigarise, Robin Sherwood Marauders, Cauldron, Martian Miner Infinity Reels, Robin Nottingham Raiders, Winfall in Paradise, Hunters Moon Gigablox, All Star Knockout, Holmes and the Stolen Stones, Cazino Cosmos, Dwarf Mine, Niagara Falls, Jackpot Raiders, Johnan Legendarian, Super Cash Drop, Golden Boot, Hong Bao, Doctor Electro, Midas Treasure, Caribbean Anne, Zombie Queen, Operation Diamond Hunt, Big Bounty Bill, Pyro Pixie, Blazing Bull, Maui Millions, Ducks Till Dawn, Goblins and Gemstones, Caribbean Anne 2, Holmes Reel Detective, Viking Honour Xtrawild, Monster Domination, Book of Baal, Zilliard King, Legend of Senteng, 1 Reel Patrick, Wolf Call, Book of Raider, Vikings go to Valhalla, Rainbow Gold, Summer Cocktail, Across the Universe, Masters of Valhalla, Rise of the Valkyrie Splitz, Omuato, The Great Pigsby Megapays, Magic Spins, Book of Easter, JetX, CricketX, All That Cash Power Bet, Green Machine Deluxe Power Bet, FoxFire, Beat The House, Guises of Dracula, Interstellar Attack, Big Fishing, Feather of the Nile, Diamond Royale, Charmstones, Dragons Axe, 1 Reel Joker, Bomb Runner, It Came from Venus, Wild Diamond 7x, Mystery of LongWei, Dalai Panda, Stellar Spins, Wild Ocean, Loco Habanero, Snail Race, Dragons Chest, The Great Wall, Crystal Cavern, Savage Lion, Fishin for gold, Alice in the Wild, Wolf Haven, Wombaroo, Blazing Tiger, Jesters Joy, Prosperity Journey, Book of 8 Riches, Alice and the Mad Respin Party, Bonsai Spins, Red Hot Volcano, Clovers of Luck, Ocean Drive, Dwarfs Fortune Easter, Magical Reels, 4 Corners of Rome, Risque Megaways, Aped, Pile Em Up, Bolt X Up, Riot 2 BNB, Fluxberry, 1 Reel Panther, Stumpy McDoodles 2, Golden Forge, Zaidas Fortune, Cave of Gold, Candy Gold, Under the Bed, Ambiance, Booming Seven Deluxe, Booming Bananas, Chilli Chilli Bang Bang, Basic Instinct, Vegas High Roller, Golden Tiger, Roo Riches, Super 15 Stars, Macau High Roller, 9 Pyramids of Fortune, Oink Farm, Cannon Cove, Ali Babas Luck Power Reels, Lucky Mermaid, Spin Warrior Boom Pot, 1 Reel Reef, Rise of the Genie, Apache Way, Timelines, Majestic Mysteries Power Reels, 777 Super Big BuildUp Deluxe, Ark of Ra, Wild Marlin Big Game Fishing, Plingoball, Amazon Kingdom, Lucky Adam, Treasures of Kilauea, Piggy Luck, Super 25 Stars, 10001 Nights Megaways, Arabian Secret, Mad Cars, Sizzling Kingdom Bison, Diamond King Gold, 1 Reel Demi Gods III, Dragon Fortress Battle of the Castle, Maneki 88 Gold, Valley of Secrets, Aldos Journey, The Expendables Megaways, Voodoo Reels, Giants Fortune Megaways, Hero Clash, Wild Bounty, Cleopatras Golden Spells, Vikings Journey, Rumble Ratz Megaways, 1 Reel Buffalo, Lucky Money (Storm Gaming), Gods of Troy, Fire Egg, Joker Lanterns Hit n Roll, Of Sabers and Monsters, The Invisible Man, Jungle Spirit: Call of the Wild, Jimi Hendrix, Princess of Pearls, Gold Digger Mines, Aztec Gold Mines, Queens of Glory, 9 Burning Stars, Wild Buzz, 1 Reel Demi Gods IV, Midway Money, Wild Buccaneers Megaways, 9 Coins 1000 Edition, Hot Slot Magic Bombs, Green Machine Supreme, Alduin and Celdor, Leprechauns Magic Power Reels, Temple of Heroes (Popok Gaming), Fruits Gone Wild Deluxe, Fruits Gone Wild Supreme, Serengeti Wilds, Ultra Joker, Candy Links Bonanza, Cash Express, Redrose Sanctuary, Gold Hit O Reillys Riches, Cornelius, Witch Feature, Hot Slot Magic Pearls, Fruit Max Cashlinez, Burning Sun, Cleopatras Diamonds, Dragon Kingdom - Eyes of Fire, Mr and Mrs Spy, Halloween Luck, Native Spirit, Bandida, Fortune Fireworks, Balls of Fury, Secrets of the Nile, Wild West Zone, Red Hot Reels, Mad Monsters, Cash Encounters, Viking Raid Zone, Deadly Outlaw, 1 Reel Wolf Fang, Grand Mariachi, Shadow Society, Ticket to Riches, 1 Reel Majestic King, Dragon Lore GigaRise, 9 Coins Grand Gold Edition, Clovers of Luck 2, Football Finals X UP, Million 777 Wheel, Joker Fortune Blitz, Diamond Tales The Ugly Duckling, Dueling Jokers Dream Drop, 1 Reel Thanksgiving, Diamond Discovery, Down the Chimney, Shields of Troy, Cash Printer Heist, Wonders of Christmas, Wins of Winter, Phat Cats Megaways, Cave of Xmas, The Legend of Musashi, Million Christmas, Spinberry Wilds, Santa Pets, Rainbow Power Potz Ultranudge, Power of Sun Svarog, Christmas Luck, Dr Watts Up, Vegas Reels 2, Fruits Gone Wild, Candy Dreams, Racing Wilds, Magika Boola, Way of the Tiger, Queens of Glory Legacy, Red Hot Sapphires, Pyramid Rising x33, Joker Max Hit Roll Xmas Edition, Dragons Keep, Bingo Staxx Thunder Power, Trojan Kingdom, Pinup Girls, 1429 Uncharted Seas, 2 Million BC, Fruits and Stars, Riches of Babylon, Bonus Train Bandits, Reel Clash, King of the West, Bloxx Fruit, Wolf Hiding, 1 Reel Demi Gods III, Mega Multi Diamonds, Workshop Wonders, 1 Reel Elves, Magika Boola Xmas Spirit, Beauty of Atlantis, Bloxx Thunder, Reel Em In A Bit Fishy, Divine Gongs, Masters Of Olympus, Captain Wild, Night Of The Scarabs, Bloxx Arctic, Star Staxx, Valkyries of Odin, American Poker V, Dragon Ladies, 88 Lucky Fortunes, Cupids Strike 2, New Year Happiness, Quest of Gods, Grand Express Action Class, Grand Express Diamond Class, Mucho Loco Habanero, The Goat, More Dragon Ladies, Mayan Blaze, Viking Crusade, Prosperity Blessing, Blobsters Clusterbuster, Secrets of the Nile 2, Magic Garden, Elysian Jackpots, Power of Love, Lady Merlin MultiMax, Joker Leprechauns Hit n Roll, Pharaohs Gaze DoubleMax, AVIATOR, Ninja, Fruits Deluxe, Wild Vegas, Fluffy Rangers, Exploding Fruits, Bettys Big Bonanza, Book of Inferno, Takutiki, Tippy Tavern, Treasures of Ra, Princess Celina and the Frog, Pirates Pearl Megaways, Fortune Llama, Iron County Outlaw, Mystery Kingdom Mystery Bells, Dog Town Deal, Bloxx Flare, Granny vs Zombies, Book of Books, Let It Burn, Irish Wilds, First Person Lightning Blackjack, Monkey God, Wild Gods, First Person Lightning Blackjack, Queens of Glory Legacy, Lucky Money, Bloxx Thunder, Reel Keeper Power Reels, Spartans vs Zombies, Diamond Tales The Little Mermaid, Adventure Piggypays El Dorado, Ramses Legacy, 5 Line Bonus 21, The Funky Boombox, Chicken Madness Ultra, Cheeser & Jasper, Quake, Beauty and the Beast, Knockout Football, Dragons Lucky 8, Night of the Living Tales, Pengwins, Battle of Myths, Caribbean Anne Mini Max, Sword King, 9 Lions Xmas Edition, Lucky McGees Super Slice Swirl, Cash Falls Island Bounty, Cash Falls Pirates Trove, Stacking Bison, Chili Bonanza X UP, Angry Dragons, 5k Gold Mine Dream Drop, Golden Fields, Rocket Chimp Jackpot, Magic Powers Megaways, Diamond Blitz, Solar Queen Megaways, Crashout - Fireworks, Golden Tour, Triple Cash Or Crash, Meteoroid, Zombies Gone Wild, Wild Fairies, Storm to Riches, 15 Coins, Fish 'Em Up, Champions of Olympus, 5 Monsters, Alexander The Great World Conqueror, Golden Vault of the Pharaohs Power Bet, Love Idol, Xmas Gifts, Catch and Snatch, Football Ultimate Champions King, Blazing Piranhas, Buffalo Canyon, Egypt Megaways, Money Track 2, Moon of Fortune, True Wild, Godzilla, Bling Bling Penguin, 4 Masks of Inca, The Wish Master Megaways, Alkemor's Elements, Bandidos Cash, Snakes and Ladders Megadice, First Person Deal or no Deal, Deal or no Deal, Steam Pirates, Valkyrie Wild Storm, Gem Saviour, Everest, Thunderhawk, Monsters Unchained, Cyber Attack, Unchain The Dragons, Mayan Waterfalls, London Tube, Bounty Raid 2, Crab Trap, Captains of the Coast, Case Closed, Thrill to Grill, Titan Strike, Fish 'n' Nudge, Jet Lucky 2, BINGO STAXX – Amazon Fury, Dog Days, Treasures of Rome, Gifts of Horus, Gold Hit: Dragon Bonanza, Abrakadabra, Temple of Fury Dream Drop, Tiki Tiki Boom, Peter Hunter, Beach Invaders, Unusual Suspects, Anvil & Ore, Stellar 7s, Big Max Pot Hunter, Joker Loot, Vinnie Jones Card Chase, Andvari: The Magic Ring, Immortal Ways Buffalo, Super 30 Stars, Rainbow Burst, Million Vegas, Grand Express Fiesta, Lucky Buddha, Badlands, Diamond Tales: The Princess and the Pea Buy Bonus, Stormy Witch, The Green Machine Bingo, Ruby Treasures, Rise of Atlantis 2, Billy Bob Boom, Lord of the Seas, Rocket Dice, Rocket Dice XY, Larry the Leprechaun-Xmas, Hot Slot: Magic Bombs Halloween, Ninja, Dragon's Bonanza, Heidi, Hilde und Helga Go Wild, Sizzling Eggs Extremely Light, Fishing for Cash, Mice & Magic Wonder Spin, Banana Boom, Donkey and the Goats, Alien Tracker, Steam Pirates Gamble Feature, Lucky Wealth Cat, Massive Gold, Money Inc, Tap Heroes, Wild Voodoo, Mammoth Mayhem, Triple Tiki Super Free Spins, Treasures of the Count, Halloween Wins, 3 Kings, Fast Flip, Zeppelin, Dice, Yellow Diver, Piggy Bank, African Spirit Sticky Wilds, Franksylvania, Fate's Fury, Halloween Hunt, Juiced DuoMax, Million 777 Hot.Raging Rhino Rampage, Dead or Alive, Dead or Alive 2, Dead or Alive 2 Feature Buy, Monkey Gold Xpays, Iron Bank, Egyptian Rebirth 2, Tiger`s Charm , Story of Hercules Expanded Edition, Star Bounty, Lucky Mrs Patrick, Hammer Of Vulcan, Curse Of The Werewolf, Griffin`s Quest , PapayaPop, Maui Millions, Augustus, Age of Conquest, Big Bounty Bill, Safari Gold Megapays, Money Train 2, Immortal Fruits, Ted Megaways, The Dog House Megaways, Milky Ways, Sky Hunters, Bonus Bunnies, Hellcatraz, Origins of Lilith , Origins of Lilith Megaways, Giza Infinity Reels, Gaelic Gold, Rise of the Mountain King, Book Of Rebirth , Book Of Rebirth Reloaded, Rick and Morty Megaways , Punk Rocker xWays, Montezuma Megaways, Snake Arena, Serengeti Kings, Pillars of Asgard, El Dorado Inifinity Reels, Diamond Mine Extra Gold Megaways , Pirate Kingdom Megaways, Dragon Fall, Money Train, Rainbow Riches Megaways, Fishing Frenzy Megaways, LeoVegas Megaways, Sweet Bonanza, Sweet Bonanza Xmas, Wolf Legend Megaways, Return of Kong Megaways, Medusa Megaways, Neon Cluster Wins, Valletta Megaways, Vegas High Roller, Temple of Treasure Megaways, Champions of Rome, Buffalo Rising Megaways, Faerie Spells, 300 Shields Extreme, Machina Megaways, Vikings Unleashed Megaways, Genie Jackpots Megaways, Fat Santa, Acorn Pixie, Dark Vortex, Spinal Tap, Book of Gods, Extra Chilli Megaways, White Rabbit Megaways, 1429 Uncharted Seas, Fluffy Rangers, Rocket Stars, Blood Suckers, Blood Suckers II, Reel Rush 2, Macau High Roller, Jokerizer, Ninja vs Samurai,  Beautiful Bones, Gold Blitz, Diamond Blitz, Black Horse Cash Out, Black Horse Deluxe
22.10.Spiele, die für den kostenlosen Bonus ohne Einzahlung verboten sind, werden vom System eingeschränkt. Wenn die Spiele jedoch aufgrund einer Systemstörung verfügbar sind und vom Kunden gespielt werden, verfallen die Gewinne und nur der ursprüngliche Bonusbetrag verbleibt auf dem Konto.

1. Wenn der Kunde ein Konto im WinsRoyal Casino erstellt, gilt es als akzeptiert, dass das Unternehmen keine Haftung übernimmt und die Nutzung der Software nicht kontrolliert. Daher ist die Erstellung eines Kontos und das Spielen des Spiels die eigene Entscheidung des Kunden und es wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Kunde alle möglichen Risiken, die auftreten können, akzeptiert hat.
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WinsRoyal Casino-Wettregeln

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Da die Kontosicherheit Ihnen gehört, wird jede Nutzung, die ohne Ihr Wissen und ohne Ihre Erlaubnis erfolgt, als Ihre eigene Nutzung betrachtet.
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Darüber hinaus sind Gewinne, als Finanzinvestition gehaltene Immobilien, Einlagenbesitz, Wettbesitz, sonstige Rechte sowie der Verkauf und die Übertragung von Konten jeglicher Art auf der WinsRoyal-Website verboten. Schenkung oder Schenkung von rechtlichen, kommerziellen und anderen Rechten, Verpfändung, Abtretung, Nießbrauchsrecht, Handel, Vermittlung, Hypothek und/oder Zusammenarbeit an einen Treuhänder oder einen anderen Dritten, ein Unternehmen, eine echte oder juristische Person im Zusammenhang mit den Vermögenswerten, die sich auf WinsRoyal befinden Webseite. Alle Arten von Verkaufs- und Übertragungsgeschäften, wie z. B. die Übertragung oder Verbindung mit einer Stiftung in irgendeiner Weise, sind verboten. Diese Klausel beinhaltet ein umfassendes Verbot des Verkaufs und der Übertragung von Vermögenswerten, die einem Kunden, Benutzer oder Spieler im WinsRoyal-Casino gehören.
5. Es ist verboten, den Benutzernamen und das Passwort einer anderen Person zu verwenden und auf die Website von WinsRoyal zuzugreifen.
6. Ihre Kontoinformationen auf der WinsRoyal-Website müssen aktuell sein. Im Falle von Änderungen müssen Sie uns informieren, damit die notwendigen Aktualisierungen vorgenommen werden können.
7. Wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihr Casino-Konto bei WinsRoyal geschlossen wird, sollten Sie sich an das Live-Support-Team wenden.
8. Damit Ihr Casino-Konto bei WinsRoyal geschlossen werden kann, darf Ihr Kontostand weder positiv noch negativ sein und es dürfen keine Auszahlungsanfragen ausstehen.
9. Wenn Sie Ihr Konto schließen möchten, obwohl Ihr Casino-Konto bei WinsRoyal einen positiven Saldo aufweist und/oder eine Auszahlungsanfrage aussteht, werden alle Gelder auf Ihrem Konto storniert und Ihnen die letzte Einzahlung zurückerstattet.
10.Sie können einen Selbstausschlussantrag für Ihr Konto beim WinsRoyal Casino stellen. Hierzu können Sie sich an das Live-Support-Team wenden oder den Kundenservice per E-Mail kontaktieren.
Für Live-Support klicken Sie einfach auf die Live-Support-Blase auf der Startseite oder senden Sie Ihre Anfrage per E-Mail an <>. Darüber hinaus gelten alle in Artikel 7 genannten Regeln auch für Selbstsperranträge. Wenn Sie andere Konten bei WinsRoyal Casino eröffnet haben, liegt es in Ihrer Verantwortung, dies zu melden. Die Eröffnung eines neuen Kontos im WinsRoyal Casino erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko. Als WinsRoyal-Casino befolgen wir das erforderliche Verfahren, um kein neues Konto zu eröffnen. Sie sollten jedoch bedenken, dass dies weiterhin in Ihrer Verantwortung liegt. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie darauf achten, dass kein anderes Konto auf Ihren Namen eröffnet wird. Es liegt weiterhin in Ihrer Verantwortung, dies zu überprüfen. Daher haften wir als WinsRoyal Casino-Unternehmen nicht für etwaige Verluste oder Schäden.

1. Sie können die auf der WinsRoyal-Website angebotenen Dienste nur in Anspruch nehmen, wenn Sie die gesetzliche Altersgrenze, mindestens 18 Jahre, erreicht haben. Andernfalls bitten wir Sie, unsere Website unverzüglich zu verlassen. Wenn Sie ein Konto eröffnet haben, müssen Sie die sofortige Schließung Ihres Kontos beantragen.
2. Wisnroyal Casino gibt Ihnen keine Garantie dafür, ob sein Service legal ist oder nicht. Glücksspiel kann in Ihrem Wohnsitzland verboten oder reguliert sein. In diesem Fall liegt es in der Verantwortung des Kunden und des Spielers, die Gesetze des Landes, in dem Sie leben, zu kennen und anzuwenden. Daher müssen Sie überprüfen, ob Online-Glücksspiele in Ihrem Land legal sind. Wenn das Glücksspiel in dem Land, in dem Sie unsere Website nutzen, illegal wird oder anderweitig eingeschränkt wird, sollten Sie Ihr Konto auf der WinsRoyal-Website sofort schließen und die Nutzung unserer Dienste einstellen.
3. In den folgenden Ländern ist WinsRoyal nicht berechtigt, ein Konto auf unserer Website zu erstellen. Diese Länder sind „ausgeschlossene Gerichtsbarkeiten“):
Afghanistan, Weißrussland, Belgien, Bulgarien, Curaçao, Estland, Iran, Litauen, Republik Moldau, Nordkorea, Niederlande, Ukraine (einschließlich der Krimregion), Vereinigtes Königreich, Vereinigte Staaten und Elfenbeinküste
Außerdem behält sich WinsRoyal das Recht vor, die Liste der ausgeschlossenen Länder zu ändern. WinsRoyal kann diese Änderungen ohne Vorankündigung vornehmen. Alle vorgenommenen Änderungen werden auf unserer Website veröffentlicht. In diesem Zusammenhang bitten wir Sie, die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unserer Website regelmäßig zu prüfen.
Wenn Sie in einem der in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen genannten Länder leben oder sich dort befinden, sollten Sie kein neues Konto erstellen oder unsere Website nutzen.
Wenn Sie ein Konto haben, das Sie bereits eröffnet haben, müssen Sie Ihr Konto schließen.

1. Der Mindesteinzahlungsbetrag im WinsRoyal Casino beträgt 10 €/$ und den Gegenwert. Mit dem von Ihnen eingezahlten Mindesteinzahlungsbetrag können Sie sofort ohne Einsatz von Boni spielen und von vorteilhaften Aktionen profitieren. Die Mindesteinzahlungsbeträge können je nach den Werbeaktionen, die Sie nutzen möchten, unterschiedlich sein. Durch die Prüfung der Aktionsdetails können Sie den Mindesteinzahlungsbetrag der Aktion herausfinden, die Sie nutzen möchten.
2. WinsRoyal Casino behält sich das Recht vor, den Mindest- und Höchsteinzahlungsbetrag für Einzahlungen von Kunden festzulegen.
3. Das WinsRoyal Casino nutzt sichere Zahlungsanbieter und Systeme von Drittanbietern. Wenn unsere Kunden ein Konto bei WinsRoyal Casino erstellen, stimmen sie zu, dass Einzahlungen direkt von WinsRoyal Casino oder von einem Zahlungsanbieter oder einem Dritten vorgenommen werden.
4. WinsRoyal Casino garantiert nicht, dass es zu keiner Verzögerung bei der Bearbeitung oder dem Eingang von Einzahlungen auf das Kundenkonto kommt. Je nach Bankgeschäft und Transaktionsintensität kann es zu Verzögerungen kommen.
5. Im WinsRoyal Casino kann der Kunde das Casino-Mitgliedskonto jederzeit schließen. Abhebungsgebühren und alle vom Konto des Kunden abgebuchten Beträge werden auf das Konto des Kunden zurückerstattet.
6. Wenn ein Kunde sein Konto schließt, entscheidet WinsRoyal Casino selbst, welche Zahlungsmethode für Zahlungen an den Kunden verwendet wird.
7. Der Kunde kann sein Konto schließen lassen, indem er sich an das 24/7-Live-Support-Team wendet oder eine E-Mail an sendet.
8. Alle vom Kunden auf das Casino-Konto eingezahlten Gelder dürfen keine illegalen Einkünfte oder illegalen Aktivitäten enthalten und dürfen nicht aus illegalen Quellen stammen.
9. WinsRoyal Casino behält sich das Recht vor, das Mitgliedskonto des Kunden ohne Angabe von Gründen und ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu schließen. Es behält sich außerdem das Recht vor, die Abhebungsgebühren des Mitgliedskontos des Kunden und etwaige abgebuchte Kontostände zurückzuerstatten.

1. Das WinsRoyal Casino ist nicht durch eine Bankversicherung oder ein Einzahlungssystem versichert. Insofern wird bei jeder verdächtigen Transaktion des Kunden auf jeden Fall eine Untersuchung eingeleitet.
2. Im WinsRoyal Casino erklärt sich der Kunde damit einverstanden, dass Auszahlungen vom WinsRoyal Casino direkt oder ohne Zwischenzahlung Dritter oder über einen Zahlungsanbieter vorgenommen werden.
3. Die Verantwortlichen von WinsRoyal Casino haben das Recht, die Auszahlungen des Kunden zu stoppen und zu stornieren, wenn sie feststellen oder vermuten, dass ein Kunde an illegalen, betrügerischen oder kollusiven Aktivitäten beteiligt ist. Mit der Annahme dieser Vereinbarung akzeptiert der Kunde die Sanktionen, die sich aus einem Verstoß gegen die Widerrufsregeln ergeben können.
4. Das WinsRoyal Casino bestimmt die Prozesse aller Auszahlungen gemäß seinen eigenen Verfahren. übernimmt keine Garantie dafür, dass es zu keiner Verzögerung bei der Bearbeitung oder dem Empfang kommt.
5. Auszahlungsanfragen der Kunden werden von einem Zahlungssystembetreiber und/oder einem vom Unternehmen benannten Dritten bearbeitet. Wenn Sie daher ein Konto bei WinsRoyal Casino erstellen, stimmen Sie dieser Klausel zu. Insbesondere möchten wir darauf hinweisen, dass die vom Casino bevorzugten Zahlungsmethoden unter Berücksichtigung der Sicherheitsverfahren verwendet werden.
6. Im WinsRoyal Casino werden Ein- und Auszahlungstransaktionen über die Zahlungsmethode abgewickelt, die der Kunde aus den ihm angebotenen Zahlungsmethoden auswählt. Darüber hinaus hat der Kunde die zu nutzenden Zahlungssystemdienste nach Maßgabe der von den jeweiligen Anbietern dieser Dienste festgelegten Nutzungsbedingungen zu nutzen.
7. Das WinsRoyal Casino-Konto ist kein Bankguthaben. Insoweit kann es nicht Gegenstand einer Versicherung, einer Vermögenssicherung oder einer Garantie sein. Es werden keine Zinsen auf Investitionen oder aktive Guthaben erzielt.
8. WinsRoyal Casino genehmigt Auszahlungsanfragen mit der vom Kunden festgelegten Auszahlungsmethode. Kunden können Auszahlungen innerhalb der in den Auszahlungsoptionen angegebenen Grenzen beantragen. Auszahlungslimits sind nur für Kunden der VIP-Ebene flexibel. Das Kundenlimit für die VIP-Stufe kann durch ein Treffen mit einem speziellen Kundenvertreter festgelegt werden.
9. Der Mindestbetrag, den der Kunde abheben kann, beträgt €20, $20, C$20, R500, R$ 100.
10. Bei einigen Optionen kann dieser Grenzwert jedoch höher sein. Kunden können die Optionen und Limits im Auszahlungsbereich ihrer Profilseite einsehen.
11. Kunden müssen den Dokumentenüberprüfungsprozess abschließen, bevor sie einen Auszahlungsantrag einreichen.
12. WinsRoyal Casino behält sich das Recht vor, von Kunden, die den Dokumentengenehmigungsprozess bereits abgeschlossen haben, alle zusätzlichen Dokumente anzufordern, die es für notwendig hält.
13. Für Auszahlungen wird die Zahlungsmethode verwendet, bei der Kunden einzahlen. Das auf das Casino-Konto des Kunden eingezahlte Geld wird auf dasselbe Konto überwiesen, von dem es gekommen ist.
14. Der Kunde akzeptiert, dass er rechtsgültige Kreditkarten und andere Finanzinstrumente verwendet, die nur auf seinen Namen lauten.
15. Auszahlungslimits pro VIP-Level (Beträge in Euro):

Ritter: Täglich €1000 - Grundstufe (wöchentlich 4k, monatlich 16k)
Baron: Täglich €3000 - (wöchentlich 12k, monatlich 48k)
Herzog Täglich €5000 - (wöchentlich 25k, monatlich 100k)
Prinz Täglich €10000 - (wöchentlich 50k, monatlich 200k)
Kaiser Täglich €15000 - (wöchentlich 60k, monatlich 250k)

16.  Der Mindestbetrag, der vor einer Auszahlung übertragen werden kann, beträgt x1 (eins). Wenn der Einsatz des Geldes (der Betrag der platzierten Wetten) geringer ist als der Einzahlungsbetrag, behalten wir uns das Recht vor, alle Gewinne zu stornieren und die Provision von 10 % (zehn Prozent) (jedoch nicht weniger als 0,50 USD (fünfzig Cent)) einzubehalten. des Betrags der letzten Einzahlung als Zahlungskosten und der Provision von 15 % (fünfzehn Prozent), wenn Ihr Kontostand per Bankkarte oder Banküberweisung belastet wurde. Ausgenommen für Japan ist, dass das Mindestguthaben für Live-Casinos und alle Tischspiele vorher übertragen wird Eine Auszahlung beträgt x5 (fünf)

17. Zahlungssystembezogene Limits können unterschiedlich sein, da jedes Zahlungssystem seine eigenen Regeln für die Verarbeitung von Misch- oder Höchstwerten hat.


1. Der Ausgang eines Marktes ist entschieden, sobald er feststeht.

  1. Sollte ein lang- oder kurzfristiger Markt durch eine offizielle Bekanntgabe entschieden werden, behält sich das Unternehmen das Recht vor, alle Wetten, die nach der Veröffentlichung des Ergebnisses platziert wurden, für ungültig zu erklären.
  2. Sollte ein Spiel nicht zu Ende gespielt werden (aufgrund von Wetterbedingungen, unzureichender Anzahl von Spielern usw.) und schließlich durch den Schiedsrichter und/oder eine offizielle Bekanntgabe entschieden werden, behält sich das Unternehmen das Recht vor, alle Wetten, die nach der Bekanntgabe durch die offizielle Quelle abgeschlossen wurden, entsprechend abzurechnen.
  3. Falls die Bekanntgabe mehr als 48 Stunden nach Spielende erfolgt und alle unentschiedenen Wetten bereits als unentschieden behandelt wurden und somit ungültig sind, bleibt die Abrechnung bestehen.
  4. Spezielle Märkte für Spieler sind von der obigen Regel ausgenommen.
  5. Wenn ein Markt nicht zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt im Spiel festgelegt wird, rechnet das Unternehmen das Ergebnis des Spiels ab, sobald die normale Dauer (reguläre Zeit) des Spiels beendet ist, es sei denn, in der Marktbeschreibung auf der Website ist etwas anderes angegeben. Beispiel 1: Der Gewinner des 1X2-Marktes einer Veranstaltung wird nach dem Ende der normalen Dauer (reguläre Zeit) der Veranstaltung ermittelt. Fußball (Soccer) 1x2 Match Winner wird nach Ablauf der 90 Minuten ermittelt, einschließlich aller vom Schiedsrichter des Spiels als "normale Dauer" bezeichneten Zusatzminuten.
  6. Falls ein Ereignis in die Verlängerung geht (wenn die reguläre Spielzeit nicht über den Sieger entscheidet), werden alle Märkte, die der "Verlängerung" unterliegen, nach Abschluss der Verlängerung ausgezahlt. Ein eventuelles Elfmeterschießen (oder eine andere Entscheidung) wird nicht berücksichtigt, es sei denn, dies ist im Markt klar angegeben.
  7. Ereignisse, die aus irgendeinem Grund nicht pünktlich beginnen oder sogar verschoben werden, können offen gehalten werden und alle Wetten bleiben gültig, wenn diese innerhalb der nächsten 48 Stunden nach der offiziellen Startzeit beginnen (starten). In allen anderen Fällen behält sich das Unternehmen nach eigenem Ermessen das Recht vor, alle Wetten auf solche verschobenen Ereignisse zu stornieren und den Kunden die Einsätze zu erstatten.
  8. Bei Ereignissen, die nach ihrer Startzeit abgebrochen und vom Veranstalter innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der offiziellen Startzeit fortgesetzt werden, behält sich das Unternehmen das Recht vor, alle Wetten gültig zu halten und entsprechend diesem Ergebnis abzurechnen.
  9. Bei Veranstaltungen, die nach der Startzeit abgebrochen und nicht innerhalb von 48 Stunden vom Veranstalter fortgesetzt werden, rechnet das Unternehmen alle im Spielfeld festgelegten Märkte ab und erklärt den Rest für ungültig, indem es die Einsätze an die Kunden zurückzahlt. In solchen Fällen behält sich das Unternehmen jedoch das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen alle Wetten für solche abgebrochenen Veranstaltungen zu stornieren und den Kunden die Einsätze zu erstatten.
  10. Alle Märkte, die sich auf die Qualifikation einer Mannschaft (z.B. Qualifikation, Siegmethode usw.) durch ein bestimmtes Turnier (Pokalspiele, Playoff-Spiele usw.) beziehen, werden als ungültig gewertet, wenn das Spiel verschoben oder abgebrochen und nicht innerhalb von 48 Stunden neu angesetzt wird. Im Falle von 2 Etappen sind nur die Wetten auf das verschobene Ereignis ungültig.
  11. Alle Wetten, die im Zusammenhang mit Qualifikationen auf kurzfristige oder langfristige Outrights abgeschlossen wurden, bleiben bis zur Entscheidung bestehen, unabhängig von der Verschiebung/Absage des Ereignisses.

Von dieser allgemeinen Regel gibt es Ausnahmen wie z.B:

Tennisspiele werden offen gehalten, wobei alle Wetten gültig sind, bis die Offiziellen oder die Organisatoren einen Sieger erklären. In solchen Fällen gilt die 48-Stunden-Regel nicht. Im Falle eines Rücktritts oder Ausfalls eines Spielers (Verletzung, Krankheit oder persönliche Umstände), einer Entscheidung eines Erwachsenen, eines Walkovers, einer Disqualifikation oder eines Spielabbruchs werden alle auf dem Spielfeld ermittelten Wetten entsprechend ausgewertet und alle übrigen Wetten für ungültig erklärt. Um Zweifel auszuschließen: Wenn ein Tennisspieler vor dem letzten Punkt aufgibt, ist der Markt für den Matchsieger ungültig, aber alle Märkte, die sich auf bestimmte Sätze oder Spiele beziehen, werden entsprechend abgerechnet.

Falls die folgenden US-Sportspiele wie MLB (oder andere Baseball-Ligen), NHL und NBA (NFL und MLS fallen nicht unter diese Regel) nicht angepfiffen oder nach dem Anpfiff abgebrochen und nicht innerhalb desselben Tages in der lokalen Zeitzone ab der angekündigten Anpfiffzeit fortgesetzt werden, sind alle nicht entschiedenen Wetten ungültig.

(z.B. wenn ein Fußballspiel in der zweiten Halbzeit abgebrochen wird, werden die Märkte der ersten Halbzeit normal abgerechnet).

(z.B. im obigen Beispiel sind die Märkte der zweiten Halbzeit nicht entschieden) sind ungültig und die Einsätze werden den Kunden zurückerstattet).

Im Falle eines abgebrochenen oder verschobenen NFL-Spiels (oder eines anderen American-Football-Spiels) werden alle Märkte als ungültig betrachtet, es sei denn, das Spiel wird im gleichen NFL-Wochenplan (Donnerstag bis Mittwoch lokaler Stadionzeit) fortgesetzt.

MLB (oder andere Baseball-Ligen): Die Moneyline (Winner Market) gilt als entschieden, wenn die Offiziellen der Liga das Spiel als beendet betrachten und wenn:

1. mindestens 5 Innings abgeschlossen sind


2. 4,5 Innings abgeschlossen sind und die Heimmannschaft (oder die zweitplatzierte Mannschaft) in Führung liegt. In allen anderen Fällen werden Wetten auf Money Line als ungültig abgerechnet.

Zur Klarstellung: Wetten auf alle anderen Märkte (z. B. Totals, Spread usw.) bleiben gültig, sofern sie nicht bereits entschieden wurden, wenn:

1. mindestens 9 Innings abgeschlossen sind


2. 8,5 Innings abgeschlossen sind und die Heimmannschaft (oder die zweitplatzierte Mannschaft) in Führung liegt.

In allen anderen Fällen werden die Wetten als ungültig gewertet. Wird eine Mercy Rule ausgerufen, gelten alle Wetten für den aktuellen Spielstand.

MLB (oder andere Baseball-Ligen), alle Pitcher-Linien (PL-Märkte für Moneyline, Spread und Totals) sind ungültig, wenn sich der angegebene Starting Pitcher ändert. Wetten, die auf Pitcher Line-Märkte platziert werden, enthalten den Hinweis (PL) auf dem Wettschein und auf den Seiten mit dem Wettverlauf. Wenn der (PL)-Indikator auf dem Wettschein nicht sichtbar ist, wird die Wette auf die Aktionslinie platziert und entsprechend ausgewertet. Aktionslinien werden auf der Grundlage des Ergebnisses des Ereignisses abgerechnet, unabhängig von einem Wechsel des Pitchers. Alle neu angebotenen Pitcher-Linien werden nach den oben genannten Regeln abgerechnet. Action Lines folgen den allgemeinen Regeln mit den oben genannten Ausnahmen für die MLB (oder andere Baseball-Ligen).

Im Baseball und bei einem Spiel mit 7 Innings bleiben Wetten auf alle Märkte gültig, sofern nicht bereits entschieden, wenn :

1. mindestens 7 Innings abgeschlossen sind


2. 6,5 Innings abgeschlossen sind und die Heimmannschaft (oder die zweitplatzierte Mannschaft) in Führung liegt.

Eine Ausnahme bildet die Moneyline (Match Winner), die als entschieden gilt, wenn:

1. mindestens 5 Innings abgeschlossen sind


2. 4,5 Innings abgeschlossen sind und die Heimmannschaft (oder die zweitplatzierte Mannschaft) in Führung liegt.

In allen anderen Fällen werden Wetten auf Money Line als ungültig gewertet.

Für Basketball-Pokalspiele oder Playoffs usw., die durch ein Best-of-2-Spiel mit Gesamtpunktzahl entschieden werden, gelten besondere Abrechnungsregeln. Im Falle eines Unentschiedens im ersten Spiel wird keine Verlängerung gespielt und der Siegermarkt (einschließlich der Verlängerung) wird als ungültig abgerechnet, während die übrigen Märkte normal entsprechend dem Ergebnis abgerechnet werden. Die Abrechnung erfolgt auf die gleiche Weise, wenn das zweite Spiel unentschieden ausgeht, während es im ersten Spiel einen Sieger gibt.

In Fällen, in denen nach dem zweiten Spiel ein Gleichstand besteht (z.B. Team A gewinnt das erste Spiel mit einem Ergebnis von 75-70 und Team B gewinnt das zweite Spiel mit einem Ergebnis von 85-80), werden alle Märkte auf der Grundlage des Ergebnisses der regulären Spielzeit abgerechnet und das Ergebnis der Verlängerung wird ignoriert.

1.2 Das Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, eine Wette ganz oder teilweise nicht anzunehmen, ohne dem Kunden einen Grund dafür zu nennen. Wenn eine Wette nicht angenommen wird, werden die Einsätze des Kunden zurückerstattet.

1.3 Vor Beginn eines Ereignisses behält sich das Unternehmen nach eigenem Ermessen das Recht vor, eine Wette ganz oder teilweise zu annullieren oder zu stornieren, auch nach ihrer Annahme, ohne dem Kunden einen Grund zu nennen.

Nach Beginn des Ereignisses behält sich das Unternehmen nach eigenem Ermessen das Recht vor, eine Wette ganz oder teilweise zu annullieren oder zu stornieren, auch nach ihrer Annahme und auch nach ihrer Abrechnung, wenn es einen triftigen Grund dafür gibt, wie z.B.

Fehler im Wortlaut (offensichtlicher Irrtum) des Ereignisses, der Quoten oder der Startzeit.

  • der Kunde versucht, die Limits des Unternehmens (mögliche Auszahlung) und das Risikomanagement zu umgehen, indem er mehrere gleiche oder ähnliche Wetten abschließt oder mehrere Konten eröffnet
  • der Kunde nutzt öffentliche Bekanntmachungen oder geheime Informationen aus, zu denen er Zugang hat und die den Ausgang der Wette bestimmen.
  • der Kunde kombiniert miteinander verbundene Wetten.
  • der Kunde aktiv an der Veranstaltung teilnimmt, z. B. als Spieler, Schiedsrichter oder Manager, oder direkte oder indirekte Beziehungen zu den Teilnehmern der Veranstaltung unterhält.
  • dem Unternehmen ein technischer Fehler unterläuft und falsche Quoten oder Ereignisse angeboten werden.
  • jeder andere triftige Grund, der dem Kunden auf Anfrage ordnungsgemäß mitgeteilt wird.

1.4 Der maximale Gewinn pro Wettschein beträgt ............... .. (...... .EUR).

1.5 Unser Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, alle Wetten auf ein Ereignis zu stornieren, wenn sich der Ort des Ereignisses ändert.

1.6 Unser Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, alle Wetten zu stornieren, wenn sich die Umstände eines Ereignisses grundlegend ändern, wie z.B. die Länge der Spielzeit, die Distanz in einem Rennen, die Geschwindigkeit oder die Anzahl der Perioden, etc.

1.7 Für den Fall, dass unser Unternehmen den Verdacht hat, dass ein Sportereignis betrügerisch ist oder mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit feststeht, so dass das Ergebnis bestimmten Personen im Voraus bekannt ist, behält sich das Unternehmen das Recht vor,:

  • bestimmte Wettscheine ungeklärt zu lassen
  • die zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörden (ESSA, Sportradar, Verbände) zu informieren, je nachdem, welcher Aufsichtsbehörde das Unternehmen untersteht und mit welcher Behörde es zusammenarbeitet
  • abwarten, bis ein Urteil von diesen Stellen oder Behörden als Rückmeldung übermittelt wird
  • die Wette nach dem Urteil der zuständigen Stellen oder Behörden abschließen oder annullieren

1.8 Für den Fall, dass das System während des Wettvorgangs aus irgendeinem Grund technisch unterbrochen wird, führt das Unternehmen die üblichen Überprüfungen durch, wie z. B. die Verfügbarkeit von Geldmitteln, die Richtigkeit des Preises usw., und behält sich das Recht vor, die Wette entsprechend anzunehmen oder abzulehnen. In einem solchen Fall muss sich der Kunde einloggen, sobald das System wieder verfügbar ist, und seine Wett-Historienseite besuchen, um zu überprüfen, ob die Wette angenommen wurde oder nicht.

1. 9 Jede Entscheidung des Video-Schiedsrichterassistenten (VAR), die im Widerspruch zu der ursprünglichen Entscheidung der Offiziellen auf dem Spielfeld steht (einschließlich Nicht-Entscheidungen, wie z. B. die Fortsetzung des Spiels vor der Überprüfung des Videos) und somit den Stand des Spiels zum Zeitpunkt der Wettabgabe verändert, führen dazu, dass alle Wetten, die in der Zeit zwischen dem tatsächlichen Auftreten des ursprünglichen Vorfalls und der endgültigen Entscheidung des Schiedsrichters über den Vorfall platziert werden, als ungültig gelten, es sei denn, die für das jeweilige Wettangebot angebotene Quote wird durch den Einsatz des VAR nicht beeinflusst oder wurde bereits bei der zum Zeitpunkt der Wettannahme angebotenen Quote berücksichtigt. Die Abrechnung aller anderen, nicht mit der VAR-Entscheidung zusammenhängenden Wettangebote, einschließlich derjenigen, die durch ein Spiel zwischen dem Zeitpunkt des ursprünglichen Vorfalls und der Entscheidung nach der VAR-Überprüfung bestimmt wurden, bleibt bestehen.

Für die sich daraus ergebenden Zwecke gelten VAR-Überprüfungen als zum Zeitpunkt des ursprünglichen Vorfalls erfolgt, für den das VAR schließlich eingesetzt werden würde, auch wenn das Spiel nicht unmittelbar unterbrochen wurde. Das Unternehmen behält sich das Recht vor, bereits abgerechnete Angebote rückgängig zu machen, wenn sich die Abrechnung nach der endgültigen Entscheidung des Schiedsrichters als ungenau erweist, vorausgesetzt, diese Entscheidung wird vor dem Ende des Spiels und/oder dem angegebenen Zeitrahmen getroffen und mitgeteilt

1.10 Aus Gründen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und um ein besseres visuelles Ergebnis zu erzielen, schneidet unser Unternehmen die auf dem Bildschirm sichtbaren Quoten auf zwei Dezimalstellen ab. Bei der Berechnung der Gesamtquoten wird auf die sechste Dezimalstelle gerundet, während der Gesamtgewinnbetrag immer auf die zweite Dezimalstelle abgeschnitten wird. Jede Differenz, die Sie feststellen, ist nur ein Produkt der hier erläuterten Rundungsregeln.

1.11 Die maximale Zeitspanne zwischen der Abrechnung eines Wettscheins und einer möglichen erneuten Abrechnung beträgt 30 Tage.

1.12 Wenn das Spiel vom Schiedsrichter in Minute 79:00 oder später beendet wird, werden alle Märkte entsprechend mit dem FT-Ergebnis abgerechnet. Wird das Spiel vom Schiedsrichter um 78:59 oder früher beendet, werden alle unentschiedenen Märkte als ungültig abgerechnet.

Bei Spielen, die aus anderen Gründen (Fanausschreitungen, Schlägereien zwischen Spielern, schwere Verletzungen, schlechtes Wetter, Flutlichtausfall usw.) abgebrochen werden, sind alle unentschiedenen Märkte ungültig.

1.13 Unterstützte Spielformate

Die möglichen unterstützten Formate sowohl für Pre-Match- als auch für Live-Wetten sind 2x25, 2x30, 2x35, 2x40, 2x45, 3x30.

Bei Spielen mit einer Dauer von weniger als 50 Minuten oder mehr als 90 Minuten werden alle Märkte für ungültig erklärt. In allen anderen Fällen gelten die Wetten normal.

Für das Format 3x30 wird die Dauer der Halbzeit als ''Gesamtdauer des Spiels / 2'' berechnet.

Unser Unternehmen übernimmt keine Verantwortung für unerwartete Änderungen der Formate und der eventuell relevanten Abrechnung auf der Grundlage unserer Regeln, das Risiko liegt auf der Seite des Kunden und ist in der Annahme der AGB während der Registrierung enthalten.

1.14 Outright-Märkte (kurzfristige und langfristige Outrights) unterliegen der „Play-or-Pay“-Regel. Gemäß der „Play-or-Pay“-Regel bleiben Wetten auf die Teilnehmer eines Outright-Marktes auch dann gültig, wenn die aufgelistete Spielermannschaft/der aufgelistete Teilnehmer aus irgendeinem Grund nicht am Wettbewerb teilnehmen konnte (und daher als verloren gewertet wird). Die obige Regel gilt für alle Outright-Märkte (Winner, Top3, Top5 usw.), die sich auf eine Liste von Teilnehmern an einem Wettbewerb beziehen.

H2H-Märkte (Head to Head) sind davon ausgenommen. Wenn also einer der aufgelisteten Teilnehmer nicht am Wettbewerb teilnimmt, werden die H2H-Märkte, an denen er/sie beteiligt ist, als ungültig abgerechnet. Die gleiche Regelung gilt für Märkte, die sich auf die individuelle Leistung eines Teams oder eines Teilnehmers beziehen (z. B. Klassifizierungsmärkte). Wird ein Teilnehmer durch einen anderen Teilnehmer desselben Teams ersetzt, bleibt die Abrechnung der Mannschaftsmärkte (H2H, Klassifizierung usw.) bestehen, während die individuellen Märkte des Teilnehmers ungültig sind.

2. Explanation of specific Betting Types

Scorers: First, Last, Anytime Scorer

Bets apply to regular time only. Own goals (based on official authority) omitted or count as “no Scorer” if the game has only “own goals”.

Betting First Goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays or comes in the pitch after the first goal of the own goal for game has been scored, except in the case of an own goal, which is ignored.

Bets on Last Goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays. Player to score apply for any player, whatever the time he entered the game.

Bets on Anytime Goalscorer, apply to any player involved in the game, regardless of the time they enter the game. Bets on Anytime goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays.

In case a match is abandoned but there has been at least one Scorer, bets on the first Goalscorer apply and bets on the last goalscorer are void. Anytime Goalscorer market for this player is settled as winner and bets on other players are void.

The above rules stand for ‘First/Anytime Goalscorer & 1X2’ and ‘First/Anytime Goalscorer & Correct Score’ markets.

Other Player Specials


For the following player special markets, bets apply to regular time plus overtime (if any), a potential penalty shootout won’t count for settlement. Settlement applies to any player who enters the pitch unless stated otherwise on the market name (“starting line up”). In that case, If the listed player is not in the starting lineup of the match, the bets are settled as void.

Player Total Shots / Player Shots Over/Under
Player Total Shots on Goal / Player Shots on Goal Over/Under Player Total Cards / Player Cards Over/Under
Player Total Tackles / Player Tackles Over/Under
Player Total Assists / Player Assists Over/Under
Player Total Passes / Player Passes Over/Under

Player H2H Markets : If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void. In case of a tie between the players, bets are void.

Player Total Yellow Cards: Any Yellow Card shown after the full-time whistle has been blown will be disregarded. In the event of a match being abandoned before 90 minutes have been played then all bets will be void unless settlement of bets is already determined.

Player Total Fouls: A foul conceded is defined as any infringement penalized as foul play by a referee that results in a free-kick or penalty event.

  • Offsides are not given as a foul conceded.
  • Incidents where a match official has played advantage and subsequently cautioned a player, do not contribute towards the total foul count for the player. In these scenarios a free-kick or penalty event must occur for a foul to be awarded.

Shot on Target:

A shot on target defines any goal attempt that:

a)  Goes into the net regardless of intent – For goals only

b)  Is a clear attempt to score that would have gone into the net but for being saved by the goalkeeper or is

stopped by a player who is the last-man with the goalkeeper having no chance of preventing the goal.

Shots directly hitting the post or crossbar are not counted as shots on target, unless the ball goes in and is awarded as a goal.

Shots that are blocked by another player, who is not the last-man will not be counted as a shot on target.

Shot off Target:

A shot off target defines any clear attempt to score that:

a)  Goes over or wide of the goal without making contact with another player.

b)  Would have gone over or wide of the goal but for being stopped by a goalkeeper’s save or by an

outfield player.
c) Directly hits the post or crossbar and a goal is not scored.

Blocked shots are not counted as shots off target.


All basketball player special markets are settled according to the relevant official source. Potential overtime(s) is/are included in the settlement of all available markets.

Player H2H Markets : Bets apply to regular time plus overtime (if any). If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void. In case of a tie between the players, bets are void.

Ice Hockey

Anytime/Xth Goalscorer (LIVE) : Bets apply to regular time only. All offered players are considered as Runners. If an unlisted player scores a goal all bets on listed players stand. For settlement purposes, only goals and assists scored during regular time are considered. Please note that if the score after regular time is 0-0, all bets will be settled as lost. All bets on players that were listed but left the game before the match ended (such as injuries or expulsions) will stand.

Player to Score a Point (LIVE) : Bets apply to regular time only. All offered players are considered as Runners. If an unlisted player scores a point all bets on listed players stand. For settlement purposes, only goals and assists scored during regular time are considered. Please note that if the score after regular time is 0-0, all bets will be settled as lost. All bets on players that were listed but left the game before the match ended (such as injuries or expulsions) will stand.

Other Ice Hockey Player Markets

For the following player special markets, bets apply to regular time plus overtime (if any) unless stated otherwise. Potential penalty shootout won’t count for settlement.

Player Total Assists(or over/under) (PREMATCH)

Player Total Goals(or over/under)(PREMATCH)

Player Total Saves(or over/under)(PREMATCH)

Player Total Points(or over/under)(PREMATCH) :Market refers to either goals or assists achieved by a player.

Player Total Shots(or over/under) (PREMATCH)
Player Total Shots on goal(or over/under)(PREMATCH)

Player H2H Markets : If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void. In case of a tie between the players, bets are void.


All baseball player special markets are settled according to the relevant official source. Potential extra inning(s) played is/are included in the settlement of all available markets.

All markets below the Players Specials’ section follow this rule: If the listed player is not in the starting lineup of the match, the bets are settled as void.

Player H2H Markets : If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void. In case of a tie between the players, bets are void.

American Football

All american football player special markets are settled according to the relevant official source. Potential overtime(s) is/are included in the settlement of all available markets.

Player H2H Markets : If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void. In case of a tie between the players, bets are void.

3. Settlement of Asian Lines

*Applies for all markets that may have asian lines as available selections across all sports (points/sets/ games/rounds/etc. may be applied instead of goals).

Total goals Table

Asian Goal Line Selection

Total Goals scored

Selection Result

Over 0.5 0


1 or more


Over 0.75





2 or more

Over 1 0




2 or more


Over 1.25





2 or more


Over 1.5

1 or less


2 or more


Over 1.75

1 or less




3 or more


Over 2

1 or less




3 or more



Asian Goal Line Selection

Total Goals scored

Selection Result

Under 0.5 0


1 or more


Under 0.75





2 or more

Under 1 0




2 or more


Under 1.25





2 or more


Under 1.5

1 or less


2 or more


Under 1.75

1 or less




3 or more


Under 2

1 or less




3 or more


Explanation of Half-won / Half-lost results: A half-won selection has half of the stake considered as won and the other half considered as void. A half-lost selection has half of the stake considered as lost and the other half considered as void

2-way Handicap Table

2-way Handicap Selection

Final Outcome

Selection Result

Team A (-0)

Team A wins




Team A loses


Team A (-0.25)

Team A wins




Team A loses


Over 1 0




2 or more


Team A (-0.5)

Team A wins


Draw or Team A loses


Team A (-0.75)

Team A wins by 1 goal


Team A wins by 2 or more goals


Draw or Team A loses


Team A (-1)

Team A wins by 1 goal


Team A wins by 2 or more


Draw or Team A loses


Team A (-1.25)

Team A wins by 1 goal


Team A wins by 2 or more goals


Draw or Team A loses


Team A (-1.5)

Team A wins by 2 or more goals


Team A wins by 1 goal or Draw or Team A loses



2-way Handicap Selection

Final Outcome

Selection Result

Team A (+0) Team A wins




Team A loses


Team A (+0.25)

Team A wins




Team A loses


Team A (+0.5)

Team A wins or Draw


Team A loses


Team A (+0.75)

Team A wins or Draw


Team A loses by 1 goal


Team A loses by 2 or more goals


Team A (+1) Team A wins or Draw


Team A loses by 1 goal


Team A loses by 2 more goal


Team A (+1.25)

Team A wins or Draw


Team A loses by 1 goal


Team A loses by 2 or more goals


Team A (+1.5)

Team A wins or Draw or loses by 1 goal


Team A loses by 2 or more goals



Explanation of Half-won / Half-lost results: A half-won selection has half of the stake considered as won and the other half considered as void. A half-lost selection has half of the stake considered as lost and the other half considered as void.


In sports betting, a teaser bet is a type of parlay bet. In a teaser bet, the bettor is allowed to change the point spread for a game, making the bet easier to win. In exchange, the bettor realizes a lower return on the bets in the event of a win. If one selection loses, the teaser is considered as lost. If one selection is voided and the rest is won, the teaser is considered as void.


When there is no obvious winner or there is a draw between two, three or more competitors, the "Dead Heat" rule will apply. This means that the odds will be divided by the number of participants tied in that position.

For example: Draw in Horse Racing, or draw in the market to top scorer in a championship. Two players are tied for the number of goals in a championship. Player 1 paid 3.00 and Player 2 paid 1.5 The odds will be divided by 2 and the bet will be paid normally.

  • Player 1 will be paid with odds of 3.00 / 2 = 1.5.
  • Player 2 will be paid with odds of 1.5 / 2 = 0.75.



To qualify: this market consists of predicting which of the teams will go to the next round of the tournament. For this option, the results given in both the first leg and the second leg will be taken, including extra time and kicks from the penalty spot, if given.

Victory method

In this market we must predict how the team that qualifies to the next round will do it.

For example, if my selection is:

Home Overtime (Juventus Turin Overtime): I am indicating that the definition of that market will be given during overtime.

Home team regular time (Juventus Turin Regular time): I am predicting that this market will be defined during regular time + additional minutes of the game.

Visitor Penalties (Ajax penalties): I am predicting that the market will be defined on the penalty shootout.



The Bet Builder feature gives the player the opportunity to combine selections from the same event into one betslip. If one selection that participates in a Bet Builder betslip is void/push, then the whole betslip is void/push as well, REGARDLESS of the outcome of the other selections that participate in the Bet Builder.

For example, in the match LA Lakers vs Toronto Raptors, we create a Bet Builder betslip with LA Lakers to win, Over 220,5 points in the match and Player X - Over 29,5 points. In case Player X does not participate in the match, the selection for his points (over 29,5) is settled as void. Therefore, the whole betslip is settled as void as the selection participates in a Bet Builder.



With the Soccer Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the 1X2 market (home or away win) and if your team is 2 goals ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the 1X2 market (Home or Away Win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. The offer does not apply to bets placed on the Draw selection in each game. Your bet is paid in full if your team is two goals up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result.

This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the team is two goals ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has been fully

Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your team goes two goals ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.



With the Baseball Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the Money Line market (home or away win) and if your team goes 5 runs ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the Money Line (Winner) market (Home or Away win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. Your bet is paid in full if your team is five runs up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result.

This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the team is five runs ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has been fully

Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your team goes five runs ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.

The offer is not valid for the relevant Pitcher Lines (Money Line PL).



With the American Football Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the Money Line market (home or away win) and if your team is 17 points ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the Money Line market (Home or Away Win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. Your bet is paid in full if your team is seventeen points up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result. This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the

granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the team is seventeen points ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has been fully Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your team goes

seventeen points ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.



With the Basketball Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the Money Line market (home or away win) and if your team is 18 or 20 points ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the Money Line market (Home or Away Win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. Your bet is paid in full if your team is eighteen or twenty points up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result.

This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the team is eighteen or twenty points ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has

been fully Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your team goes eighteen or twenty points ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.



With the Tennis Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the Match Winner market (home or away win) and if your player is 2 sets ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the Match Winner market (Home or Away Win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. Your bet is paid in full if your player is two sets up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result. This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the

granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the player is two sets ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has been fully Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your player goes two

sets ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.



With the Ice Hockey Early Payout offer, you can place a bet before the start of the match on the Money Line market (home or away win) and if your team is 3 goals ahead at any point of the match, you win automatically without having to wait for the match to end!

The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the Money Line market (Home or Away Win) ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match. Your bet is paid in full if your team is three goals up at any point in the match, regardless of the final result. This offer will not apply to bets where Cash Out has been used. In multiples, the

granting of the offer for a particular selection/-s of the bet will not be affected retrospectively if the customer cashes out the bets of the remaining selections. All winnings will be credited as soon as possible once the team is three goals ahead. This offer will not apply where a bet has been fully Cashed Out. Where a bet has been partially Cashed Out and your team goes three

goals ahead, the bet will be settled on the remaining active stake. If your bet is paid out early in accordance with this offer, it will not be paid out again if your selection goes on to win the match.



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on 1X2 market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the 1X2 market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the match and not during

the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer.



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on Money Line market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the Money Line market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the match

and not during the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer.



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on Money Line market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the Money Line market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the match

and not during the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer.



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on Match Winner market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the Match Winner market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the

match and not during the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer..



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on Money Line market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the Money Line market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the match

and not during the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer. The offer is not valid for the relevant Pitcher Lines (Money Line PL).



This feature gives you the opportunity to place a bet on Money Line market with 0% margin (this means that the operator receives 0% commission at all, which makes the offered odds as competitive as they can get). The 0% margin feature is valid for single, multiple and system bets placed on the Money Line market with the 0% indication, ONLY before the start of the match

and not during the match. The 0% margin markets are not included in the accumulator bonus template and the Early Payout offer.



Place a bet before the start of the match, on the markets offered for this offer, and, if the match ends in a 0-0 draw, your bet will be fully refunded. The offer is valid for single, multiple, system and Bet Builder bets placed at the markets offered for this offer, ONLY before the start of the match and not during the match.

The refunds will be credited as soon as possible once the match finishes. If, in the meantime, the player interferes to the bet in any way (for example cashout/partial cashout), the bet will no more apply for the Bore Draw offer.




Main Markets*
*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Soccer (same rules apply)

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).

Double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

To Qualify: You have to predict if the indicated team will qualify to the following phase of the tournament. Both teams to score (GG/NG): there are two possible outcomes: GG (both teams score at least one goal

each during the whole match), NG (one or both the teams do not score any goal during the whole match).

Draw no bet (DNB): this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Next goal: You have to predict which Team will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), none, 2 (the away team score).

Which team will win the rest of the match: Regardless of the actual score of the event, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0.

Correct Score: predict the exact result of a match, that is, to the exact score at the end of 90 minutes of regular time, for example: (1-0, 3-0, 2-3...)

Handicap (2 way): bet in which the winner of the game must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the goals proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team. For the settlement of Asian lines (+/-2.0, +/- 2.25, +/-2.75 etc. please refer to the relevant table).

Handicap (3 way): You have to predict the final result of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

For example, (0:1) indicates that the away team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the hometeam has one goal advantage.

Bet Types available on this market:

  • 1H (0:1): The home team will win the match with 2 or more goals difference
  • XH (0:1): The home team will win the match with 1 goal difference
  • 2H (0:1): The away team will win the match or will draw
  • 1H (0:2): The home team will win the match with 3 or more goals difference
  • XH (0:2): The home team will win the match with 2 goal difference
  • 2H (0:2): The away team will win the match, will draw, or will lose with 1 goal difference
  • 1H (0:3): The home team will win the match with 4 or more goals difference
  • XH (0:3): The home team will win the match with 3 goal difference
  • 2H (0:3): The away team will win the match, will draw, or will lose with 1 or 2 goals difference 1H (1:0): The home team will win the match or will draw
  • XH (1:0): The away team will win the match with 1 goal difference
  • 2H (1:0): The away team will win the match with 2 or more goals difference
  • 1H (2:0): The home team will win the match, will draw, or will lose with 1 goal difference
  • XH (2:0): The away team will win the match with 2 goal difference
  • 2H (2:0): The away team will win the match with 3 or more goals difference
  • 1H (3:0): The home team will win the match, will draw, or will lose with 1, or 2 goals difference
  • XH (3:0): The away team will win the match with 3 goal difference
  • 2H (3:0): The away team will win the match with 4 or more goals difference

Halftime / Fulltime: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st half time of the match together with the outcome of the entire match. The possible outcomes are: (1/1, 1/X, 1/2, X/1, X/X, X/2, 2/1, 2/X and 2/2).

Last Goal: In this market we must predict which of the two teams will score the last Goal of this game.

If you selected the None option, you are indicating that no more goals will be scored.

Winning margin: in this type of bets, you predict which team will win and by how much margin it will win.

Total Hometeam: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored, from Hometeam, during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Total Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored, from Away Team, during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Exact Goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals scored during the match. The possible outcomes are 0 goals, 1,2,3,4,5+ .

Which team to score: consists of predicting if only the home team, the away team, both teams or neither will score in the match. It consists of selecting YES or NO if one of the following betting markets available in the special section is chosen.

Home No bet (1 no bet): You have to predict if the away team will win the match or if the match ends in a draw. If the home team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Away No bet (2 no bet): You have to predict if the home team will win the match or if the match ends in a draw. If the away team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Home Exact Goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals scored from the Home team during the match. The possible outcomes are 0 goals, 1,2,3+.

Away Exact Goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals scored from the Away Team during the match. The possible outcomes are 0 goals, 1,2,3+.

Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Odd/Even Home: You have to predict if the number of goals scored by the home team during the entire match is going to be odd or even. If the home team does not score any goal the winning selection is even.

Odd/Even Away: You have to predict if the number of goals scored by the away team during the entire match is going to be odd or even. If the home team does not score any goal the winning selection is even.

Multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the match based on different ranges offered.

Home Multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored from the Home team during the match based on different ranges offered.

Away Multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored from the Away Team during the match based on different ranges offered.

Next scoring type: You have to predict the scoring type between the following outcomes:

➔Freekick: The goal has to be scored directly from the freekick or corner to qualify as a goal by freekick. Deflected shots count as long as the freekick or corner taker is awarded the goal;

➔ Penalty: Goal must be scored directly from the penalty. Goals after a rebound of a missed penalty do not count;

➔ Own Goal: If goal is declared as an own goal;

➔ Header: The scorers last touch has to be with the head;

➔ Shot: Goal has to be with any other part of the body than the head and the other types do not apply;

➔ No Goal.

Will there be a penalty shootout: You have to predict if in the match there will be a penalty shootout Overtime Yes/No: You have to predict whether the match will go to an extra-time period.

Method of Victory: You have to predict the method of victory for the home team or away team. There are six (6) possible outcomes offered:

Home to Score: You have to predict whether the home team will score at least one goal during the match. Away to Score: You have to predict whether the away team will score at least one goal during the match.

– Home team wins in regular time                   – Away team wins in regular time

– Home team wins in extra time                      – Away team wins in extra time

– Home team wins after penalty shots            – Away team wins after penalty shots

Overtime & goal: You have to predict if the match will go to the Overtime and will there be a goal (Yes) or not (No).

Overtime - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome 1X2 of the Overtime period only.

Overtime - which team wins the rest : Regardless of the actual score of the event, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0. The market will consider Overtime only. Overtime - next goal : You have to predict which Team during the Overtime period will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), none,

2 (the away team score).

Overtime - total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the Overtime only will be over or under the spread indicated.

Overtime – handicap: You have to predict the final result of the Overtime taking in consideration the handicap in brackets. For example, (0:1) indicates that the Away team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the Home team has one goal advantage.

Overtime - correct score: You have to predict the correct score of the Overtime only.

Penalty shootout – winner: You have to predict which team will win the penalty shootout (1-2).

Penalty shootout - xth penalty scored: You have to predict if the penalty “x” will be scored or not during the penalty shootout.

Penalty shootout - xth goal: You have to predict which team will score the goal “x” during the penalty shootout. 3 Possible outcomes: 1, X, 2.

Penalty shootout - winning margin: You have to predict the margin of victory for the penalty shootout for the home or away team, or whether the match ends in a draw.

Penalty shootout – total: You have to predict if the total goals scored during the penalty shootout will be Over or Under.

Penalty shootout - Home total: You have to predict if the total goals scored from the Home team during the penalty shootout will be Over or Under.

Penalty shootout - Away total: You have to predict if the total goals scored from the Away team during the penalty shootout will be Over or Under.

Penalty shootout - exact goals: You have to predict if the exact goals scored during the penalty shootout. 7 are the possible outcomes: 0-4,5,6,7,8,9,10+.

Penalty shootout - odd/even: You have to predict if the numbers of goals scored during the penalty shootout period will be odd or even.

Penalty shootout - Home odd/even: You have to predict if the numbers of goals scored from the Home team during the penalty shootout period will be odd or even.

Penalty shootout - Away odd/even: You have to predict if the numbers of goals scored from the Away team during the penalty shootout period will be odd or even.

Penalty shootout - correct score: You have to predict the correct score during the penalty shootout period.

Penalty shootout - winner & total: You have to predict the outcome 1X2 of the penalty shootout together with the number of goals scored by considering the indicated spread.

Result At Extra Time Half-time (including normal time goals): You have to predict the result of the 1st half of the extra time.

Extra Time Xth Team To Score (including normal time goals): You have to predict which team will score the Xth goal in the extra time.

Correct Score At Extra Time Half-time (including normal time goals): You have to predict the correct score in the end of the 1st half of the extra time.

Overtime 1st Half Total Goals (including normal time goals): You have to predict the number of goals (over/under) on the 1st half of the overtime.

Asian Handicap At Extra Time Half-time (including normal time goals): You have to predict the result of the 1st half of the extra time, taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

Result After X Minutes: You have to predict the result of the match after X minutes.

Total Goals Over / Under After X Minutes: You have to predict the number of goals (over/under) after X minutes.

Asian Handicap After X Minutes: You have to predict the result after X minutes, taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.


First Half Markets

1st half - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the first half of the match only. Goals scored in the 2nd half of the match do not count.

1st half - Total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the first half only will be over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - which team wins the rest : Regardless of the actual score of the event, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0. The market will consider the 1st Half only.

1st half - Next goal : You have to predict which Team during the 1st Half period will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), none, 2 (the away team score).

1st half - double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st Half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the 1st Half the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the 1st Half the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the 1st Half the home team wins or the away team wins).

1st half - draw no bet: You have to predict which team will win the first half of the match only. If the first half ends in a draw the selection will be void.

1st Half Handicap (2 Way): You have to predict the final result of the first half of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

1st Half Handicap (3 Way): You have to predict the final result of the first half of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets. For example, (0:1) indicates that the Away team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the Home team has one goal advantage.

1st half - competitor1 exact goals: You have to predict the number of goals that will be scored from the Home team during the first half of the match.

1st half - competitor2 exact goals: You have to predict the number of goals that will be scored from the Away team during the first half of the match.

1st half - odd/even: You have to predict if the number goals scored during the first half only is going to be odd or even. The half time score line 0-0 is considered even.

1st half - both teams to score: You have to predict whether both teams score at least one goal each during the first half OR only one team or both teams do NOT score any goals during the first half.

1st half – Home clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the Home team will keep a clean sheet during the first half of the match.

1st half - Away clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the Away team will keep a clean sheet during the first half of the match.

1st half - 1x2 & both teams to score: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st half and whether the both teams will score or not in the 1st half only.

1st half - 1x2 & total: You have to predict the combination of the half time result of the match and whether the total number of goals scored in the first half will be over or under the spread indicated. There are 6 possible outcomes:

  • 1&Ov=The home team wins the first half and total goals is over the spread
  • 1&Un=The home team wins the first half and total goals is under the spread
  • X&Ov= The first half finishes in a draw and total goals is over the spread
  • X&Un= The first half finishes in a draw and total goals is under the spread
  • 2&Ov= The away team wins the first half and total goals is over the spread
  • 2&Un= The away team wins the first half and total goals is under the spread

1st half - correct score: You have to predict the correct score of the first half of the match.

1st half – multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the 1st half based on different ranges offered.

1st Half Home to Score: You have to predict whether the home team will score at least one goal during the 1st Half.

1st Half Away to Score: You have to predict whether the away team will score at least one goal during the 1st Half.

1st Half Double Chance & GG/NG: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st Half with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether both teams will score in the 1st half or not.

1st Half Multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the 1st half based on different ranges.

1st Half 1X2 or GG/NG: You have to predict the winning outcome of the 1st Half OR whether both, one or neither teams will score in the 1st Half. Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

Last Goal 1st Half: You have to predict the team that will score the last goal in the first half of the match.


Second Half Markets

2nd half - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the second half of the match only. Goals scored in the first half of the match do not count.

2nd half - Total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the second half only will be over or under the spread indicated.

2nd half - which team wins the rest : Regardless of the actual score of the event, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0. The market will consider the second Half only.

2nd half - Next goal : You have to predict which Team during the second Half period will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), none , 2 (the away team score).

2nd half - double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the second Half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the second Half the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the second Half the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the second Half the home team wins or the away team wins).

2nd half - draw no bet: You have to predict which team will win the second half of the match only. If the second half ends in a draw the selection will be void.

2nd Half Handicap (2 Way): You have to predict the final result of the second half of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

2nd st Half Handicap (3 Way): You have to predict the final result of the second half of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets. For example, (0:1) indicates that the Away team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the Home team has one goal advantage.

2nd half - competitor1 exact goals: You have to predict the number of goals that will be scored from the Home team during the second half of the match.

2nd half - competitor2 exact goals: You have to predict the number of goals that will be scored from the Away team during the second half of the match.

2nd half - odd/even: You have to predict if the number goals scored during the second half only is going to be odd or even. The score line 0-0 is considered even.

2nd half - both teams to score: You have to predict whether both teams score at least one goal each during the second half OR only one team or both teams do NOT score any goals during the second half.

2nd half – Home clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the Home team will keep a clean sheet during the second half of the match.

2nd half - Away clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the Away team will keep a clean sheet during the second half of the match.

2nd half - 1x2 & both teams to score: You have to predict the outcome of the second half and whether the both teams will score or not in the second half only.

2nd half - 1x2 & total: You have to predict the combination of the second half result of the match and whether the total number of goals scored in the second half will be over or under the spread indicated. There are 6 possible outcomes:

  • 1&Ov=The home team wins the second half and total goals is over the spread
  • 1&Un=The home team wins the second half and total goals is under the spread
  • X&Ov= The second half finishes in a draw and total goals is over the spread
  • X&Un= The second half finishes in a draw and total goals is under the spread
  • 2&Ov= The away team wins the second half and total goals is over the spread
  • 2&Un= The away team wins the second half and total goals is under the spread

2nd half - correct score: You have to predict the correct score of the second half of the match.

2nd half – multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the second half based on

different ranges offered.

2nd Half Home to Score: You have to predict whether the home team will score at least one goal during the second Half.

2nd Half Away to Score: You have to predict whether the away team will score at least one goal during the second Half.

2nd Half Double Chance & GG/NG: You have to predict the outcome of the second Half with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether the both teams will score in the match or not.

2nd Half Multigoals: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the second half based on different ranges.

2nd Half 1X2 or GG/NG: You have to predict the winning outcome of the second Half OR whether both, one or nether teams will score in the second Half. Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

Last Goal 2nd Half: You have to predict the team that will score the last goal in the second half of the match.


Combo Markets

1X2 & GG: You have to predict if both teams score and the outcome of the match together with the final result. 6 possible outcomes are offered:

  • 1&GG=The home team will win and both teams will score;
  • X&GG=The teams will draw and both teams will score;
  • 2&GG=The away team will win and both teams will score;
  • 1&NG=The home team will win and at least one team won't score;
  • X&NG=The teams will draw and at least one team won't score;
  • 2&NG=The away team will win and at least one team won't score.

Total & GG/NG: You have to predict the market Total (Under/Over goals) together with both teams will score at least one goal each during the whole match (GG) or one or both the teams do not score any goal during the whole match (NG). The bet offers 4 possible outcomes: Over&GG, Over&NG, Under&GG, Under&NG.

1X2 & O/U: You have to predict the outcome of the match together with the number of goals scored during the match by considering the indicated spread. Six outcomes are possible: 1&Over “X”, X&Over “X”, 2&Over “X”, 1&Under “X”, X&Under “X”, 2&Under “X”

1st/2nd half GG/NG:  You have to predict the outcome the Halftime/Fulltime of the match together with both teams will score.

4 possible outcomes are offered:

  • no/no,
  • yes/no,
  • yes/yes,
  • no/yes.

Total 2.5 or GG/NG: You have to predict the number of goals in the match is over or under the indicated spread OR whether both, one or neither teams will score in the match.

4 outcomes are possible:

  • Over 2.5 or NG,
  • Over 2.5 or GG,
  • Under 2.5 or NG,
  • Under 2.5 or GG

1x2 & Total (O/U) & GG/NG : You have to predict the combination of the final result of the match and the result of both teams to score market and the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

1x2 & Multigoals {Score}: You have to predict the combination of the final result plus if the range of total goals scored during the match will be between the indicated range.

Both team to score + Multigoals {Score}: You have to predict the combination of both teams to score market plus if the range of total goals scored during the match will be between the indicated range.

First goal & 1x2 (Matchflow): You have to predict together if the final result of the match will be 1, X or 2 and which team will score the first goal of the match.

The bet offers seven possible outcomes:

  • 1-1st goal & 1
  • 1-1st goal & X
  • 1-1st goal & 2
  • 2-1st goal & 1
  • 2-1st goal & X
  • 2-1st goal & 2
  • No Goal (0-0)

Double chance (match) & 1st half GG/NG: You have to predict the outcome of the match with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether the both teams will score or not in the 1st half only.

Double chance (match) & 2nd half GG/NG: You have to predict the outcome of the match with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether the both teams will score or not in the 2nd half only.

Double chance & GG/NG: You have to predict the outcome of the match with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether the both teams will score in the match or not.

Double chance & total: You have to predict the outcome of the match with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) and whether the total amount of goals will be over or under the stated number.

Halftime/fulltime & total: You have to predict the halftime-fulltime result plus the total goals will be over or under the indicated spread.

Halftime/fulltime & 1st half total: You have to predict the halftime-fulltime result plus the total goals in the first half will be over or under the indicated spread.

Halftime/fulltime & exact goals: You have to predict the halftime-fulltime result plus the exact goals scored during the match.

3 Chance Mix (Home or over, Home or under, Draw or over, Draw or under, Away or over, Away or under, Home or GG, Draw or GG, Away or GG, Home or any clean sheet, Draw or any clean sheet, Away or any clean sheet): You have to predict the winning outcome of the match OR whether both, one or nether teams will score in the match OR the total amount

of goals of the match.

Under 1st Half & Under 2nd Half: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the 1st Half will be Under the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the 2nd Half only will be Under the indicated spread.

Example: Under 1,5/Under 1,5. This selection is winning if the total goals in the first half are under 1,5 plus the total goals in the second half are under 1,5.

Under 1st Half & Over 2nd Half: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the 1st Half will be Under the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the 2nd Half only will be Over the indicated spread.

Example: Under 1,5/Over 1,5. This selection is winning if the total goals in the first half are under 1,5 plus the total goals in the second half are Over 1,5.

Over 1st Half & Under 2nd Half: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the 1st Half will be Over the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the 2nd Half only will be Under the indicated spread.

Example: Over 1,5/Under 1,5. This selection is winning if the total goals in the first half are Over 1,5 plus the total goals in the second half are under 1,5.

Over 1st Half & Over 2nd Half: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the 1st Half will be Over the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the 2nd Half only will be Over the indicated spread.

Example: Over 1,5/Over 1,5. This selection is winning if the total goals in the first half are Over 1,5 plus the total goals in the second half is Over 1,5.

Halftime OR Fulltime: You have to predict the winning outcome of the match OR the first half. Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

1X2 Halftime/Double Chance FT: You have to predict the halftime result together with 3 possible double chance outcomes (1X, 12 & X2) of the entire match.

Double Chance HT/1X2 FullTime: You have to predict the halftime double chance result together with the final result of the entire match.

DC Halftime/DC Fulltime: Bet on the double chance result of both the 1st half and the full time.

At least a Half X: You have to predict if there will be at least a half that ends with a draw. For example: 1st HT 1-1 / FT 1-2 . The outcome win=Yes.

Double chance or Both teams to score: You have to predict the winning outcome of the match (Double Chance) OR whether both, one or neither teams will score in the match. Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

Double chance or Over/Under: You have to predict the winning outcome of the match (Double Chance) OR whether both, one or neither teams will score in the match. Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

Over {Total} {$Competitor1} + Over {Total} {$Competitor2}: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the Hometeam will be Over the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the Awayteam only will be Over the indicated spread.

Over {Total} {$Competitor1} + Under {Total} {$Competitor2}: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the Hometeam will be Over the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the Awayteam only will be Under the indicated spread.

Under {Total} {$Competitor1} + Under {Total} {$Competitor2}: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the Hometeam will be Under the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the Awayteam only will be Under the indicated spread.

Under {Total} {$Competitor1} + Over {Total} {$Competitor2}: You have to predict whether the number of goals in the Hometeam will be Under the indicated spread, plus if the number of goals in the Awayteam only will be Over the indicated spread.

1st half - 1x2 or {total}: You have to predict the winning outcome of the 1st Half of the match OR the total number of goals (Over or Under). Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

2nd half - 1x2 or {total}: You have to predict the winning outcome of the 1st Half of the match OR the total number of goals (Over or Under). Only one prediction has to occur for the bet to be a winner.

Double Chance 1X & {total} & Both teams to score: You have to predict the combination of the final result double chance (1X) and the result of both teams to score market and the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Double Chance X2 & {total} & Both teams to score: You have to predict the combination of the final result double chance (X2) and the result of both teams to score market and the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Double Chance 12 & {total} & Both teams to score: You have to predict the combination of the final result double chance (12) and the result of both teams to score market and the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Both teams to score 1st Half & Multigoal (match): You have to predict the combination of both teams to score on the First Half of the match, plus if the range of total goals scored during the match will be between the indicated range.

Multigoals Home & Multigoals Away: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the match from the Home team and the Away team based on different ranges offered.

Multigoal 1st Half & Multigoal 2nd Half: You have to predict the number of goals scored during the first half of the match and the second half, based on different ranges offered.

Combo Var (1X2 match + Var Y/N): You have to predict the correct combination of the match result in regular time and whether there will be VAR (with monitor review) or not.

There are 6 possible outcomes:

  • Team 1 and Yes
  • Team 1 and No
  • Draw and Yes
  • Draw and No
  • Team 2 and Yes
  • Team 2 and No

Corner Markets

Corners awarded but not taken do not count, unless otherwise stated in the market name.

Corner 1x2: You have to predict which team in the match will be awarded the most corners.

Next corner: You have to predict which team will be awarded the next corner of the match. Last corner: You have to predict which team will be awarded the Last corner of the match.

Corner handicap: You have to predict the team who takes the most corners in the match taking into consideration the handicap spread offered.

Total corners: You have to predict whether the total amount of corners taken in the match is over or under the indicated spread.

Home total corners: You have to predict whether the total amount of corners taken in the match by the home team only is over or under the indicated spread.

Away total corners: You have to predict whether the total amount of corners taken in the match by the away team only is over or under the indicated spread.

Corner range: You have to predict the range of corners taken in the match.

Home corner range: You have to predict the range of corners taken in the match from the Hometeam.

Away corner range: You have to predict the range of corners taken in the match from the Away Team.

Odd/even corners: You have to predict whether the total corners taken in the match is an odd or even number. No corners awarded = even.

Race to x corners: You have to predict which team will reach the number x of corners first during the match.

1st half - corner 1x2: You have to predict which team will have more corners in the first half (1X2).

1st half - xth corner: You have to predict which team will be awarded the next corner during the 1st half period of the match.

1st half last corner: You have to predict which team will be awarded the Last corner during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - corner handicap: You have to predict the team who takes the most corners in the 1st half of the match taking into consideration the handicap spread offered.

1st half - total corners: You have to predict if the total amount of corners in the first half of the match will be over or under the total spread (Over/Under).

1st half - Home total corners: You have to predict if the total amount of corners in the first half of the match awarded from the Home team will be over or under the total spread (Over/Under).

1st half - Away total corners: You have to predict if the total amount of corners in the first half of the match awarded from the Away team will be over or under the total spread (Over/Under).

1st half - Home exact corners: You have to predict the exact numbers of corners taken during the 1st half of the match from the Hometeam. 4 possible outcomes: 0-1, 2,3,4+.

1st half - Away exact corners: You have to predict the exact numbers of corners taken during the 1st half of the match from the Away Team. 4 possible outcomes: 0-1, 2,3,4+.

1st half - corner range: You have to predict the range of corners taken in the 1st half of the match. 1st half - odd/even corners: You have to predict whether the total corners taken in the first half of the match is an odd or even number. No corners awarded = even

1st half - race to x corners: You have to predict which team will reach the number x of corners first during the 1st half of the match.

Total Corners (Over-exact-Under): You have to predict if the number of corners during the match will be over, under, or exact the indicated spread.

1st Half - Total Corners (Over-exact-Under): You have to predict if the number of corners in the 1st Half will be over, under or exact the indicated spread.


Booking Markets

*The booking markets are being calculated as defined below, depending on whether they are booking markets or booking markets with points (if are being defined with points, it will be specified in the market's title).

Booking markets

A yellow card counts as one card. A red card counts as two cards. If a player gets one yellow plus a second yellow driving to a red card, this counts overall as three cards. As a result, a player cannot receive more than three cards. Settlement will be based on all available card data that appear during the normal playing time of an event. Cards shown after the final whistle will

not be taken under consideration. Cards in non- playing players (players that have already been replaced, coaches, players on the bench who have not taken part in the game) are not taken under consideration. Cards issued during half-time contribute towards 2nd half markets/totals.

Booking markets with points

A yellow card counts as 10 points and the red and the second yellow-red as 25. The second yellow for a player that leads to a red card is not counted. As a result, a player cannot receive more than 35 points. Settlement will be based on all available card data that appears during the normal playing time of an event .Cards shown after the final whistle not to be taken under

consideration. Cards in non-playing players (players that have already been replaced, coaches, players on the bench who have not taken part in the game) are not taken under consideration. Cards issued during half-time contribute towards 2nd half markets/totals.

Booking 1x2: You have to predict which of the two teams will receive the most number of bookings during the regular time of the match.

Next booking: You have to predict which team during the regular time of the match will receive the booking card specified in the bet.

Total booking points: You have to predict if the total number of booking points awarded during the match is over or under the spread indicated.

Total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded during the match is over or under the spread indicated.

Home total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded for the Home team during the match is over or under the spread indicated.

Away total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded for the Away team during the match is over or under the spread indicated.

Exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded during the match.

Home exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded from the Home team during the match.

Away exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded from the Away team during the match.

Booking point range: You have to predict the range of booking points awarded from the teams during the match.

5 are the possible outcomes: 0-3, 31-45, 46-60, 61-75, 76+.

Sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the match.

Home sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the match for the Home team.

Away sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the match for the Away team.

1st half - booking 1x2: You have to predict which of the two teams will receive the most number of bookings during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - Next booking: You have to predict which team during the 1st half of the match will receive the booking card specified in the bet.

1st half - total booking points: You have to predict if the total number of booking points awarded during the 1st half of the match is over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded during the 1st half of the match is over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Home total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded for the Home team during the 1st half of the match is over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Home total bookings: You have to predict if the total number of bookings awarded for the Home team during the 1st half of the match is over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - Home exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded from the Home team during the 1st half of the match

1st half - Away exact bookings: You have to predict the exact number of bookings awarded from the Away team during the 1st half of the match

1st half - booking point range: You have to predict the range of booking points awarded from the teams during the 1st half of the match. 4 are the possible outcomes: 0-10, 11-25, 26-40, 41+.

1st half - sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - Home sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the 1st half of the match for the Home team.

1st half - Away sending off: You have to predict if a red card will be drawn or not during the 1st half of the match for the Away team.


Goalscorer Markets / Player Specials Markets

Bets apply to regular time only. Own goals (based on official authority) omitted or count as “no Scorer” if the game has only “own goals”.

Betting First Goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays or comes in the pitch after the first goal of the game has been scored, except in the case of an own goal, which is ignored.

Bets on Last Goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays. Player to score apply for any player, whatever the time he entered the game.

Bets on Anytime Goalscorer, apply to any player involved in the game, regardless of the time they enter the game. Bets on Anytime goalscorer will be VOID if a player never plays. In case a match is abandoned but there has been at least one Scorer, bets on the first Goalscorer apply and bets on the last goalscorer are void. Anytime Goalscorer market for this player is settled

as winner and bets on other players are void.

Anytime Goalscorer: You have to predict that the selected player will score at least one goal during the match. If the selected player doesn’ t take part in the match the bet will be voided.

First Goalscorer: You have to predict if the selected player will score the first goal of the match. If a player never plays or comes into the pitch after the first goal of the game has been scored the bet is Void. If the selected player does not score the first goal and is replaced by a substitute, the bet is a loser.

Next Goalscorer: You have to predict if the selected player will score the goal “x” in the match. If the selected player doesn’ t take part in the match the bet will be voided.

Last Goalscorer: You have to predict that the selected player will score the last goal of the match. If the selected player doesn’ t take part in the match the bet will be voided. If the selected player does not score any goals during the match, the bet is lost, even if he was replaced by another player before the last goal has been scored.

Anytime goalscorer & 1x2: You have to predict a player to score anytime in the match plus predict the final result of the game combined. Regular time only.

Anytime goalscorer & correct score: You have to predict a player to score anytime in the match plus predict the exact final score of the game combined. Regular time only.

xth goalscorer & 1X2: You have to predict a player to score the goal “x” in the match plus predict the final result of the game combined. Regular time only.

xth goalscorer & correct score: You have to predict a player to score the goal “x” in the match plus predict the exact final score of the game combined. Regular time only.

Player to score 2+: You have to predict that the selected player will score at least two goals during the match. If the player you have selected does not take part in the match the bet is void. If the player takes part in the game, and does not score at least two goals the bet is lost independently from the final result of the match.

Player to score 3+: You have to predict that the selected player will score at least three goals during the match. If the player you have selected does not take part in the match the bet is void. If the player takes part in the game, and does not score at least three goals the bet is lost independently from the final result of the match.

Home team xth goalscorer: You have to predict if the selected player from the Home team will score the goal “x” in the match. If the selected player doesn’ t take part in the match the bet will be voided.

Away team xth goalscorer: You have to predict if the selected player from the Away team will score the goal “x” in the match. If the selected player doesn’ t take part in the match the bet will be voided.

Most shots: You have to predict which of the given players will record the most shots.

Most shots on goal: You have to predict which of the given players will record the most shots on goal.

Anytime Goalscorer First Half: You have to predict if a player will score during the first half of the match.

Anytime Goalscorer Second Half: You have to predict if a player will score during the second half of the match.

First or Last Goalscorer: You have to predict if a player will score First or Last during the match, Regular time only.

First and Last Goalscorer: You have to predict which player will score First and Last during the match, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer + Double Chance: You have to predict if a player will score anytime in the match plus the final result Double Chance, Regular time only.

xth Goalscorer + Double Chance: You have to predict if a player will score the xth goal in the match plus the final result Double Chance, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer + Multiscores: You have to predict if a player will score anytime in the match plus the multiscore of the match, Regular time only.

xth Goalscorer + Multiscores: You have to predict if a player will score the xth goal in the match plus the multiscore of the match, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer + Total {total}: You have to predict if a player will score anytime in the match plus if the total number of goals during the match will be Over or Under, Regular time only.

xth Goalscorer + Total {total}: You have to predict if a player will score the xth goal in the match plus if the total number of goals during the match will be Over or Under, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer + Both Teams to score: You have to predict if a player will score anytime in the match plus if Both teams will score, Regular time only.

xth Goalscorer + Both Teams to score: You have to predict if a player will score the xth goal in the match plus if Both teams will score, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer or the substitute to score: You have to predict if, in the regular time of the match, the player "X" or whoever will take his place from the bench will score (result YES), or not (result NO), at least one goal. For the purposes of the bet, only the player "X" and his direct substitute from the bench are considered.

Anytime Goalscorer + 1X2 + Over/Under X goals: You have to predict the exact combination of these 3 markets - Anytime goalscorer (if in the regular time of the match, the player "X", will score at least one goal), 1x2 (predict the final result of the game), Over/Under (if the total number of goals scored during the regular time of the match, will be over or under the indicated line).

There are 6 possible outcomes for this bet:

  • Anytime scorer + 1 + Under
  • Anytime scorer + 1 + Over
  • Anytime scorer + 2 + Under
  • Anytime scorer + 2 + Over
  • Anytime scorer + Draw + Under
  • Anytime scorer + Draw + Over

1st Goalscorer + 1X2 + Over/Under X goals: You have to predict the exact combination of these 3 markets - 1st goalscorer (if in the regular time of the match, the player "X", will be the first scorer of the match), 1x2 (predict the final result of the game), Over/Under (if the total number of goals scored during the regular time of the match, will be over or under the indicated


There are 6 possible outcomes for this bet:

  • 1st Goalscorer + 1 + Under
  • 1st Goalscorer + 1 + Over
  • 1st Goalscorer + 2 + Under
  • 1st Goalscorer + 2 + Over
  • 1st Goalscorer + Draw + Under 1st Goalscorer + Draw + Over

Player or his substitute to be shown a card: You have to predict if, in the regular time of the match, the player "X" or whoever will take his place from the bench will be shown a card (Yellow or Red) (result YES), or not (result NO). For the purposes of the bet, only the player "X" and his direct substitute from the bench are considered.

Anytime Goalscorer 15 minutes: You have to predict a player to score in the 1st 15 minutes of the match.

Anytime Goalscorer + HF/FT: You have to predict a player to score anytime in the match plus the Halftime/Fulltime market, Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer + 1X2 + Both teams to score: You have to predict a player to score anytime in the match plus predict the final result of the match plus if both teams will score or not, Regular time only.

Anytime goalscorer + 1X2 + Both Teams to Score + Total: You have to predict if the player will score anytime in the match plus the final result of the match, plus if both teams will score at least one goal in the match plus if the total number of goals during the match will be Over or Under combined, Regular time only.

First Goalscorer + 1X2 + Both teams to score: You have to predict a player to score the first goal of the match plus predict the final result of the match plus if both teams will score or not, Regular time only.

First goalscorer + 1X2 + Both Teams to Score + Total: You have to predict if the player will score the first goal of the match plus the final result of the match, plus if both teams will score at least one goal in the match plus if the total number of goals during the match will be Over or Under combined, Regular time only.

First goalscorer + Halftime/Fulltime: You have to predict if the player will score the first goal of the match plus the Halftime/Fulltime market, Regular time only.

First goalscorer Home Team: You have to predict if the player will score the first goal of the match for the home team, Regular time only.

First goalscorer Away Team: You have to predict if the player will score the first goal of the match for the away team, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer & 1x2: You have to predict if the player will score the last of the match plus predict the final result of the match, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer & Both Teams to score: You have to predict if the player will score the last goal of the match plus predict if both teams will score at least one goal in the match, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer & Double chance: You have to predict if a player will score the last goal of the match plus the final result Double Chance, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer & Correct score: You have to predict if a player will score the last goal of the match plus the correct score of the match, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer Home Team: You have to predict if the player will score the last goal of the match for the home team, Regular time only.

Last goalscorer Away Team: You have to predict if the player will score the last goal of the match for the away team, Regular time only.

Last Goalscorer + Both Teams to Score: You have to predict if the player will score the last goal of the match plus if both teams will score at least one goal in the match, Regular time only.

To Score and Get Booked: You have to predict if the player will score at least one goal and will receive at least a card in the same match. Extra time is also included.

To Score and Give an Assist: You have to predict if the player will score at least one goal and give at least one assist in the same match. Extra time is also included.

To Score OR Get Booked: You have to predict if the player will score at least one goal or will receive at least a card in the same match. Extra time is also included.

Player to score an own goal: You have to predict if the player will score an own goal in the match, Regular time only.

Player to score in both halves: You have to predict if the player will score at least one goal in both halves of the match, Regular time only.

Woodwork/Crossbar Player: You have to predict if the player will hit the woodwork or crossbar during the regular time of the match. If the ball hits the woodwork/crossbar and ends up in goal, it does not count as woodwork/crossbar.

Player Sent off: You have to predict if the player will be sent off during the match including extra time.

Player shots + 1X2: You have to predict the result of the match plus if the number of shots of the player is over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Player shots on goal at least + 1X2: You have to predict the result of the match plus if the number of shots on goal of the player is over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Anytime Goalscorer OR the substitute to score OR Woodwork: You have to predict if during the regular time of the match, the player X, or the player who replaces him from the bench, will score at least one goal or will hit the post/woodwork. The Outcome ‘YES’ will be winning if one of the following will occur: (1) the player X will score at least one goal or the player X will

hit the post/woodwork (2) the player X will score at least one goal and will hit at least one post/woodwork (3) the player X will not score and will not hit the post/woodwork, but the substitute that replaces him from the bench will score at least one goal (4) the player X will not score and will not hit the post/woodwork, but the player that replaces him from the bench will hit at least

one post/woodwork (5) the player X will not score and will not hit the post/woodwork, but the substitute that replaces him from the bench will score at least one goal and will hit at least one post/woodwork (6) the player X and the player that replaces him from the bench will both score at least one goal (7) the player X and the player that replaces him from the bench will both

hit at least one post/woodwork. The Outcome ‘NO’ will be winning if one of the following will occur: (1) the player X or the substitute that replaces him from the bench will not score and will not hit the post/woodwork (2) the player X will not score, will not hit the post/woodwork and will not be substituted (3) the player X will enter the match from the bench, will not score and will

not hit the post/woodwork and will not be substituted. If the player X does not take part in the match, bets will be voided. If the player X participates in the match at anytime, all bets remain valid.

To Score and Get Booked and Assist: You need to predict if the player will score at least one goal, make at least one assist and receive a card (yellow or red) in the match. Extra time is also included.

To Score or Get Booked or Assist: You need to predict if the player will score at least one goal OR make at least one assist OR receive a card (yellow or red) in the match. Extra time is also included.

Player shots on goal and substitute (incl. woodwork): You need to predict if the total sum of shots on goal by the player and of his direct substitute at the end of the match, including eventual extra time, will be more than the indicated line. Shots that hit the post and woodwork are also considered as shots on goal for the purpose of this bet.

  1. The bet is won if at least one of  these cases occurs:
  2. The player takes more shots on goal than the indicated line and is not substituted
  3. The player is substituted and the sum of shots on goal made by the player and his substitute is more than the indicated line
  4. Both the player and his direct substitute take more shots on goal that the indicated line
  5. The player enters the game from the substitute bench, takes more shots on goal than the indicated line and is not substituted
  6. The player enters the game from the substitute bench, is then substituted and the sum of shots on goal by the player and his substitute is higher than the indicated line.

If the player does not play any part in the game, the bets are voided.

Player shots and substitute: You need to predict if the total sum of shots by the player and of his direct substitute at the end of the match, including eventual extra time, will be more than the indicated line.

The bet is won if at least one of these cases occurs:

  1. The player takes more shots than the indicated line and is not substituted
  2. The player is substituted and the sum of shots made by the player and his substitute is more than the indicated line
  3. Both the player and his direct substitute take more shots that the indicated line
  4. The player enters the game from the substitute bench, takes more shots than the indicated line and is not substituted
  5. The player enters the game from the substitute bench, is then substituted and the sum of shots by the player and his substitute is higher than the indicated line.

If the player does not play any part in the game, the bets are voided.

Player to score 2+ goals & Correct Score: You have to predict if the player will score at least 2 goals in the match plus predict the correct score of the match combined, Regular time only.

Player to score 2+ goals & 1X2: You have to predict if the player will score at least 2 goals in the match plus predict the final result of the match combined , Regular time only.

Anytime Goalscorer 1st Half + 1X2 1st Half: You have to predict if a player will score during the first half of the match plus predict the final result of the first half combined.

Over/Under Saves Goalkeeper: You have to predict if the number of saves made by the specific goalkeeper mentioned will be over or under the indicated spread. Extra time is also included.


Extra Markets

Halftime/fulltime correct score: You have to predict the correct score of the 1st half of the match together with the correct score of the entire match. Example:

Score at HT is 0-0, Score at FT is 2-0

Winning selection for this example is 0-0/2-0.

Goal range: You have to predict the range of goals scored during the match.

4 are the possible selections:

0-1, 2-3,4-6,7+

Home Win to Nil: You have to predict whether or not the home team will win conceding any goal to his opponent. There are two possible outcomes: Yes (the home team wins without conceding any goal) and No (any other outcome).

Away Win to Nil: You have to predict whether or not the away team will win conceding any goal to his opponent. There are two possible outcomes: Yes (the away team wins without conceding any goal) and No (any other outcome).

Higher-scoring half: predicts which of the two halves of the match will have a bigger amount of scored goals.

Both halves over 1.5: More than 1.5 goals are scored in each half, that is, more than 1.5 in the first half and more than 1.5 in the second half.

Both halves under 1.5: Less than 1.5 goals are scored in each half, that is, less than 1.5 in the first half and less than 1.5 in the second half.

Home wins both halves: Home team wins the first and second half.

Away wins both halves: Away team wins both the first half and the second half.

Home wins either half: Home team wins one of the halves, either the first or the second half. Away wins either half: Away team wins one of the halves, either the first or the second half.

Home highest scoring half: predicts which of the two halves of the match will have a bigger amount of scored goals for the Home team.

Away highest scoring half: predicts which of the two halves of the match will have a bigger amount of scored goals for the Away team.

Away team scores in both halves: Away team scores goals in the first half and in the second half. Home team scores in both halves: Home team scores goals in the first half and in the second half. Own Goal: You have to predict if an own goal will be assigned during the match.

Penalty in the Match: You have to predict whether a penalty will be awarded in the match by the home or away team. The penalty must be taken to count. Any penalties awarded but overruled by VAR do not count. Penalties taken in shoot outs do not count.

To score a Penalty: You have to predict whether a penalty awarded in the match will be scored by the home or away team.

To miss a Penalty: You have to predict whether a penalty awarded in the match will be missed by the home or away team.

To Win From Behind: You have to predict whether the home/away team will win the match after being behind in the match.

To Win From Behind Home team: You have to predict if the home team will win the match after being behind in the match.vbookings

To Win From Behind Away team: You have to predict if the away team will win the match after being behind in the match.

Video VAR Y/N: You have to predict whether or not there will be a VAR decision (with monitor review) in a selected match during the regular time and Extra time including. The settlement of bets which are placed on VAR markets will be validated on the federation official website.

Multiscores 1,2,3,4,5: You have to predict which selection will contain the correct score of the match. 5 Multiscores markets are offered.

Example: You choose the selection 0-0 / 1-1 / 0-1 / 1-0

If the match finishes with one of the scores in your selection, your bet is a winner.

Ball possession 1X2: You have to predict whether the selected teams will have a greater ball possession than the specified spread. Only Regular Time is considered.

Total goals matchday X: You have to predict the total number of goals scored on the Matchday X in the mentioned Championship. Two goals are awarded in the case of a single match of the specific day being postponed; in case of a 2 or more matches postponed all the bets are void.

e.g.: Total goals Matchday 36 Italy - Serie B = WIN Over 15

It is winning if the sum of the goals scored in all the Serie B match matches is 16+

Total Shots on target: You have to predict if the total number of shots on goal made by both teams in the match including extra time is lower (under) or higher (over) than the indicated line.

Total Shots: You have to predict if the total number of shots made by both teams in the match including extra time is lower (under) or higher (over) than the indicated line.

Ball Possession competitor1: You have to predict if in the match, the competitor 1 will record a percentage of ball possession lower (Under) or higher (Over) than the specified spread during the regular time and overtime including.

Ball Possession competitor2: You have to predict if in the match, the competitor 2 will record a percentage of ball possession lower (Under) or higher (Over) than the specified spread during the regular time and overtime including.

Matchday X - home teams total: You have to predict, for the given matchday, how many goals will be scored in total from the home teams.

Matchday X - away teams total: You have to predict, for the given matchday, how many goals will be scored in total from the away teams.

Matchday X - most goals home or away teams: You have to predict, for the given matchday, if the most goals in total will be scored by the home or the away teams.

Matchday X - total home team wins: You have to predict, for the given matchday, how many wins will be recorded in total from the home teams.

Matchday X - total draws: You have to predict, for the given matchday, how many matches will end in draw.

Matchday X - total away team wins: You have to predict, for the given matchday, how many wins will be recorded in total from the away teams.

Correct score XL (50 outcomes): predict the exact result of a match at the end of 90 minutes of regular time.

Winning margin (4 outcomes): in this type of bets, you predict which team will win and by how much margin it will win.

Winning margin (10 outcomes): in this type of bets, you predict which team will win and by how much margin it will win.

Total Multigoals (3 way): You have to predict if the number of goals scored during the match will be Over or Under or Exact based on different ranges offered.

Minute Last goal (intervals): You have to predict the interval in which the last goal of the match will be scored. There are 7 possible outcomes: (0–15, 16–30, 31–Halftime, 46–60, 61–75, 76–Full Time, No Goal)

Half First Goal: You have to predict in which half the first goal of the game will be scored. There are 3 possible outcomes: first half, second half, none

Goal after 90th minute: You have to predict if there will be at least one goal in the injury time of the second half of the match.

Substitute to score (r.t.): You have to predict if a player coming off the bench as a substitute will score a goal during the match, during the regular time of a match.

Substitution 1st half: You have to predict whether there will be a substitution during the first half of the match. Substitutions that occur during the half time interval do not count as first half substitutions.

Coach sending off: You have to predict if a manager will be shown the red card during the match, including extra time and penalty kicks.

To score from outside of the penalty area: You have to predict if there will be a goal scored from outside the penalty area, during the regular time of a match.

Penalty saved (from goalkeeper): You have to predict one of the goalkeepers will save a penalty during the regular time of the match. There are 2 possible outcomes: Yes (The goalkeeper will save a penalty) - No (No penalties have been awarded, a penalty is awarded and scored or a penalty is missed but not saved by the goalkeeper).

Woodwork/Crossbar: You have to predict if the woodwork or crossbar will be hit during the regular time of the match. If the ball hits the woodwork/crossbar and ends up in goal, it does not count as woodwork/crossbar.

Odd/Even Fouls: You have to predict if the total number of fouls are an odd or even number in the match including extra time.

Odd/Even Offside: You have to predict if the total number of offsides are an odd or even number in the match including extra time.

Odd/Even total shots: You have to predict if the total number of shots are an odd or even number in the match including extra time.

Odd/Even total shots on goal: You have to predict the total number of shots on target are an odd or even number in the match including extra time.

Home team Coach sending off: You have to predict if the home team manager will be shown the red card during the match, including extra time and penalty kicks.

Away team Coach sending off: You have to predict if the away team manager will be shown the red card during the match, including extra time and penalty kicks.

Penalty + Sending Off: You have to predict the correct combination of penalties awarded and red cards during the match.

There are 4 possible outcomes:

  • Yes/Yes - at least a penalty is awarded and at least a red card is shown
  • Yes/No - at least a penalty is awarded and are no red cards are shown
  • No/Yes - no penalty is awarded and at least a red card is shown
  • No/No - no penalty is awarded and no red cards are shown

Goal Directly from Corner: You have to predict if a goal will be scored directly from a corner during regular time.

Penalty Until 5th minute: You have to predict if a penalty will be awarded in the first 5 minutes of regular time (from 0 till 4:59).

2 Players sent off: You have to predict if there will be at least 2 players sent off in the regular time of the match.

Player shown a card OR his substitute: You have to predict if, in the regular time of the match, the player "X" or whoever will take his place from the bench will be shown at least a card (result YES), or not (result NO). For the purposes of the bet, only the player "X" and his direct substitute from the bench are considered.

1X2 Total Shots: You have to predict the team that will take most shots in the match including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team takes most shots), X (teams will take the same number of shots), 2 (away team takes most shots).

1X2 Total Shots on Goal: You have to predict the team that will take most shots on goal in the match including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team takes most shots on goal), X (teams will take the same number of shots on goal), 2 (away team takes most shots on goal).

1X2 Offside (OT.Incl): You have to predict which team will have the most offsides in the match including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team makes most offsides), X (teams will make the same number of offsides), 2 (away team makes most offsides).

1X2 Fouls (OT.Incl): You have to predict which team will make the most fouls including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team makes most fouls), X (teams will make the same number of fouls), 2 (away team makes most fouls).

Total Offside: You have to predict if the total number of offsides in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Home/Away Team - Total Offsides: You have to predict if the total number of offsides the Home or Away team will record in the match will be over or under the line indicated. including extra time.

Total Fouls : You have to predict if the total number of fouls in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Home/Away Team - Total Fouls: You have to predict if the total number of fouls the Home or Away team will record in the match will be over or under the line indicated. including extra time.

1st Half or 1x2: Here you have to predict the outcome of the 1st half or the final outcome. No overtime is included.

Total shots on Target Home Team: You have to predict if the total number of shots on target for the home team in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Total shots on Target Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of shots on target for the away team in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Total shots Home Team: You have to predict if the total number of shots for the home team in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Total shots Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of shots for the away team in the match will be over or under the line indicated including extra time.

Over/Under Saves Home Team: You have to predict if the total saves by the goalkeepers and/or any other player during the match by the home team will be over or under the predicted line. Extra time is also included.

Over/Under Saves Away Team: You have to predict if the total saves by the goalkeepers and/or any other player during the match by the away team will be over or under the predicted line. Extra time is also included.

Over/Under Saves: You have to predict if the total saves by the goalkeepers and/or any other player during the match for both teams will be over or under the predicted line. Extra time is also included.

Home team coach booked: You have to predict if the home team manager will be shown a yellow card during the match, including extra time and penalty kicks. A direct red card is not valid for this market.

Away team coach booked: You have to predict if the away team manager will be shown a yellow card during the match, including extra time and penalty kicks. A direct red card is not valid for this market.

1x2 Corners: You have to predict which team will make the most corners including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team makes most corners), X (teams will make the same number of corners), 2 (away team makes most cornes)

Home/Away team Total Yellow cards: You have to predict the total number of yellow cards will be given to the Home or Away team during the match, including extra time.

1x2 Yellow cards: You have to predict which team will have the most yellow cards including extra time. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team makes most yellow cards), X (teams will make the same number of yellow cards), 2 (away team makes most yellow cards)

Total Yellow cards: You have to predict the total number of yellow cards will be given during the match, including extra time


Fast Markets / Interval Markets

➔ Markets will be settled based on the goal time announced by TV. If this is not available, the time according to the match clock is considered.

➔ Goal markets are settled based on the time the ball crosses the line, and not the time the kick is made. ➔ Corner interval markets are settled based on the time the corner kick is taken and not the time the corner is conceded or awarded unless otherwise stated in the market name.

➔ Booking interval markets are settled based on the time the card is shown and not the time the infringement is made

➔ Offsides will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision. This rule will be applied to any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

➔ Penalty markets will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision. This rule will be applied to any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

➔ Penalties awarded but not taken are not considered

These types of markets may be offered at minute intervals such as: 1, 5, 10, 15, etc; according to the case. Within this offer you can find markets based on Goals, Corner Kicks, Cards with the formula 1X2, Over/Under, Handicap.

1 minute range:

Example : It goes from the second 00:00 to the second 00:59 and so on.

5 minutes range:

Example : Minute 1 to 5 goes from minute 00:00 to minute 04:59 and so on.

10 minutes range:

Example : Minute 1 to 10 goes from minute 00:00 to minute 09:59 and so on.

15 minutes range:

Example : Minute 1 to 15 goes from minute 00:00 to minute 14:59 and so on.

Rule 1: in case that the selected interval market contains the option NO or NONE. So, if the bet is generated in Pre-match it means that in the event there will be NO goals, corner kicks, cards, or the rest; according to the case. If the bet is generated live, it means that from that moment there will be NO goals, corner kicks, cards, or the rest as the case may be.

Rule 2: in the case that any of the intervals selected by the user contains minute 45 (End of the first half) or minute 90 (End of the second half or regular time), the injury/stoppage time minutes granted by the referee will be considered.

1 minute Markets (from min. A to min. B):

➔1 minute - total goals from min. A to min. B

➔1 minute - total corners from min. A to min. B

➔1 minute - total bookings from min. A to min. B

➔1 minute - total offsides from min. A to min. B

➔1 minute - total penalties awarded from min. A to min. B

5, 10, 15 minutes Markets (from min. A to min. B):

➔1x2 from min. A to min. B

➔xth goal from min. A to min. B

➔total goals from min. A to min. B

➔corner 1x2 from min. A to min. B

➔xth corner from min. A to min. B

➔corner handicap from min. A to min. B

➔total corners from min. A to min. B

➔competitor1 total corners from min. A to min. B

➔competitor2 total corners from min. A to min. B

➔odd/even corners from min. A to min. B

10 minutes - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the first ten (10) minutes. Events must happen between 0:00 and 09:59 to be classed in the first 10 minutes. Official reports of the leagues organizing the events and reports from official provider will be used to determine the correct outcome.

When will a goal be scored (15 min interval): You have to predict whether a goal will be scored in the time frame selected:

7 possible outcomes:

  • 1-15
  • 16-30
  • 31-45
  • 46-60
  • 61-75
  • 76-90
  • none

When will a goal be scored (10 min interval): You have to predict whether a goal will be scored in the time frame selected:

10 possible outcomes:

  • 1-10
  • 11-20
  • 21-30
  • 31-40
  • 41-50
  • 51-60
  • 61-70
  • 71-80
  • 81-90
  • None


Soccer - Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top2, Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team or player will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.

Who will finish higher in the League: You have to predict which of the teams indicated will achieve the best positioning at the end of the given tournament or season, considering real points. If the teams complete the competition with the same amount of points the official standings published by the Football League of the respective country will be considered in order to

determine the winner.

To finish Bottom: You have to predict if the indicated team or player will finish in last place when the competition ends.

Best Promoted Team: You have to predict which newly promoted team will finish in the highest position in the given tournament. If there is a tie situation, the official league table at the conclusion of the final match of the scheduled season will determine the settlement of bets. End of season play-offs will count.

To finish in Top Half: You have to predict which of the named teams will finish in the top half of the given tournament/league (for example, in a 16-team league, if the team selected will finish in positions 1-8).

Winner Without (w/o) – teams: You have to predict the winner of the named competition (which team in the market will finish highest in the named tournament) without taking into consideration the named team(s).

For example Premier League 2020/21 – w/o the Big Six would mean whichever team finished highest in the Premier League in the 2020/21 season without considering Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester Utd and Tottenham.

Team to Score Most goals: You have to predict which team will score the most goals in the entire tournament. If two or more teams score the same number of goals dead heat rules will be applied.

Team to Score Least goals: You have to predict which team will score the least goals in the entire tournament. If two or more teams score the same numbers of goals, dead heat rules will be applied.

Best team of the tournament: You bet on which team in confederation goes the furthest during the competition. If there is a draw between several teams and they are eliminated in the same phase, the Dead Heat rule will apply.

Top Goalscorer: You have to predict the player that will score more goals during the given tournament. Goals scored in other competitions are not taken into consideration. If the chosen player plays at least once during the season, this bet typology will stand valid, otherwise it will be void.

Relegation: You have to predict which team or teams will be relegated from the division.

Player Most Assists: You have to predict which player will make more assists during the indicated tournament. Results are taken from the federation and will be used for settlement purposes.

Group Winner: You bet on the team that finishes with the higher amount of points in its group.

Stage of Elimination: You bet on the phase in which a certain team will be eliminated from the competition.

Which team will receive more goals: you bet on the team that receives more goals during its participation in the competition.

Highest scoring team: You bet on the team that scores more goals during their participation in the competition.

Top goalscorer Team: You bet on which option ends up as your team's top scorer. The option of "No Goalscorer" means that no one will score goals in the given team. In the case of a draw between two or more players, the Dead Heat rule will apply.

Reach the final/ Semi-Final/ Quarter-final: You have to predict if the indicated team or player will qualify for the specific round of the named competition.

Winner & Top Goalscorer: You have to predict which team will win the tournament and the player which will score the most goals. Winner and Top Goalscorer rules apply for the selected market and both selections need to win, in order for the combo to win.

Best Player of the Tournament: You have to predict who will be named the best player of the tournament. Results are taken from the federation and will be used for settlement purposes.

Winning Group: You have to predict the group of the winning team of the named competition.

Group Qualification: You have to predict if the selected team coming from the mentioned group will be qualified (Yes) or not (No).

Elimination by Penalty Shootout: You have to predict if the selected team will be eliminated from the tournament through a Penalty Shootout..

Straight Forecast - Straight Forecast bet is one where you choose two selections which will finish first and second in the correct order and will qualify into the next round. In order to win you must predict correctly both the first and second placed selections which need to be in the correct order of placement.

Exact Group points: You have to predict exactly how many points the selected team will win in the group stage.

Advancing Double - Advancing Double bet is one where you choose which two teams will advance from a specific group/tournament, regardless of their final position. In order for the bet to win, both teams selected must qualify.


Statistic settlement.

Unless otherwise stated in the market name, the following statistics are settled as described.

Blocked shots
An attempt on target blocked by an outfield player, where other defenders or a goalkeeper are behind the blocker. Includes shots blocked unintentionally by the shooter’s teammate

Free kick
As free kick is defined any taken free kick excluding penalty kicks and including offsides.

Throw in
A method of restarting play when the ball had exited via the touchlines of the field of play. As thrown in is defined any taken throw in.

Goal Kicks
Method of restarting play, when the ball exits behind the goal lines of the field of play by the offensive team. As goal kick is defined any taken goal kick.

A Goalkeeper preventing the ball from entering the Goal with any part of their body when facing an intentional attempt from an opposition player. As save is defined, any save from the goalkeeper unless otherwise specified in the market.

Exchange of a player from the bench who is brought onto the pitch during a match for a player who was already on the pitch playing.

Out of bounds
When the ball has left the field of play for a Goal kick, corner, or throw in.

An event attributed to the player deemed to be in an offside position when a free kick is awarded.



General Rules

Tennis games will be kept open with all bets valid until the officials or organizing body declares a winner. In such cases, the 48 hours rule is not valid. However, and in case of a player retirement, or default (injury,Illness, or personal circumstance), adult decision, walkover, disqualification or abandonment, all markets determined in the pitch are settled accordingly and all the

rest undecided declared void and null. For avoidance of doubt, if a tennis player retired before the last point concluded, the match winner market is void, but all markets related to specific sets or games that are determined, are settled accordingly. Markets that have been mathematically reached will be settled after the deciding point has been confirmed. Example: at the set

score of 3-3, the minimum number of games for the set to be completed is 9 (either 6-3 or 3-6). This means that total lines of 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 can already be settled as win for Over. Integer lines where neither selection wins will be voided.

Tie Break: It is a game that is played when two competitors reach a tie 6 - 6 in any Set, and consists of one of the two players reaching 7 points with a difference of 2 in relation to their rival, it is important to mention that for the over/under tennis markets, the tiebreak will count as a single game regardless of the length of the event.

Super Tie Break: It has similar specifications to the Tie Break, with the difference being that one of the two players reaches 10 points with a difference of 2 in relation to its rival, it is important to mention that for over/under tennis markets, the Super Tie Break or Match Tie Break will count as a single game regardless of the length of the event. A Tie Break or Super Tie Break

will be valid as long as the decision is announced before the start of the event.

Point winner markets: Point winner markets are settled after said point is confirmed. If the point will not be played, the market will be voided.

How Major Tournaments Handle Tiebreaks

If the score reaches six games all in the final set (2-2 or 1-1 score in sets and 6-6 score in games), the match winner(s) will be the first player(s) to win 10 points with an advantage of two or more points (10-8, 10-7, 10-6, 11-9, 15-13 etc). The above rule applies to all Grand Slams (Australian Open, French Open, US Open, Wimbledon) across Qualifying, Men’s singles and

doubles, Women’s singles and doubles, Wheelchair and Junior events in singles.

Main Markets
*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Tennis (same rules apply)

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Handicap Games (spread): You have to predict the winner of the match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Handicap Sets: You have to predict the result in terms of sets won by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Total Games (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of games played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Odd/Even games: Predict at the end of the match the total games are an odd or even number.

Total Games (Over/Under) Player 1: You have to predict whether the total number of games for Player 1 will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game. The amount of games played will be indicated in the bet settlement by the second number in brackets. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Total Games (Over/Under) Player 2: You have to predict whether the total number of games for Player 2 will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game. The amount of games played will be indicated in the bet settlement by the second number in brackets. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Winner & Total: You have to predict the winner of the match and whether the number of games played is over or under the indicated spread.

Tiebreak (yes / no): You have to predict if there will be a Tie-break in the match.

Deuce in the game (Yes/No): "Deuce in the game" means that the score of the game will reach 40-40 score.

Will Game Go To Deuce? (Set “N”, Game “X”) (Yes/No): You have to predict if the score of the game “X” of the Set “N” will reach 40-40.

Next Game Total Points (Set “N”, Game “X”) (Over/Under): You have to predict whether the total number of points of the next game “X” of the Set “N” will be over or under the indicated spread.

Game Point Winner (Set “N”, Game “X”, Point “Y”): You have to predict the winner of the Point “Y” of the game “X” of the set “N”.

Game Correct Score (Set “N”, Game “X”): You have to predict the correct score of the game “X” of the set “N” match in terms of sets won by each player.

Game Winner (Set “N”, Game “X”): You have to predict the winner of the Game “X” of the set “N”.

Set “N” Game Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the Set “N” adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of that set.

Current Set “N” Total Games Odd/Even: You have to predict if at the end of the current Set “N” the total games will be an odd or even number.

Total Games Odd/Even (Set “N”): You have to predict if at the end of the Set “N” the total games will be an odd or even number.

Current Set “N” Total Games Over/Under (Players): You have to predict whether the total number of games of the current set “N” for the mentioned player, will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game.

Next Set “N” Total Games Over/Under (Players): You have to predict whether the total number of games of the next set “N” for the mentioned player, will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game.

Next Set “N” Total Games Odd/Even: You have to predict if at the end of the next Set “N” the total games will be an odd or even number.

Player X Aces (Over/Under): You have to predict how many aces will be scored by comp1 during the match

Total Aces (Over/Under): You have to predict how many aces will be scored by both competitors combined during the match

Player X Double Faults (Over/Under): You have to predict how many double faults will comp1 make during the match (o/u 1.5)

Total Double Faults (Over/Under): You have to predict how many double faults will be made by both competitors combined during the match

Aces & Double Faults (Over/Under): You have to predict how many aces and double faults will be made by both competitors combined during the match

Match Duration (minutes) (Over/Under):You have to predict how many minutes will the match last Total Breaks (Over/Under): You have to predict how many breaks will be made by both competitors combined during the match

Player X Total Breaks (Over/Under): You have to predict how many breaks will Player X make during the match

Most Breaks of Serve (2-way): You have to predict which competitor will make more breaks (1/2 in case of draw market is voided)

Most Breaks of Serve (3-way): You have to predict which competitor will make more breaks

Match to end x:y: You have to predict the exact score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Next xth break: You have to predict which player will make the xth break serve in the match. If there is no break of serve in the match, bets will be settled as a void.

Set Markets

1st Set Winner: You have to predict the winner of the first Set. The bet will be considered "void" if the first set is not completed.

2nd Set Winner: You have to predict the winner of the second Set. The bet will be considered "void" if this set is not completed.

Set “X” Winner: You have to predict the winner of the Set “X”. Set winner markets are settled after the last point of the set has been confirmed. The bet will be considered “void” if this set is not completed.

Double result (First set/ match): Predict the winner of the first set, and at the end of the match in a single betting market.

Player 1 to win exactly 1 set: Predict if the home player will have a victory of 1 set during the match.

Player 2 to win exactly 1 set: Predict that the away player will have a victory of 1 set during the match.

Exact Sets: You have to predict the exact number of sets during the match.

Total sets: You have to predict if the total number of sets played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Any set to nil: Predict if at least one of the sets of the match will end with 6-0 / 0-6 exact score.

Set “X” Handicap games: You have to predict the winner of the Set “X” adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void. Set “X” Total games: You have to predict if the total number of games played in the Set “X” during the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Set “X” Correct Score: You have to predict the exact correct score of the Set “X”. If the mentioned set is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Player 1 to Win a Set: You have to predict if player 1 will win, or not, at least one set in the match. There are two possible outcomes: YES and NO.

Player 2 to Win a Set: You have to predict if player 2 will win, or not, at least one set in the match. There are two possible outcomes: YES and NO.

Set “X” odd/even: You have to predict if the total number of games played in the Set “X” during the match will be odd or even.

Set “X” will there be a tiebreak : You have to predict if in the Set “X” there will be a Tie-break.

Set “N” - race to x games: You have to predict which player will reach “X” games first in the specific set .

Who will win Game (X and Y) of set n_: Betting market that consists of predicting the player who will win games x and Y for set n, For example: 1 (games 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where the bet is for home player) - X (game 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where you bet on the Tie) - 2 (Game 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where you bet on the away player).

Who will win point X in game Y in set n? (Includes live game bets): Predict the player who will win point x of game y of set n. For example, the player Wawrinka will have a victory in the 1st point in game 10 of the 3rd set of the match.

Who will win game x of the set (1, 2, 3, 4,5)? (Includes live game bets): Predict the player who will win game x of the specified set in the betting market. For example: 1 (game 10) 2nd set - 2 (game 10) 2nd set.

Exact number of points in game X (1st set): (Includes live game bets): Predicts the exact number of points played in the chosen game on the first set betting market.

Deuce in the game yes-no (Includes live bets): "Deuce in the game" means that the score of the game will reach 40-40 score.

Result of game X (Set N) Player 1 or 2 (0-15-30-40): It consists of predicting the winner of a game, and how many points the opposing player will make (0-15-30-40), that is, if you choose player 1 to 30 it means that the game is won by player 1 but player 2 scores 30 points.

Set “N” game x - odd/even points: It consists of predicting whether the number of points played in a game of a set, will be odd or even.

Set “N” game x - correct score or break: It consists of predicting the winner of a game, and how many points the opposing player will make (0-15-30-40), or if there will be a break of serve in the mentioned game.

Set “N” game Y - race to x points: Predict the player who will reach first to X points in the specific game. Set “N” game Y - first x points winner: Predict the player who will win the first X points in the specific game.

Will Set “N” Go To Tie Break?: You have to predict if Set “N” will go to a Tie-break.

Set Winner “N” and Total Set “N” Games: You have to predict the winner of the set “N” and whether the number of games played in that set is over or under the indicated spread.

Current Set “N” Winner and Total Set “N” Games: You have to predict the winner of the current set “N” and whether the number of games played in that set is over or under the indicated spread.

Next Set “N” Winner and Total Set Games: You have to predict the winner of the next set “N” and whether the number of games played in that set is over or under the indicated spread

Set “N” Exact Score Group: You have to predict the group of exact scores, where the exact score of the set is included, between the selections offered.

Xth Set – Winner & Total: You have to predict the winner of the set and whether the number of games played is over or under the indicated spread.

Both players to win a set: Predict if the both players will have a victory of a set during the match.

xth set - correct score after 4 games: You have to predict the exact correct score of the Set “X” after 4 games. If the mentioned games are not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void

xth set - correct score after 6 games: You have to predict the exact correct score of the Set “X” after 6 games. If the mentioned games are not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void

Set “N”- xth break: It consists of predicting which player will make the xth break during the Set "N". Mini- breaks within tiebreaks or match-tiebreaks are not considered. There are three possible outcomes: player1, none, player2

Set “N” game x - break point: It consists of predicting if there will be a break point during the set "N" of game x.


Tennis - Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Stage Of Elimination: Predict which round the selected player will be eliminated in.

Reach the Final: Predict whether the selected player will reach the final of the named tournament.

Name of the Finalists: You have to predict the two players that will reach the final of the named tournament.

Winning Quarter: You have to predict the tournament winner will come from the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter. Winning Half: You have to predict the tournament winner will come from the Top Half or BottomHalf.

Quarter 1/2/3/4/ Winner: You have to predict the winner of the quarter (1st/2nd/3rd/4th).

Who Will Go the Furthest: You have to predict which of the two players indicated will reach the best position in the mentioned tournament.



Main Markets*
*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Basketball (same rules apply)

Money Line (Winner) (incl.OT): Predict the match winner regardless of the margin of points. This market will include Overtime.

Total (Over/Under) (incl.OT): Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the line given in the chosen betting market. For example: Over 215.5 - Under 215.5. This market will include Overtime.

Handicap (spread) (incl.OT): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match. This market will include Overtime.

Total points per team (home - away) (incl.OT): Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by home or away team will be more or less than the line given in the chosen betting market. For example: Over 215.5 - Under 215.5. This market will include Overtime.

Even/odd (1st half or 2nd half) (incl.OT): Here you predict if the result for the 1st half or 2nd half will be an odd or even number. This market will include Overtime.

Winner of the match 1X2: Predict if the winner will be the home or away team with the option to select the draw as well. No overtime is included.

Halftime/Fulltime: Predicts which team will win in the first half of the match and at the end of the match. Point Range: This betting market consists of predicting a range within which the total points of the event will be, that is, if you select the range (151-160) the total of the points scored in this event cannot go out of this interval.

Winner + Totals: This betting market combines two main betting markets where you must predict who will win the match and how many total points (over/under) will be scored in the match.

Xth Point (incl. overtime): You have to predict which team will score the point X during the match including overtime.

Race to X Points: This market consists of predicting which of the two teams will reach first the point that determines the market. For example: Which team will reach 50 points first.

Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the match, for example home team by 1-5 points.

Overtime yes/no - will go to overtime: Bet that predicts if the event will have overtime or not.

Total (over-exact-under) - 3 possibilities: Betting market that gives the player the opportunity to choose between 3 different possibilities, such as over/under X number of points or exact number of X points.

Any team total maximum consecutive points (over/under): You need to predict if any team will achieve more or less than the given consecutive points at any point in the match.

Home/Away total maximum consecutive points (over/under): You need to predict if either the home or the away team will achieve more or less than the given consecutive points at any point in the match.

Any team to lead by X: You need to predict if any team will lead by x points at any point in the match.

Home/Away team to lead by X: You need to predict if either the home or the away team will lead by x points at any point in the match.

Scoring type xth point (incl. overtime): This market consists of predicting the scoring type of X point during the match: 6 are the outcomes that are offered:

  • competitor1 1 point score
  • competitor1 2 point score
  • competitor1 3 point score
  • competitor2 1 point score
  • competitor2 2 point score
  • competitor2 3 point score

Which team wins the jump ball: You have to predict which team will win the jump ball.

Any team winning margin (incl.OT): You have to predict if any team will win with the given margins (OT included).

Xth timeout: You have to predict which team will call the Xth timeout

Xth free throw scored: You have to predict if the Xth free throw will be scored or not.

First point / winner double (incl OT): You have to predict which team will score the first point and which team will win the match (OT included).

Time of first point (seconds elapsed): You have to predict if the first point will be scored after or before the given time frame.

First basket scoring method: You have to predict the scoring method of the first basket. First possession result: You have to predict the result of the first possession.

Match Total Three Point Shots Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many three point shots will take place and scored during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Team Total Three Point Shots Scored - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many three point shots the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Three Pointers Scored: It consists of predicting which team will have the most three pointers scored during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Rebounds: It consists of predicting at least how many rebounds will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Rebounds - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many rebounds the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Rebounds: It consists of predicting which team will record the most rebounds, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Assists: It consists of predicting at least how many assists will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Assists - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many assists the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Assists: It consists of predicting which team will record the most assists, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Steals: It consists of predicting at least how many steals will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Steals - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many steals the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Steals: It consists of predicting which team will record the most steals, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Blocks: It consists of predicting at least how many blocks will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Blocks - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many blocks the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Blocks: It consists of predicting which team will record the most blocks, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Turnovers: It consists of predicting at least how many turnovers will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Turnovers - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many turnovers the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Turnovers: It consists of predicting which team will record the most turnovers, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Fouls Committed: It consists of predicting at least how many fouls will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team Total Fouls Committed - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many fouls the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Fouls Committed: It consists of predicting which team will record the most fouls, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Free Throws Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many three throws will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Free Throws Scored - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many free throws the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Free Throws Scored: It consists of predicting which team will record the most free throws, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Two Point Shots Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many two point shots will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Two Point Shots Scored - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many two point shots the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Two Points Shots Scored: It consists of predicting which team will record the most two point shots, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Free Throws Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many free throws will attempted during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Free Throws Attempted - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many shots the home/away team will attempt, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Free Throws Attempted: It consists of predicting which team will attempt the most free throws shots, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Three Point Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many three point shots will attempted during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Three Point Shots Attempted - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many three point shots the home/away team will attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Three Points Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting which team will attempt the most three points shots, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Two Point Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many two point shots will attempted during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Two Point Shots Attempted - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many two point shots the home/away team will attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Two Points Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting which team will attempt the most two points shots, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Offensive Rebounds: It consists of predicting at least how many total offensive rebounds will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Offensive Rebounds - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many total offensive rebounds the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Offensive Rebounds: It consists of predicting which team will record the most offensive rebounds, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Defensive Rebounds: It consists of predicting at least how many total defensive rebounds will take place during the match, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Match Total Defensive Rebounds - Home/Away Team: It consists of predicting at least how many total defensive rebounds the home/away team will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Team With Most Defensive Rebounds: It consists of predicting which team will record the most defensive rebounds, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Winner (incl. overtime) & both teams to score X points: 1x2 & both teams to score x points: You have to predict the outcome of the match and whether both teams will score or not X points.

Zth quarter both teams to score X points: You have to predict whether both teams will score or not X points during the Zth quarter .


1st half Markets

1st half - Draw no Bet: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half, if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be void, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the half, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - Total (Under/Over): You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the 1st half will be over or under the given line, if the half is uncompleted this market will be void.

1st half - Home/Away Total (Under/Over): You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the named team (Home or Away) during the 1st half will be over or under the given line, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - 1x2 - Bet on the winner of the 1st half, with the draw option available as well.

1st half- odd/even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored in the 1st half will be odd or even, if the half is incomplete this market will be void.


2nd half Markets

2nd half - Draw no Bet: You have to predict the winner of the 2nd half (not including overtime unless stated otherwise), if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

2nd half - Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the 2nd half (not including overtime unless stated otherwise) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the half, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

2nd half - 1x2 - Bet on the winner of the 2nd half (not including overtime unless stated otherwise), with the draw option available as well.

2nd half - odd/even: You have to predict if the total number points scored in the 2nd half (not including overtime unless stated otherwise) will be odd or even, if the half is uncompleted this market will be void.

*Potential overtime will be counted for 2nd half on markets including overtime


Quarter Markets

1ST-2ND-3R-4TH QUARTER: The quarter betting markets allow the player to bet on the final result of each of the quarters.

Quarter Winner: Bet on the winner of the given quarter.

Quarter 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the given quarter, selections are 1-the home team, 2-the away team and X-draw. If the quarter is incomplete this market will be void.

Quarter Draw no bet: You have to predict the winner of the given quarter, if the quarter finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void. Quarter Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the given quarter adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the quarter, if the quarter is 

uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the given quarter will be over or under the lineindicated, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be void.

Quarter Total Home/Away: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the named team (Home or Away) during the given quarter will be over or under the line indicated, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the selected quarter .

Highest Scoring Quarter: You have to predict which quarter will have the most points scored.

Xth Quarter - To Score Last Point: You have to predict which team will score the last point of the selected quarter.

xth quarter - xth point: You have to predict which team will score the Xth point during the selected quarter.

Which team to win every quarter: You have to predict which of the two teams will win all the quarters (in case of draw in any quarter, the bet is lost).

*All quarters or halves must have been completed for the bets to stand. *Potential overtime will be counted for 4th quarter on markets including overtime


Player Special Markets

Player Points (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of points that the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Assists (over/under): It consists of predicting the number of assists that a certain player will record in the event, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Rebounds (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of Rebounds that a certain player will record in standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player 3pt Field Goals Made (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of Three-point baskets that a certain player will record in standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Steals (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of steals that the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Blocks over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of blocks that the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player points + rebounds + assists (over/under): It consists of predicting the combined amount of points,rebounds and assists that the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rebounds + assists (over/under): It consists of predicting the combined amount of rebounds and assists that the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player triple double: It consists of predicting if the specific player will record a triple-double (10 from 3 main stats categories, like points,assists,rebounds,steals,blocks), only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

First player to score: It consists of predicting which player will score first in the match (the selected player must start in the match, otherwise the bet is settled as void).

First player to make a 3pt field goal: It consists of predicting which player will score first a 3pt field goal in the match (selected player must start in the match, otherwise the bet is settled as void).

Most points for TEAM: It consists of predicting which player will score the most points for his team. Head-to-head player points: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most points in the match.

Head-to-head player rebounds: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most rebounds in the match.

Head-to-head player assists: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most assists in the match.

Player Points (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many points the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Assists (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many assists the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Rebounds (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many rebounds the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player 3pt Field Goals Made (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many 3pt field goals the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Steals (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many steals the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Blocks (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many blocks the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player points + rebounds + assists (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many combined points,rebounds and assists the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

PLAYER rebounds + assists (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many combined rebounds and assists the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Most Points (listed players only - incl. OT): You have to predict which of the given players will score the most points (OT included).

Most Pts+Reb+Ast (listed players only - incl. OT): You have to predict which of the given players will score the most points+rebs+assists (OT included).

To Record A Double Double: You have to predict if the given players will record a double double.

Most rebounds: You have to predict which of the given players will record the most rebounds.

Most assists: You have to predict which of the given players will record the most assists.

First point scorer: You have to predict which one from the given players will score the first point of the match.

Player Personal Fouls Committed: It consists of predicting the amount of fouls that the specific player will record only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Player Total 3 Point Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many 3pt shots the specific player attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Player Total Two Point Shots Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many 2pt shots the specific player attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

Player Total Field Goals Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many field goals the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Total Field Goals Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many field goals the specific player attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Total Free Throws Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many free throws the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player Total Free Throws Attempted: It consists of predicting at least how many free throws the specific player attempted, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player First Period - Total Points: It consists of predicting the amount of points that the specific player will record during the first period

Player First Period - Total Rebounds: It consists of predicting the amount of rebounds that the specific player will record during the first period

First Period - Total Assists: It consists of predicting the amount of assists that the specific player will record during the first period

Player Total Two Point Shots Scored: It consists of predicting at least how many 2pt shots the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT)

*If the listed player does not participate at all in the match, the bets are settled as void.


Extra Markets

Both teams to Score 80+: You have to predict if both teams will score 80+ points in the match (OT included)

Both teams to Score 90+: You have to predict if both teams will score 90+ points in the match (OT included)

Both teams to Score 100+: You have to predict if both teams will score 100+ points in the match (OT included)

Both teams to Score 110+: You have to predict if both teams will score 110+ points in the match (OT included)

First shot attempt - Home team: You have to predict if the first shot of home team during the game will be successful

First shot attempt - Away team: You have to predict if the first shot of away team during the game will be successful

First shot of the game made: You have to predict if the first shot during the game will be successful


Basketball - Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given competition according to the official ranking of the competition.

H2H Championship (Regular Season): You have to predict which of the two Teams will finish higher during the regular season of the given tournament. If the two Teams score the same number of points this bet will be void.

Under/Over Points (Regular Season): You have to predict if the total number of points recorded by a team in the given round of a championship will be over or under the line indicated. If one or more matches are cancelled/interrupted and if the remaining matches or remaining parts of the matches would have no impact on the outcome of the bets, current results will stand

valid (in this case any eventual repeated match would be irrelevant); otherwise, this bet will be considered void.

Correct score Playoff Series (4/7 or 3/5): You have to predict the final result of the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated. For the purpose of reporting only official sites of each competition will be considered valid. If the series won't be completed this bet will be void.

H2H to Qualify: You have to predict which of the two teams indicated will pass the given qualifying phase or play-off round.

Finalists: You have to predict which two teams will meet in the final of the tournament.

Best Scorer: You have to predict the player that will score more points during the given tournament. If the chosen player plays at least once during the given tournament, this bet will stand, otherwise it will be void. H2H Scorer: You have to predict which of the two players will score more points during the given tournament. If the two players score the same number of points

this bet will be void.

Best player of the Tournament (MVP): You have to predict which player will be elected BEST PLAYER (MVP) of the event. For the purpose of reporting only official sites of each competition will be considered valid. If a player does not get on the scoresheet in any of the matches included in the market, bets on that player will be settled as void.

Relegation: You have to predict the team that will be relegated from the given championship. For the purpose of reporting, any decision taken before or during playoffs will be considered. All the decisions taken after the end of playoffs won't be considered for the settlement of the bet.

Winning Conference: You have to predict the winner of the given conference of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Winner Division: You have to predict the winner of the given Division of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.

Regular Season Wins (Under/Over): You have to predict the total numbers of wins (under/over) of the selected team during the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Awards - Most Improved Player (reg. season): You have to predict who will win the Most Improved Player Award during the regular season of the given competition.

Defensive Player of the Year (reg. season): You have to predict who will win the Defensive Player of the Year Award during the regular season of the given competition.

Awards - Sixth Man of the Year(reg. season): You have to predict who will win the Sixth Man of the Year Award during the regular season of the given competition.

Will They Make The Playoffs (Yes/No): You have to predict if the selected team will make the playoffs (Yes) or not (No) during the given competition according to the official ranking of the competition.



The outcome of a bet on an ice hockey/field hockey event is based only on regular times. Unless otherwise stated overtimes and penalty shootouts will not affect the outcome of the bet. Bets will be made based on 60 minutes of play unless otherwise specified.

Main Markets*

*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Ice Hockey (same rules apply).

Money Line (incl.OT & penalties): You have to predict the outcome of the match, including any overtime period and penalties.

1X2: Predict if the winner in the match will be the home team - away team or if instead the final score will be a draw, bets are accepted only on regular time, excluding overtime and the result of the series penalty kicks.

Handicap (incl.OT & penalties) (2-Way): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match, including any overtime period and penalties (penalty shootout counts as ‘1’).

Total (incl.OT & penalties): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the match will be over or under the spread indicated, including any overtime period and penalties (penalty shootout counts as ‘1’).

Both teams will score (GG/NG): Predicts if both teams will score at the end of the match. Odd/even (incl. overtime and penalties): You have to predict if the match result is an odd or even number, including possible overtime and penalties (penalties result counts as ‘1’).

First Goal: You have to predict which team will score the first goal of the regulation.

Last Goal: You have to predict which team will score the last goal of the regulation.

Double chance:

  • 1X: If the result is a home win or a draw
  • 2X: If the result is an away win or a draw
  • 1.2: If the result is a home win or an away win

Total (Over/Under): Predicts if the scores at the end of regulation time will be more or less according to the number chosen in the market.

Handicap (2-Way): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Draw no bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Home Team / Away Team Total : You have to predict if the total number of goals scored by the home or the away team during the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the match.

Correct Score: Predict the final score of the event at the end of regulation time.

Will there be Overtime: You have to predict whether there will be overtime in the match or not.

Handicap (3-Way): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Higher scoring period: Predict which of the periods will have the highest number of goals.

Home highest scoring period: Predict which of the periods the home team will have the highest number of goals.

Away highest scoring period: Predict which of the periods the away team will have the highest number of Odd/Even: Predict if the number of goals at the end of the event will represent an odd or even number. Bets on over/under, including the 3 options (over/under/draw... goals), are suggested for regular time only in all hockey games, regardless of the championship.

If as a result of the match the total number of goals scored is equal to the total of the bet and only two options are provided (higher or lower, without the option of “draw... goals”), the money bet will be refunded.

Who will win the rest of the match - Who will win the rest of the first half (includes live betting): This is a live market, you bet on who will win the rest of the match, (when selecting the market, the event will have a 0-0 score independent of the actual score at the time of betting).

Who will win the rest of the match including overtime and penalties (Includes live bet): This is a live market, you bet on who will win the rest of the match, (when selecting the market, the event will have a 0-0 score independent of the actual score at the time of betting). Overtime and penalty shootout are included on the bet.

1X2 & Total : This betting market combines two main betting markets where you must predict who will win the match and how many total goals (over/under) will be scored in the match.

Home no bet: You have to predict if the away team will win the match or if the match ends in a draw. If the home team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Away no bet: You have to predict if the home team will win the match or if the match ends in a draw. If the away team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored during the entire match. Home exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored from the home team during the entire match.

Away exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored from the away team during the entire match.

Which team to score: You have to predict which team will score during the match. 4 are the possible outcomes: Only team 1, Only team 2, Both teams, None.

Home clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the home team will keep a clean sheet during the entire match.

Away clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the away team will keep a clean sheet during the entire match.

1x2 & both teams to score: You have to predict the outcome of the match and whether both teams will score or not in the 1st half only.

Overtime - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome 1X2 of the Overtime period only.

Overtime - double chance: You have to predict the outcome for double chance of the Overtime period only.

  • 1X: If the result is a home win or a draw
  • 2X: If the result is an away win or a draw
  • 1.2: If the result is a home win or an away win

Overtime - xth goal: You have to predict which Team during the Overtime period will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), X (the teams draw), 2 (the away team score). Overtime - total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the Overtime only will be over or under the spread indicated.

Overtime - draw no bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the overtime period ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void. Overtime - competitor1 no bet: You have to predict if the home team

will win the overtime period or if the match ends in a draw. If the home team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Overtime - competitor2 no bet: You have to predict if the away team will win the overtime period or if the match ends in a draw. If the home team wins the match, the bet will be considered void.

Penalty shootout - winner: You have to predict which team will win the penalty shootout (1-2).

Penalty shootout - xth goal: You have to predict which team will score the goal “x” during the penalty shootout. 3 Possible outcomes: 1, X, 2.

xth goal & 1x2: You have to predict together if the final result of the match will be 1, X or 2 and which team will score the goal x of the match.

xth period 1x2 & 1x2: You have to predict together if the final result of the selected period and the final result of the match.

The possible outcomes are:

  • Home Team & Home Team
  • draw & Home Team
  • Away Team & Home Team
  • Home Team & draw
  • draw & draw
  • Away Team & draw
  • Home Team & Away Team
  • draw & Away Team
  • Away Team & Away Team

Home to win all periods: You have to predict whether the home team will win all the periods during the match.

Away to win all periods: You have to predict whether the away team will win all the periods during the match.

Home to win any period: You have to predict whether the home team will win any period during the match. Away to win any period: You have to predict whether the away team will win any period during the match. Home to score in all periods: You have to predict whether the home team will score in all the periods during the match.

Away to score in all periods: You have to predict whether the away team will score in all the periods during the match.

All periods over x.5: You have to predict if all the periods will end over x.5 (0.5,1.5,2.5..) during the match. All periods under x.5: You have to predict if all the periods will end under x.5 (0.5,1.5,2.5..) during the match.

Scoring type: You have to predict the scoring type of the goal x:

6 are the possible outcomes:

  • even strength
  • power-play
  • short-handed
  • penalty shot
  • empty net
  • no goal

Home xth scoring type: You have to predict the scoring type of the goal x.

Away xth scoring type: You have to predict the scoring type of the goal x.

Match go to shootout: You have to predict if the match will go to shoutout

Both teams to score twice (excl. OT and penalties): You have to predict if both teams will score twice in the match (OT and penalties are excluded).

Total penalty minutes (over/under): You have to predict if the total penalty minutes will be over or under the given line.


Period Markets

1ST-2ND-3RD PERIOD: The period betting markets allow the player to bet on the final result of each of the periods.

Period 1X2 : Predict if the winner in the mentioned period will be the home team - away team or if instead the final score will be a draw, bets are accepted only on regular time, excluding overtime and the result of the series penalty kicks.

Period Draw no bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team in the mentioned period, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Period Double Chance:

  • 1X: If the result is a home win or a draw on the mentioned period
  • 2X: If the result is an away win or a draw on the mentioned period
  • 1.2: If the result is a home win or an away win on the mentioned period

Period Handicap (2-way): You have to predict the winner of the mentioned period adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the period.

Period Total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the mentioned period will be over or under the spread indicated.

Period First Goal: You have to predict which team will score the first goal of the mentioned period. Period Last Team to Score: You have to predict which team will score the last goal of the mentioned period.

Period Both teams to score: Predicts if both teams will score or not at the mentioned period.

Period - competitor1 total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored from the home team during the mentioned period will be over or under the spread indicated.

Period - competitor2 total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored from the away team during the mentioned period will be over or under the spread indicated.

Period - exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored during the mentioned period.

Period - competitor1 exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored from the home team during the mentioned period.

Period - competitor2 exact goals: You have to predict the exact number of goals that will be scored from the away team during the mentioned period.

Period - which team to score: You have to predict which team will score during the mentioned period. 4 are the possible outcomes: Only team 1, Only team 2, Both teams, None.

Period - competitor1 clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the home team will keep a clean sheet during the mentioned period. Period - competitor2 clean sheet: Clean sheet is a term used to describe a team that has not conceded any goals. You have to predict whether the away team

will keep a clean sheet during the mentioned period. Period - correct score: Predict the final score at the end of the mentioned period.

Period - which team wins the rest: This is a live market, you bet on who will win the rest of the mentioned period, (when selecting the market, the event will have a 0-0 score independent of the actual score at the time of betting).

Period - odd/even: Predict if the number of goals at the end of the mentioned period will represent an odd or even number.

Xth period- either team to score: You have to predict if either team will score in the Xth period Player Specials

Player goals (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many goals the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player assists (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many assists the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player shots on goal (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many shots on goal the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT). Shots that are not on goal do not count.

Player saves (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many saves the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player points (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many points(combined goals and assists) the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player shots on goal (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of shots on goal the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT). Shots that are not on goal do not count. Player saves (over/under): It consists of predicting the amount of saves that the specific player will make, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).


Ice Hockey/Field Hockey Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Division / Conference Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given division or conference according to the official ranking of the competition.

Regular Season Points - Team: You have to predict how many points(over/under) the mentioned team will gather according to the official ranking of the competition.

Will they make the playoffs? - Team: You have to predict if the mentioned team will reach the playoff of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.

Draft Xth Pick : You have to predict who will be the Xth pick in the mentioned draft.

Draft Position - Player: You have to predict what position the mentioned player will get in the mentioned draft.

H2H - Correct Series Score: You have to predict the final result of the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated. For the purpose of reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition. H2H - When will the series end?: You have to predict in how many games the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated will end. For the purpose of

reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition.

H2H - Winner: You have to predict which of the two teams indicated will qualify in the given qualifying phase or play-off round.



All handball bets will be made based on 60 minutes of play unless otherwise specified. Overtime does not count, nor does it affect the result of the second half and will not be taken into account for the counting of the second half bets. If the 60 minutes of play are not completed for any reason, all bets will be void and the stake will be refunded.

The match must be completed for bets to stand (unless the market has already been settled). All live markets do not include overtime, markets such as: 1x2, Handicap, Odd/Even, Handball Winning Margin, Double Chance except for betting markets such as: Qualify/Win the cup/Win after overtime etc.

Main Markets

1X2: Predict the outcome of the match. Bets are accepted only for the regular time, excluding overtime.

Total: You bet on whether there will be more or less goals than the given line, during the regular time of a match.

Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match..

Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Draw no bet: Predict the outcome of the match. If the final result is a draw, the bet will be settled as void. Odd/Even: Predict if the total number of goals scored is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even.

Halftime/Fulltime: Predict which team will be victorious in the first half and at the end of the match in regulation time.

Winning Margin: This betting market consists of predicting which team will win and by how much difference it will win.

Race to X Goals: Predict which team will reach first at X goals.

Handicap (3 way): You have to predict the final result of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

Team Totals : You bet on whether there will be more or less goals than the given line for the home or the away team, during the regular time of a match.

1st / 2nd half markets: In this section you will find main betting markets related to either the first or the second half of the match.

1X2 & totals: Predict who will be the match winner and how many goals (over/under) will be scored in the match.

Highest scoring half: Predict which of the two halves will have a higher score.

Team highest scoring half: Predict which of the two halves will have a higher score compared to the other but only for the home or the away team.

Team with highest scoring half : Predict which of the two teams will have a higher score in one half compared to the other team.

Goal Range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from both teams.

Team Goal Range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals the home or the away team will score.

xth goal: Predict which team will score the xth goal.

Overtime - total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the Overtime will be over or under the line indicated.

Overtime - handicap: You have to predict the final result of the Overtime taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.


1st Half Markets

1st half - 1x2: Predict the outcome of the first half.

1st half - double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the first half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the 1st half the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the 1st half the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the 1st half the home team wins or the away team wins).

1st half - draw no bet: Predict the outcome of the first half. If the final result is a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

1st half - handicap x:y: You have to predict the final result of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

1st half - handicap: You have to predict the winner of the first half adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match..

1st half - total: On a certain value given in the market, you bet on whether there will be more or less goals during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - Home total: You bet on whether there will be more or less goals than the given line for the home team, during the first half.

1st half - Away total: You bet on whether there will be more or less goals than the given line for the away team, during the first half.

1st half - odd/even: Predict if the total number of goals scored during the 1st half period is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even.

1st half - 1x2 & total: Predict who will be the first half winner and how many goals (over/under) will be scored in the first half.

1st half - winning margin: This betting market consists of predicting which team will win the 1st half and by how much difference it will win.

1st half - goal range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from both teams during the 1st half.

1st half - Home goal range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from the home team during the 1st half.

1st half - Away goal range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from the away team during the 1st half.


2nd Half Markets

2nd half - 1x2: Predict the outcome of the second half.

2nd half - double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the second half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the 2nd half the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the 2nd half the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the 2nd half the home team wins or the away team wins). 2nd half - draw no bet: Predict the outcome of the second half. If the final result is a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

2nd half - odd/even: Predict if the total number of goals scored during the 2nd half period is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even.


Handball Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets:

MoneyLine (1-2): You must hit the winner of the game regardless of the point spread.

Total (incl. OT) (Under/Over): This type of bet consists of specifying the amount of total points in the match, including the OT.

Home Team Total (Under/Over): Bet that consists of specifying the total scores of the home team, this market includes the points scored in the possible overtime.

Away Team Total (Under/Over): Bet that consists of specifying the total scoring of the away team, this market includes the points scored in the possible overtime.

Race to xth points (incl. overtime): Predict which team will reach first at X goals, including overtime. Next goal(incl. overtime): You have to predict which Team will score the next goal. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), X (or none to score), 2 (the away team score).

Next scoring type (incl. overtime): You have to predict by which scoring type will the Xth goal be scored. We have 4 possible outcomes: touchdown, field goal, safety, none.

Highest scoring quarter: You have to predict which quarter of the match will have the most points scored. Highest scoring half: You have to predict which half of the match will have the most points scored.

Will there be overtime: You have to predict whether there will be an overtime or not.

Odd/even (incl. overtime): Predict if the total number of points scored during the match is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even.

Home odd/even (incl. overtime): Predict if the total number of points scored during the match from the home team is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even.

Away odd/even (incl. overtime): Predict if the total number of points scored during the match from the away team is an odd or even number otherwise if the final score is 0:0, bets will be settled as even. Total touchdowns (incl. overtime): You have to predict the total number(over/under) of touchdowns scored during the match and overtime included.

Total field goals made (incl. overtime): You have to predict the total number(over/under) of field goals scored during the match and overtime included.

Total turnovers (incl. overtime): You have to predict the total number(over/under) of turnovers recorded during the match and overtime included.

Total sacks (incl. overtime): You have to predict the total number(over/under) of sacks recorded during the match and overtime included.

xth field goal made (incl. overtime): You have to predict which team will make the Xth field goal during the match and overtime included.

Will there be overtime: Guess if the event will have overtime or not.


1st Half Markets

1st half - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st half, selections are 1-the home team, 2-the away team and X-draw. If the half is uncompleted this market will be void.

1st half - handicap: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the half, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the 1st half will be over or under the line indicated, if the half is uncompleted this market will be void.

1st half - draw no bet: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half, if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - odd/even: You have to predict if the number points scored during the 1st half of the match is going to be odd or even.

1st half - Home team odd/even: You have to predict if the number of points scored from the home team during the 1st half of the match is going to be odd or even.

1st half - Away team odd/even: You have to predict if the number of points scored from the away team during the 1st half of the match is going to be odd or even.

1st half - next score: You have to predict which Team will score the next goal during the 1st half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (the home team score), X (the teams draw), 2 (the away team score).

1st half 1x2 & 1st half total: You have to predict both the result and the total number of goals (over/under) for the 1st half.

1st half handicap & 1st half total: You have to predict both the result (taking into consideration the handicap in the bracket) and the total number of goals (over/under) for the 1st half.


2nd Half Markets

2nd half - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the 2nd half, selections are 1-the home team, 2-the away team and X-draw. If the half is uncompleted this market will be void. Overtime is not included, unless stated otherwise (Incl.OT)

2nd half - handicap: You have to predict the winner of the 2nd half adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the half, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void. Overtime is not included, unless stated otherwise (Incl.OT)

2nd half - total (Over/Under): you have to predict if the total number of points scored during the 2nd half will be over or under the spread indicated, if the half is uncompleted this market will be void. Overtime is not included, unless stated otherwise (Incl.OT)

2nd half - draw no bet (incl. overtime): You have to predict the winner of the 2nd half, if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void. Overtime is not included, unless stated otherwise (Incl.OT)


Quarters Markets

Quarter - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the selected quarter, selections are 1-the home team, 2- the away team and X-draw. If the quarter is uncompleted this market will be void.

Quarter - total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the selected quarter will be over or under the spread indicated, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be void. Quarter - draw no bet: You have to predict the winner of the selected quarter, if the quarter finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the quarter is

uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter - handicap: You have to predict the winner of the selected quarter adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the quarter, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st quarter 1x2 & 1st quarter total: You have to predict both the result and the total number of goals (over/under) for the 1st quarter.

1st quarter handicap & 1st quarter total: You have to predict both the result (taking into consideration the handicap in the bracket) and the total number of goals (over/under) for the 1st quarter.


Drive Markets

xth drive play x - competitor play type: Predict whether the type of play will be a rush or a pass. Only a forward pass counts as a passing play by definition. A sack is also considered a passing play.

xth drive play x - competitor pass completion: Predict if there will be a completed pass during the stated play. Only a forward pass will be taken under consideration for a passing play by definition.

xth drive play x - competitor total yards gained: Predict the total of yards earned during stated play. Yards earned through play penalties will not be considered.

xth drive play x - competitor new first down: Predict if competitor will earn a new first down during the stated play. A touchdown is only credited as a new first down when scored by the offense. First downs and yards earned by play penalties will not be considered for settlement.

xth drive play x - competitor sack: Predict whether there will be a sack or not in the stated play.

xth drive - competitor result: Predict the outcome of competitor’s stated drive (punt, touchdown, field goal attempt) Different outcomes will be settled with “other”.

*In case of no plays, all markets will be settled with the next play or voided if the drive ends before reaching the respective play.

** In case of the drive ended before the respective play number was reached, all markets for the respective play will be considered void. This includes punts and field goals.
*** Field goal yardage will not be considered for total yards gained in a play.


Player Specials

Player passing yards: It consists of predicting the amount of passing yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player passing yards (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many passing yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player pass completions: It consists of predicting the amount of pass completions the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player pass completions (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many pass completions the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player pass touchdowns: It consists of predicting the amount of pass touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player pass touchdowns (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many pass touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing attempts: It consists of predicting the amount of rushing attempts the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing attempts (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many rushing attempts the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing yards: It consists of predicting the amount of rushing yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing yards (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many rushing yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing touchdowns: It consists of predicting the amount of rushing touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player rushing touchdowns (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many rushing touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receptions: It consists of predicting the amount of receptions the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receptions (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many receptions the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receiving yards: It consists of predicting the amount of receiving yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receiving yards(at least): It consists of predicting at least how many receiving yards the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receiving touchdowns: It consists of predicting the amount of receiving touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player receiving touchdowns (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many receiving touchdowns the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player to score first touchdown: Predict which player will score the first touchdown of the match.

Total interceptions thrown by QB: It consists of predicting the amount of total interceptions the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Longest completion by QB: It consists of predicting the longest completion the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player sacks: It consists of predicting the amount of sacks the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

Player longest rush: It consists of predicting the longest rush the specific player will record, only standard time unless the market specifies (Inc OT).

First rush attempt by PLAYER: Predict which player will record the first rush attempt of the match.

First reception by PLAYER: Predict which player will record the first reception of the match.

First completion by QB: Predict which QB will record the first completion of the match.

Longest rushing play in game: Predict which player will record the longest rushing play of the match.

Longest reception in game: Predict which player will record the longest reception of the match. Head-to-head player passing yards: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most passing yards in the match.

Head-to-head player pass completions: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most pass completions in the match.

Head-to-head player rush yards: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most rush yards in the match.

Head-to-head player receiving yards: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most receiving yards in the match.

Head-to-head player receptions: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most receptions in the match.

Player carries at least: You have to predict how many carries at least the listed player will record.

Player (defensive) to have an interception: You have to predict if the listed player will record an interception.

Player first rush (incl. OT): You have to predict which one of the listed players will record the first rush.

Player rushing-attempts at least: You have to predict at least how many rushing attempts the listed player will record.

Player rushing-yards at least: You have to predict at least how many rushing yards the listed player will record.

Player rushing-tds at least: You have to predict at least how many rushing tds the listed player will record. Player receptions at least: You have to predict at least how many receptions the listed player will record. Player receiving-yards at least: You have to predict at least how many receiving yards the listed player will record.

Player receiving-tds at least: You have to predict at least how many receiving tds the listed player will record.

Player touchdowns at least: You have to predict at least how many touchdowns the listed player will record.

Player Passing Attempts: You have to predict how many passing attempts (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Longest Pass Completions: You have to predict which player will record the longest pass completions.

Player Rushing and Receiving Yards: You have to predict how many rushing and receiving yards (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Kicking Points: You have to predict how many kicking points (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Interceptions Thrown: You have to predict how many interceptions (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Longest Reception: You have to predict which player will record the longest reception.

Player Total Tackles: You have to predict how many tackles (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Total Sacks: You have to predict how many sacks (over/under) the listed player will record.

Player Passing yards 1st half: You have to predict how many passing yards (over/under) the listed player will record in the 1st half.

Player passing TD's 1st half: You have to predict how many passing TDs (over/under) the listed player will record in the 1st half.

Player first rush (incl. OT): You have to predict which player will record the first rush.

Player position of 1st TD: You have to predict what will be the position of the listed player on his first TD.

Player position of last TD: You have to predict what will be the position of the listed player on his last TD. QB to have an interception: You have to predict if the listed QB will record an interception.

QB longest completion (incl. OT): You have to predict which QB will record the longest completion.

QB first completion (incl. OT): You have to predict which QB will record the first completion.

Any QB to throw for 300+ yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed QB will record a 300+ yards throw.

Any QB to throw for 350+ yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed QB will record a 350+ yards throw.

Any QB to throw for 400+ yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed QB will record a 400+ yards throw.

Any player to have 100+ rushing yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed player will record an 100+ rushing yards.

Any player to have 150+ rushing yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed player will record an 150+ rushing yards.

Any player to have 100+ receiving yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed player will record an 100+ receiving yards.

Any player to have 150+ receiving yards (incl. OT): You have to predict if any listed player will record an 150+ receiving yards.

Most Receiving Yards (listed players only - incl. OT): You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most receiving yards.

Most Passing yards Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most passing yards.

Most Pass completions Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most pass completions.

Most Rush yards Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most rushing yards.

Most Receiving yards Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most receiving yards.

Most Receptions Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most receptions.

Most Disposals Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most disposals.

Most Goals Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most goals.

Most Marks Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most marks.

Most Passing-tds Player 1 vs Player 2: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most passing touchdowns.

Most Rushing Yards: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most rushing yards. Most Receiving Yards: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most receiving yards. Most 1st downs: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most 1st downs.

Most sacks: You have to predict which of the listed players will record the most sacks.

Player Total Pass Attempts (incl.OT): You have to predict at least how many pass attempts the listed player will record.

Player Pass Attempts Over/Under (incl.OT): You have to predict if the given players’ pass attempts will be over or under the given lines.

Player Total Pass Interceptions (incl.OT): You have to predict at least how many pass interceptions the listed player will record.

Player Pass Interceptions Over/Under (incl.OT): You have to predict if the given players’ pass interceptions will be over or under the given lines.

Player Total Tackles (incl.OT): You have to predict at least how many tackles the listed player will record.

Player Tackles Over/Under (incl.OT): You have to predict if the given players’ tackles will be over or under the given lines.

Player Total Sacks (incl.OT): You have to predict at least how many sacks the listed player will record.

Player Sacks Over/Under (incl.OT): You have to predict if the given players’ sacks will be over or under the given lines.

Player Total Interceptions (incl.OT): You have to predict at least how many interceptions the listed player will record.

Player Interceptions Over/Under (incl.OT): You have to predict if the given players’ interceptions will be over or under the given lines.


Team Specials

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 punts: You have to predict how many punts (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 sacks: You have to predict how many sacks (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total field goals: You have to predict how many field goals(over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total field goals 2 way: You have to predict how many field goals (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total turnovers: You have to predict how many total turnovers (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to score in their first drive: You have to predict if Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score in their first drive.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total touchdowns: You have to predict how many touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 longest punt: You have to predict which will be the longest punt that Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 will record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 shortest punt: You have to predict which will be the shortest punt that Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 will record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 gross punt yardage: You have to predict what gross punt yardage (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 net offensive yards: You have to predict how many net offensive yards (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 rushing yards: You have to predict how many rushing yards (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total 4th down conversions: You have to predict how many 4th down conversions (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 rushing touchdowns: You have to predict how many rushing touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 first half total points: You have to predict how many points (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the first half.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total field goal yardage: You have to predict how much total field goal yardage (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total rushing touchdowns: You have to predict how many rushing touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total 1st downs: You have to predict how many 1st downs (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total 3rd down conversions: You have to predict how many 3rd down conversions (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record.

First Competitor 1/Competitor 2 drive result: You have to predict which will be the result of Competitor 1/Competitor 2 first drive result.

1st Scoring Play Competitor 1/Competitor 2: You have to predict which will be the first scoring play of Competitor 1/Competitor 2.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 halves won: You have to predict which halves will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 win.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 quarters won: You have to predict which quarters will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 win.

Will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 score more points in: You have to predict in which of the given time frames will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 score more points in.

1st half -Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total touchdowns: You have to predict how many touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the first half.

2nd half - Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total touchdowns: You have to predict how many touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the second half.

1st half - Competitor 1/Competitor 2 field goals: You have to predict how many field goals (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the first half.

2nd half -Competitor 1/Competitor 2 field goals: You have to predict how many field goals (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the second half.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to score first and win the game: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score first and win the match.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to score first and lose the game: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score first and lose the match.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to score in every quarter: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score in every quarter.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to score in both halves: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score in both halves.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to win all quarters: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will win all quarters.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to win both halves: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will win both halves.

Competitor 1/Competitor 2 to get 1st down: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will get 1st down.

Team to Score Longest Field Goal: You have to predict which team will score the longest field goal.

Team with longest KickOff return in Game: You have to predict which team will record the longest kick off return in the match.

Team with longest play from Scrimmage: You have to predict which team will record the longest play from scrimmage in the match.

Team with more 3rd Down Conversion in Game: You have to predict which team will record the most 3rd down conversions in the match.

Team with more Offensive Plays in Game: You have to predict which team will record the most offensive plays in the match.

Team with most Accepted Penalty Yards in Game: You have to predict which team will record the most accepted penalty yards in the match.

Team with most punts: You have to predict which team will record the most punts in the match.

Team with highest scoring Quarter: You have to predict which team will record the highest scoring quarter in the match.

One team scores 3 times in a row: You have to predict whether at least one team will score 3 times in a row.

First team to enter the red zone: You have to predict which team will enter the red zone first.

First team to score inside the red zone: You have to predict which team will score first from inside the red zone.

Team with most time of possession: You have to predict which team will record the most time of possession in the match.

Team to score longest touchdown: You have to predict which team will score the longest touchdown in the match.

Team to score first touchdown: You have to predict which team will score the first touchdown in the match.

Team to score last touchdown: You have to predict which team will score the last touchdown in the match.

Team to commit first turnover: You have to predict which team will commit the first turnover in the match.

Team to commit no turnovers: You have to predict which team will commit no turnovers in the match.

Team to win coin toss: You have to predict which team will win the coin toss.

1st team to punt: You have to predict which team will punt first.

First team to punt 3 times: You have to predict which team will first punt 3 times.

Which team will have the longest gross punt: You have to predict which team will record the longest gross punt in the match.

Team with longest Punt return in Game: You have to predict which team will record the longest punt return in the match.

Team to score shortest touchdown: You have to predict which team will record the shortest touchdown in the match.

Team to have longest drive (yards) resulting in a touchdown: You have to predict which team will record the longest drive (in yards) resulting in a touchdown.

Team to have longest drive (yards) resulting in a field goal made: You have to predict which team will record the longest drive (in yards) resulting in a field goal made.

Team to score last Field Goal: You have to predict which team will score the last field goal.

First Team to Get a First Down: You have to predict which team will get a first down first.

Team To Commit First Turnover Of Game: You have to predict which team will commit the first turnover of the game.

Team to have the longest field goal: You have to predict which team will have the longest field goal.

Team To Commit First Accepted Penalty: You have to predict which team will commit the first accepted penalty.

Team to have the longest field goal: You have to predict which team will have the longest field goal.

Team to gain most passing yards: You have to predict which team will gain the most passing yards.

Team to gain most rushing yards: You have to predict which team will gain the most rushing yards.

Team with most turnovers committed: You have to predict which team will commit the most turnovers.

Last Team to Score in 1st Half: You have to predict which team will score last in the 1st half.

Team to Score Xth Touchdown: You have to predict which team will score the Xth touchdown.

Will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 score on their first drive: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will score on their first drive.

Xth quarter - Competitor 1/Competitor 2 total touchdowns: You have to predict how many touchdowns (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the Xth quarter.

Xth quarter -Competitor 1/Competitor 2 field goals: You have to predict how many field goals (over/under) will Competitor 1 and Competitor 2 record in the Xth quarter.

First team offense to cross 50 yard line: You have to predict which team offense will first cross 50 yard line.

Team to have the shortest field goal: You have to predict which team will have the shortest field goal. Team with highest scoring quarter: You have to predict which team will have the highest scoring quarter.

Team with lowest scoring quarter: You have to predict which team will have the lowest scoring quarter. Team to have a first coaches challenge: You have to predict which team will first have a coach challenge.

Team to call first timeout: You have to predict which team will first call a timeout.

Team to record 1st Sack: You have to predict which team will record the 1st sack.

Team to call 1st timeout: You have to predict which team will call the first timeout.

Largest lead (either team) O/U: You have to predict which will be the largest lead in the game (over /under) by either team.

Will team that wins coin toss win the game: You have to predict if the team that wins the coin toss, will also win the game.

Will Competitor 1/Competitor 2 win the coin toss and win the game: You have to predict whether Competitor 1/Competitor 2 will win the coin toss and win the match.

Will both teams have the lead in the 1st half: You have to predict if both teams will have the lead in the 1st half.

Will both teams have the lead in the 2nd half: You have to predict if both teams will have the lead in the 2nd half.

Will both teams have the lead in the 4th quarter: You have to predict if both teams will have the lead in the 4th quarter.

Team to score first wins: You have to predict if the team that scores first, will also win the game.

Team to score last wins: You have to predict if the team that scores last, will also win the game.

Either team to score 4 times in a row: You have to predict if either team will score 4 times in a row.

Each team to score one touchdown in each half: You have to predict if each team will score at least one touchdown in each half.

Each team to score two touchdowns in each half: You have to predict if each team will score at least two touchdowns in each half.

Any team to score 40+ points: You have to predict if any team will score 40+ points.

3 Straight Scores by Either Team (incl. OT): You have to predict if either team will score 3 straight times in the match (OT included).

Will competitor 1/competitor 2 Score First Drive: You have to predict if competitor 1 or competitor 2 will score their first drive.

Both Teams to Score 19.5 / 24.5 / 29.5 (incl. OT): You have to predict if both teams will score 19.5 or 24.5 or 29.5 points in the match (OT included).


Other Statistical Markets

Longest field goal scored: You have to predict which will be the longest field goal (over/under) scored in the match.

Shortest field goal scored: You have to predict which will be the shortest field goal (over/under) scored in the match.

First drive result (incl. OT): You have to predict the result of the first drive.

First offensive play of the game (incl. OT): You have to predict which will be the first offensive play of the game.

Total penatlies accepted: You have to predict which will be the total number of penalties accepted (over/under) in the match.

Total pass attempts: You have to predict which will be the total number of pass attempts (over/under) in the match.

Total pass completions: You have to predict which will be the total number of pass completions (over/under) in the match.

Total pass yards: You have to predict which will be the total number of pass yards(over/under) in the match.

Total 1st downs: You have to predict which will be the total number of 1st downs (over/under) in the match.

Total punts: You have to predict which will be the total number of punts(over/under) in the match.

Total TD's 2-way: You have to predict which will be the total number of touchdowns (over/under) in the match.

Total interceptions: You have to predict which will be the total number of interceptions (over/under) in the match.

Total defensive tackles: You have to predict which will be the total number of defensive tackles (over/under) in the match.

Longest touchdown scored: You have to predict which will be the longest touchdown (over/under) scored in the match.

Shortest touchdown scored: You have to predict which will be the shortest touchdown (over/under) scored in the match.

Xth quarter - total touchdowns: You have to predict which will be the total number of touchdowns (over/under) in the Xth quarter.

1st Half - field goals: You have to predict which will be the total number of field goals(over/under) in the 1st half.

Xth quarter - field goals: You have to predict which will be the total number of field goals (over/under) in the Xth quarter.

Total of shirt numbers for touchdown scorers (2-point conversions do not count): You have to predict which will be the total number of shirt numbers for touchdown scorers(over/under) in the match.

Will there be a missed extra point after a touchdown? (Kick only): You have to predict if there will be a missed extra point after a touchdown (kick only).

Will the game be decided exactly by 3 points: You have to predict if the game will be decided exactly by 3 points.

Will there be a 2 PT convertion: You have to predict if there will be a 2 pt conversion.

Game to be tied after 0-0: You have to predict if the game will be tied after 0-0.

Total TD's 3-way: You have to predict which will be the total number of touchdowns (over/under) in the match.

First scoring method 3-way: You have to predict which will be the first scoring method (3way).

First scoring method 6-way: You have to predict which will be the first scoring method (6way).

First turnover type 3way: You have to predict which will be the first turnover type (3way).

First offensive play of the game: You have to predict which will be the first offensive play of the game. Last scoring method: You have to predict which will be the last scoring method.

Result of 1st coaches challenge: You have to predict which will be the result of the 1st coach challenge. How many players will have a passing attempt: You have to predict how many players (over/under) will have a passing attempt.

Who will have more first downs: You have to predict who will have the most 1st downs.

Safety to be scored: You have to predict if a safety will be scored.

Successful 2 point conversion: You have to predict if there will be a successful 2 point conversion.

Half Time - Total Songs: You have to predict how many songs will be played in halftime.

Jersey Number of 1st touchdown scorer: You have to predict the jersey number of 1st touchdown scorer

Total game gross punt yardage: You have to predict which will be the total gross punt yardage (over/under) in the match.

Length (Yards) of longest Drive: You have to predict which will be the length of the longest drive (over/under yards) in the match.

Net yards gained on game opening drive: You have to predict how many net yards will be gained on game opening drive (over/under).

First score yards: You have to predict which will be the first score yards (over/under).

First touchdown yards: You have to predict which will be the first touchdown yards (over/under).

Distance of 1st successful field goal: You have to predict which will be the distance of the 1st successful field goal (over/under yards) in the match.

Total field goal yards: You have to predict which will be the total number of field goal yards (over/under) in the match.

Total 3rd down conversions: You have to predict which will be the total number of 3rd down conversions (over/under) in the match.

Total 4th down conversions: You have to predict which will be the total number of 4th down conversions (over/under) in the match.

Total kickoffs: You have to predict which will be the total number of kickoffs(over/under) in the match.

Total net offensive yards: You have to predict which will be the total number of net offensive yards (over/under) in the match.

Total players to have a pass attempt: You have to predict which will be the total number of players to have a pass attempt (over/under) in the match.

Total players with receptions: You have to predict which will be the total number of players with receptions (over/under) in the match.

Total players with rush attempts: You have to predict which will be the total number of players with rush attempts (over/under) in the match.

Total rushing attempts: You have to predict which will be the total number of rushing attempts (over/under) in the match.

Total TD yardage: You have to predict which will be the total touchdown yardage (over/under) in the match.

Total touchdown passes: You have to predict which will be the total number of touchdown passes (over/under) in the match.

Largest lead of the game: You have to predict which will be the largest lead (over/under) in the match.

Most consecutive completions by either starting QB: You have to predict which will be the most consecutive completions by either starting QB.

Successful Two-Point Conversion: You have to predict if there will be a successful 2 point conversion.

Coin toss correctly called: You have to predict if the coin toss will be correctly called.

Opening kickoff to be a touchback: You have to predict if the opening kickoff will be a touchback.

Any kick to hit uprights: You have to predict if any kick will hit uprights.

Will there be an octapus: You have to predict if there will be an octapus.

Will any punt result in a touchback: You have to predict if any punt will result in a touchback.

Will there be a blocked punt: You have to predict if there will be a blocked punt.

Will there be a fake punt or FG: You have to predict if there will be a fake punt or FG.

Will there be a punt returned for a touchdown: You have to predict if there will be a punt returned for a touchdown.

1st Drive - Field goal made: You have to predict if there will be a field goal in the 1st drive.

Either team to score a touchdown on their opening Drive: You have to predict if either team will score a touchdown on their opening drive.

Offensive score on 1st drive of the game: You have to predict if there will be an offensive score on the 1st drive of the game.

1st field goal - on or after 14:00 elapsed: You have to predict if the 1st field goal will be scored on or after 14:00 minute.

1st score - on or after 7:00 elapsed: You have to predict if the 1st score will be scored on or after 07:00 minute.

1st touchdown - on or after 10:00 elapsed: You have to predict if the 1st touchdown will be scored on or after 10:00 minute.

Will there be a successful field goal in all four quarters: You have to predict if there will be a successful field goal in all four quarters.

First score of the game is touchdown: You have to predict if the first score of game is a touchdown.

Will there be a scoreless quarter: You have to predict if there will be a scoreless quarter.

Opening kickoff to be a touchback: You have to predict if the opening kickoff will be a touchback.

Will there be a missed FG/XP: You have to predict if there will be a missed FG/XP.

Will there be a pick 6: You have to predict if there will be a pick 6.

Special Team or Defensive Touchdown Scored: You have to predict if there will be a special team touchdown or defensive touchdown scored.

Will any long snapper record a tackle or assist: You have to predict if any long snapper will record a tackle or assist.

Will there be an ejection: You have to predict if there will be an ejection.

Will there be a flea-flicker attempted: You have to predict if there will be a flea-flicker attempt.

Will there be a kick-off returned for a touchdown: You have to predict if there will be a kick off returned for a touchdown.

Score in Final 2 Minutes of 1st Half?: You have to predict if there will be score in the final 2 minutes of the 1st half.

Will there be a 4th quarter comeback: You have to predict if there will be a 4th quarter comeback.

Last play of the game to be a QB kneel: You have to predict if the last play of the game will be a QB kneel.

Will there be a score on the last play of the game: You have to predict if there will be a score on the last play of the game.

Will last play of game be a Quarterback Rush: You have to predict if the last play of the game will be a quarterback rush.

Most 1st downs: You have to predict who will make the most 1st downs.

National Anthem duration: You have to predict what will be the duration of the national anthem.

Coin toss outcome: You have to predict what will be the outcome of the coin toss.

Culour of Gatorade poured on winning head coach: You have to predict what will be the colour of the Gatorade that will be poured on the winning head coach.

Who will the Super Bowl MVP thank first: You have to predict who will the Super Bowl MVP thank first.

Position of the MVP: You have to predict what will be the position of the MVP.

1st Scoring Play: You have to predict what will be the 1st scoring play.

Opening kickoff returned for a touchdown: You have to predict if the opening kickoff will be returned for a touchdown.

Quarter of first touchdown: You have to predict what will be the quarter of the first touchdown.

1st Turnover of the Game will be: You have to predict what will be the 1st turnover of the game.

Total touchdowns - Exact: You have to predict exactly which will be the total number of touchdowns in the match.


American Football Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Division / Conference Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given division or conference according to the official ranking of the competition.

Regular Season wins - Team: You have to predict how many wins (over/under) the mentioned team will gather in the regular season of the given competition, according to the official ranking of the competition.

Will they make the playoffs? - Team: You have to predict if the mentioned team will reach the playoff of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.

Draft Xth Pick : You have to predict who will be the Xth pick in the mentioned draft.

Draft Position - Player: You have to predict what position the mentioned player will get in the mentioned draft.

H2H - Correct Series Score: You have to predict the final result of the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated. For the purpose of reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition. H2H - When will the series end?: You have to predict in how many games the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated will end. For the purpose of

reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition.

H2H - Winner: You have to predict which of the two teams indicated will qualify in the given qualifying phase or play-off round.

To reach the Playoffs: You have to predict if the selected team will reach the playoff (Yes) or not (No) during the tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Awards - Most Valuable Player: You have to predict who will win the Most valuable Player Award of the particular season (regular season only).

Awards - Offensive Rookie of the Year: You have to predict who will win the Rookie Player of the Year Award of the particular season(regular season only)..

Awards - Defensive Rookie of the Year: You have to predict who will win the Defensive Player of the Year Award of the particular season(regular season only)..

To Reach the SuperBowl: You have to predict if the selected team will reach the Superbowl (Yes) or not (No) during the tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Team - Position in the Draft: You have to predict what will be the position of the team in the mentioned draft.

Super Bowl - Winning Conference: You have to predict which conference the winner of the superbowl will come from.

Super Bowl - Winning Division: You have to predict which division the winner of the superbowl will come from.

Super Bowl - Team to win coin toss: You have to predict which team will win the coin toss in the superbowl.

Super Bowl - MVP: You have to predict which player will be the MVP of the Superbowl.

Time of First Score(mins): You have to predict when will be the first point(s) scored (minute).

Total First Downs (incl. OT): You have to predict how many First downs will be scored (OT included).

Safety (incl. OT): You have to predict where there will be safety in the match (OT included).

Defensive or special teams TD scored (incl. OT): You have to predict whether there will be any Defensive TDs or special teams TDs scored (OT included).

Most First Downs (incl. OT): You have to predict which team will score the most first downs (OT included).

Big Win Little Win: You have to predict whether the home or away team will win by 14+ points (big win) or by 1-13 points (little win).




1. at least 5 innings are completed


1. at least 9 innings are completed

MLB (or other Baseball leagues): the Moneyline (Winner Market) is considered as decided if the officials of the league consider the game as finished and if:

2. 4.5 innings are completed and the home team (or the team batting second) is ahead. In all other cases, bets on Money line are settled as void.

For avoidance of doubt, bets on all other markets (e.g Totals, Spread etc) will stand, unless already decided, if:


2. 8.5 innings are completed and the home team (or the team batting second) is ahead.

In all other cases, bets are settled as void. In the event of a Mercy Rule being called, all bets will stand on the score at the time.

MLB(or other Baseball leagues), all Pitcher Lines (PL Markets for Moneyline, Spread and Totals) are void in case of change in the listed starting pitcher. Bets placed on Pitcher line markets will include the indication (PL) inside the betslip and the bet history pages. In case the (PL) indicator is not visible inside the betslip , the bet is placed on the Action Line and it will be

settled accordingly. Action lines are settled based on the outcome of the event regardless of any pitcher changes. Any new offered pitcher lines will follow the above rules. Action lines are following the general rules with the exceptions regarding MLB(or other Baseball leagues), as above.

In Baseball and in case of a 7-inning game, bets on all other markets (e.g Totals, Spread etc) will stand, unless already decided, if: :

1. at least 7 innings are completed

1. at least 5 innings are completed

Total bases: are strictly what comes from batter hits such as singles, doubles, triples or home runs. Total bases - A home run is 4 total bases, a triple is 3, a double is 2, and a single is 1. Walks, being hit by a pitch (HBP), stealing a base, reaching a base via error or a fielder's choice DO NOT count toward the Total Bases prop---only hits.

*Total Bases are calculated by adding all hits a player makes as per Single= 1 Base, Double=2, Triple=3, Home Run=Only these count.

Main Markets:

Money Line (1/2) (incl.extra innings): Predict the winning team, regardless of the starting pitcher.

Handicap (incl.extra innings): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match, including any extra innings.

Total (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total number of runs achieved by both teams, including any extra innings.

Home team total runs (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total number of runs achieved by the home team including any extra innings.

Away team total runs (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total runs achieved by the away team including any extra innings.

Total hits (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total number of hits achieved by both teams including any extra innings.


2. 6.5 innings are completed and the home team(or the team batting second) is ahead. Exception is the Moneyline (Match Winner) that is considered as decided if:


2. 4.5 innings are completed and the home team (or the team batting second) is ahead. In all other cases, bets on Money line are settled as void.


Home team total hits (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total number of hits achieved by the home team, including any extra innings.

Away team total hits (incl.extra innings): In this bet you must specify the total hits achieved by the away team, including any extra innings.

Win current inning or next inning: Predict if the home or away team will win the current or the next inning. The first and second parts of the specified inning must be completed, except when the team hitting second is leading when the game is suspended or abandoned.

Total runs in X inning: In this bet you must specify the total number of runs achieved by both teams in the Xth inning. The first and second part of the specific inning must have been completed, unless the market is already determined.

Score of the current inning or the next inning: Predict the score of the current or next inning. The first and second part of the specific inning must have been completed, unless the bet has already been determined.

Marker of current inning / Hit in 1⁄2 inning or next inning: The first and second part of the specific inning must be completed unless a run has been completed or a hit has been carried out, when the game is suspended or abandoned.

Team to get the most hits in the current inning or next inning: For the bet to stand, the first and second parts of the specific inning must be completed, unless the bet has already been determined.

Total hits in current inning or next inning or total runs in current inning or next inning: The first and second part of the specific inning must have been completed, unless that the bet has already been settled. Leader after xx innings: For the bet to stand, the first and second parts of the specific inning have to be completed, unless the bet has already been settled.

'Race to xx' Markets/Team Totals/Total Hits: The 81⁄2 innings rule will apply, unless bets have already been settled or natural ends (e.g. without suspending the match) of the match determines the bets. If a match reaches a draw and the natural ending of the match (e.g. without suspending the match) requires a winner, then bets on the 'Race to xx' markets will be void. For

example, if an MLB(or other Baseball leagues) game is suspended or abandoned, or suspended with a 3-3 goal after 10 innings, then bets on the 4 race markets will be void. Bets on the 5, 6 or 7 race markets will be settled as Void.

Next team to score: In the case that the match is suspended, all bets on runs that have already been scored will count. Bets on the next race at the time of suspension or abandonment will be void.

Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the match, for example home team by 1-3 runs.The 81⁄2 innings rule will apply. Includes additional innings for MLB(or other Baseball leagues). For MLB(or other Baseball leagues), a game ending in a draw, bets that do not offer a draw option will be void; in

the case of non-MLB events where the game may end in a draw, then that option will be available.

IMPORTANT: We recommend that you consider the following example in the Winning Margin market in our live game mode. Our platform can show the market as follows: +3 (races), -3 (races) Where the sign (+) means home team and the sign (-) awayteam, > = + 3 and < = - 3 where the first means over or equal to 3 home team races and the second under or equal to 3

away team races.

When will the first run be scored (incl.extra innings): Predict in which inning the first run will be scored.

Winner & Total : This betting market combines two main betting markets where you must predict who will win the match and how many total runs (over/under) will be scored in the match.

Maximum consecutive runs by either team: You have to predict what will be the maximum number of consecutive runs scored by any team.

Exact runs in highest scoring inning: You have to predict the exact number of runs in the inning with the highest score.

Run range (incl. extra innings): You have to predict a range within which the total runs of the event will be.

Result of xth pitch: You have to predict the result of the mentioned pitch.

Hit on xth pitch: You have to predict if there will be a hit on the mentioned pitch or not.

Home run on xth pitch: You have to predict if there will be a home run on the mentioned pitch or not.

Innings Markets:

Xth inning - 1X2: Predict the outcome of the mentioned inning.

Xth inning - total: In this bet you must specify the total number of runs achieved by both teams in the mentioned inning.

Xth inning - team to score: You have to predict which team will score in the mentioned inning.

Xth inning - handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned inning adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Xth inning - total hits: You have to predict the total number of hits of the mentioned inning.

Xth inning - team total hits: You have to predict the total number of hits for the home or the away team of the mentioned inning.

Innings 1 to 5 - 1X2: Predict the outcome of innings 1 to 5.

Innings 1 to 5 - total: In this bet you must specify the total number of runs achieved by both teams in innings 1 to 5.

Innings 1 to 5 - handicap: You have to predict the winner of innings 1 to 5 adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Innings 1 to 5 - total hits: You have to predict the total number of hits of innings 1 to 5.

Innings 1 to 5 - team total hits: You have to predict the total number of hits for the home or the away team of innings 1 to 5.

Team to win more innings: You have to predict which team will win more innings in the match.

Team with highest scoring inning: You have to predict which team will have the highest score in a single inning (or if there will be a draw).

Will there be an extra inning: Guess if the event (yes-no) will have extra innings.

First x innings 1x2 & 1x2 (incl. extra innings): You have to predict the result of the first X innings, as well the result at the end of the match.

Both teams over X.5 (incl. extra innings): You have to predict if both teams will score more than X.5 runs in the match, or not.

Race to X runs (incl. extra innings): You have to predict which team will reach first at X runs, including overtime.

Home Team to bat in 9th inning: You have to predict if the home team will bat in the 9th inning.

Total scoreless innings: You have to predict how many innings will end without score (0-0).

Highest scoring inning: You have to predict which will be the inning with the highest score. When will the match be decided: You have to predict in which inning the match will be decided. Next inning Hit (yes/no): You have to predict if there will be a hit in the next inning.

Xth inning Hit (yes/no): You have to predict if there will be a hit in the Xth inning.

Baseball Player Specials Markets:

Player strikeouts: It consists of predicting the amount of strikeouts the specific player will record.

Player strikeouts (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many strikeouts the specific player will record.

Player hits (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many hits the specific player will record.

Player total bases (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many total bases the specific player will record.

Player hits + runs + rbi’s: It consists of predicting the amount of combined hits, runs and rbi’s the specific player will record.

Player hits + runs + rbi’s (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many combined hits, runs and rbi’s the specific player will record.

Player home runs (at least): It consists of predicting at least how many home runs the specific player will record.

Head-to-head total bases: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most total bases in the match.

Head-to-head strikeouts: It consists of predicting which one from the mentioned players will record the most strikeouts in the match.

Player hits + total bases: It consists of predicting the amount of combined hits and total bases the specific player will record.

All markets below the Players Specials’ section follow this rule: If the listed player is not in the starting lineup of the match, the bets are settled as void.

Player total bases + runs + rbi’s: It consists of predicting the amount of combined total bases, runs and rbi’s the specific player will record.

Batter Hits: It consists of predicting the amount of hits the specific batter will record.

Batter Total Bases: It consists of predicting the amount of total bases the specific batter will record. Pitcher Strikeouts: It consists of predicting the amount of strikeouts the specific pitcher will record. Result of Xth Player’s Nth time at bat: You have to predict the result of Xth player’s Nth time at bat.

Xth Player to Strike out Nth time at bat: You have to predict if the xth player will strike out in his Nth time at bat.

Most Total Bases: You have to predict which team will record the most total bases.

Most Total Strikeouts: You have to predict which team will record the most total strikeouts.

Player Runs: It consists of predicting how many runs the specific player will record

Pitcher Total Hits Allowed: Total hits allowed by a pitcher, indicates the number of hits the pitcher allows the opposing batters to have during his time in plate.

Extra Markets:

What speed will the next pitch be thrown at?:

You have to predict the range of speed the pitcher will throw the ball in the specific pitch.

5 are the possible outcomes:

  • Less than 80 mph,
  • between 80-89 mph,
  • between 90-95 mph,
  • between 96-99 mph,
  • greater than 99 mph.

Pitch Result

  1. Catcher interference will void all pitch result markets.
  2. Pitch clock violation from the pitcher or batter will void all pitch result markets.
  3. Pitch speed and pitch type results will be based on the official statistics from the league’s governing body.

What will the next pitch type be?: You have to predict the type of throw the pitcher will throw in the specific pitch.

7 are the possible outcomes:

  • Fastball,
  • cutter,
  • sinker,
  • curve,
  • slider,
  • changeup,
  • other.

Pitch Result

1. Catcher interference will void all pitch result markets.
2. Pitch clock violation from the pitcher or batter will void all pitch result markets.
3. Pitch speed and pitch type results will be based on the official statistics from the league’s governing body.

What will the atbat outcome be?: You have to predict the outcome of the mentioned batter in the mentioned plate appearance.

9 are the possible outcomes:

  • home run,
  • strikeout looking,
  • single,
  • triple,
  • fly out,
  • walk,
  • strikeout swinging,
  • double, ground out.

At-Bat Result

  1. At-Bat must occur in the specified inning against the specified pitcher. If not, bets will be void.
  2. If the inning ends prior to the conclusion of the at-bat (i.e. base runner caught stealing or picked off), bets will be void.
  3. Bets will be void in the event of an automatic intentional walk.
  4. Catcher interference will be settled as a reach on error.

What will the next pitch be?: You have to predict the outcome of the specific pitch throw.

4 are the possible outcomes:

  • strike,
  • ball,
  • inplay hit,
  • inplay out.
  • Pitch Result

1. Catcher interference will void all pitch result markets.
2. Pitch clock violation from the pitcher or batter will void all pitch result markets.
3. Pitch speed and pitch type results will be based on the official statistics from the league’s governing body.

Baseball Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given competition according to the official ranking of the competition.

Division / Conference Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given division or conference according to the official ranking of the competition.

Regular Season Points - Team: You have to predict how many points (over/under) the mentioned team will gather according to the official ranking of the competition.

H2H - Correct Series Score: You have to predict the final result of the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated. For the purpose of reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition. H2H - When will the series end?: You have to predict in how many games the series of matches between the 2 teams indicated will end. For the purpose of

reporting will be considered valid only official sites of each competition.

H2H - Winner: You have to predict which of the two teams indicated will qualify in the given qualifying phase or play-off round.

Will they make the playoffs? - Team: You have to predict if the mentioned team will reach the playoff of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.




Unless otherwise specified, all bets on Rugby/Rugby League matches are calculated for 80 minutes of play, which includes any injury time added by the referee, if a match is suspended before the end of regulation time, all bets in that match will be voided, except for those markets that have already been settled.

Main Markets:

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws),
  • X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws),
  • 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Draw no Bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Handicap: bet in which the winner of the game must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the points proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Handicap (3-Way): You have to predict the final result of the match taking in consideration the handicap in brackets. For example, (0:1) indicates that the AWAY team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the HOME team has one goal advantage.

Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Team total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the home or away team during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Winning Margin: You have to predict the margin of victory in the match for the home or away team, or whether the match ends in a draw.

Halftime/Fulltime: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st half time of the match together with the outcome of the entire match.

The possible outcomes are: (1/1, 1/X, 1/2, X/1, X/X, X/2, 2/1, 2/X and 2/2).

Highest scoring half: predicts which of the two halves of the match will have a bigger amount of points.

Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Point Range: You have to predict the range of points during the match.

To qualify: You have to predict if the indicated team will qualify to the following phase of the tournament.

Which team will win the final: You have to predict which team will win the final of the selected tournament.

Which team will win the 3rd place final: You have to predict which team will be classified in the third position in the selected tournament.

Which team wins the rest of the match: You bet on who will win the rest of the match. From the moment the bet is made, the score counts as 0:0 regardless of the actual score of the match.

Overtime - 1x2: You have to predict which team will win the overtime period in the game.

First scoring play (Prelive): You have to predict how the first points in the match will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal

Race to x points: You have to predict which team will reach first at X points during the match.

Next scoring play (Live): You have to predict how the X points in the match will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal

First score type: You have to predict how the first points during the match will be scored .

3 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal

Last score type of the game: You have to predict how the last points in the match will be scored .

4 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal
  • with conversion

Last score: You have to predict how the last points will be scored during the match.

10 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor1 with conversion
  • competitor1 with conversion missed
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try competitor2 with penalty competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try competitor2 with penalty competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with conversion
  • competitor2 with conversion missed

Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score first during the match

Team to score last: You have to predict which team will score last during the match

Halftime/Fulltime with either draw: You have to predict the outcome of the first half and the second half.

Both Halves - First score: You have to predict how the first points during the first and the second half will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal

Either Half - First score: You have to predict how the first points during either the first or the second half will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal

Both Halves - First score type: You have to predict how the first points during the first and the second half will be scored .

3 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal

Either Half - First score type: You have to predict how the first points during either the first or the second half will be scored .

3 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal

Both Halves - Handicap: bet in which the winner of the first and the second half must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the points proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Either half - Handicap: bet in which the winner of either the first or the second half must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the points proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Both Halves - Last score type of the game: You have to predict how the last points will be scored during the first and the second half.

4 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal
  • with conversion

Either Half - Last score type of the game: You have to predict how the last points will be scored during either the first or the second half.

4 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal
  • with conversion

Both Halves - Last score: You have to predict how the last points during the first and the second half will be scored .

10 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor1 with conversion
  • competitor1 with conversion missed
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with conversion
  • competitor2 with conversion missed

Either Half - Last score: You have to predict how the last points during either the first or the second half will be scored .

10 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor1 with conversion
  • competitor1 with conversion missed
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with conversion
  • competitor2 with conversion missed

Both Halves - Match Result: You have to predict the outcome of the first half and the second half.

Either Half - Match Result: You have to predict the outcome of either the first half or the second half.

Both halves - race to x points: You have to predict which team will reach first at X points during the first and the second half of the match.

Both halves - race to x points: You have to predict which team will reach first at X points during either the first or the second half of the match.

Both Halves - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score first during the first and the second half

Either Half - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score first during either the first or the second half

Both Halves - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score last during the first and the second half

Either Half - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score last during either the first or the second half

Total drop goals - Home/Away Team: You have to predict how many drop goals will be scored by the Home/Away Team during the match

Both Halves - Home/Away Team Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the Home/Away team during the first half and the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Either half - Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during either the first or the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Either Half - Home/Away Team Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the Home/Away team during either the first or the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Both halves - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by both teams during the first and the second half is an odd or even number, if the result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Both halves - Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the first and the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Either Half - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by both teams during either the first half result or the second half result is an odd or even number, if the result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Both Halves - Home/Away Team - Total drop goals: You have to predict how many drop goals will be scored by the Home/Away Team during the first and the second half

Either Half - Home/Away Team - Total drop goals: You have to predict how many drop goals will be scored by the Home/Away Team during either the first or the second half

Both halves - Home/Away Team - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the home/away team during the first half result and the second half result is an odd or even number, if the result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Either Half - Home/Away Team - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the home/away team during either the first half result or the second half result is an odd or even number, if the result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Both Halves - win: You have to predict whether home or away team will win in both halves.

1st Half - Anytime tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score during the first half

2nd Half - Anytime tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score during the second half Both Halves - Anytime tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score during the both halves


1st Half Markets:

1st half - 1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the first half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).

1st half - Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the first half. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

1st half - Draw no Bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the first half ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if the first half results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

1st half - Handicap: bet in which the winner of the first half must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the points proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

1st half - Handicap (3-Way): You have to predict the 1st half result taking in consideration the handicap in brackets. For example, (0:1) indicates that the AWAY team has one goal advantage, as for (1:0) indicates that the HOME team has one goal advantage.

1st half - Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the first half will be over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Team Total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the home or away team during the first half will be over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Total tries: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored during the first half will be over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Total team tries: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored by the home or away team during the first half will be over or under the spread indicated.

1st half - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the first half result is an odd or even number, if the result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

1st half - which team wins the rest: You bet on who will win the rest of the 1st half. From the moment the bet is made, the score is counting as 0:0 regardless of the actual score of the match.

1st half - winning margin: You have to predict the margin of victory in the 1st half of the match for the home or away team, or whether the match ends in a draw.

1st half - point range: You have to predict the range of points during the first half of the match.

1st half - race to x points: You have to predict which team will reach first at X points during the 1st half of the match.

1st half - Try - 1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the first half in tries achieved. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).

1st half - Try - Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the first half in tries achieved. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws), X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws), 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

1st half - Try - Draw no Bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team in tries achieved, which means that, if the first half ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if the first half in tries achieved results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

1st half - Try - Handicap: bet in which the winner of the first half in tries achieved must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the tries proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

1st half - Try - Handicap (3-Way): bet in which the winner of the first half in tries achieved must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the tries proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team. 1st Half - Try - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the first half result in tries achieved is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

1st Half - First score: You have to predict how the first points during the first half will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal

1st Half - First score type: You have to predict how the first points during the first half will be scored .

3 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty with drop goal

1st Half - Last score type of the game: You have to predict how the last points will be scored during the first half.

4 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal with conversion

1st Half - Last score: You have to predict how the last points during the first half will be scored .

10 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal competitor1 with conversion competitor1 with conversion missed competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with conversion
  • competitor2 with conversion missed

1st half - race to x tries: You have to predict which team will reach first at X tries during the 1st half of the match.

1st Half - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score first during the first half

1st Half -Team to score first try: You have to predict which team will score the first try during the first half 1st Half -

Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score last during the first half

1st Half - Team to score last try: You have to predict which team will score the last try during the first half 1st Half - Home/Away

Team - Odd/Even tries: You have to predict if the 1st Half result in tries achieved by the Home/Away Team is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

1st Half - Most tries: You have to predict if the home or away team will score the most tries during the first half.

1st Half - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the first try during the first half

1st Half - Home/Away Team - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the first try during the first half

1st Half - last tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the last try during the first half

1st Half - Home/Away Team - last tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the last try during the first half

1st Half - Home/Away Team - Total drop goals: You have to predict how many drop goals will be scored by the Home/Away Team during the first half


2nd Half Markets:

2nd Half - First score: You have to predict how the first points during the second half will be scored .

6 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal

2nd Half - First score type: You have to predict how the first points during the second half will be scored .

3 are the Possible outcomes: 

  • with penalty
  • with drop goal

2nd half - Handicap: Bet in which the winner of the second half must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the points proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

2nd Half - Last score type of the game: You have to predict how the last points will be scored during the secondhalf.

4 are the Possible outcomes:

  • with try
  • with penalty
  • with drop goal
  • with conversion

2nd Half - Last score: You have to predict how the last points during the second half will be scored .

10 are the Possible outcomes:

  • competitor1 with try
  • competitor1 with penalty
  • competitor1 with drop goal
  • competitor1 with conversion
  • competitor1 with conversion missed
  • competitor2 with try
  • competitor2 with penalty
  • competitor2 with drop goal
  • competitor2 with conversion
  • competitor2 with conversion missed

2nd half - race to x points: You have to predict which team will reach first at X points during the second half of the match.

2nd half - race to x tries: You have to predict which team will reach first at X tries during the second half of the match.

2nd Half - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score first during the second half

2nd Half - Team to score first try: You have to predict which team will score the first try during the second half

2nd Half - Team to score first: You have to predict which team will score last during the second half

2nd Half - Team to score last try: You have to predict which team will score the last try during the second half

2nd half - Total tries: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored during the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

2nd Half - Most tries: You have to predict if the home or away team will score the most tries during the second half.

2nd Half - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the first try during the second half 2nd Half - last tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the last try during the second half 2nd Half - Home/Away

Team - Total drop goals: You have to predict how many drop goals will be scored by the Home/Away Team during the second half

2nd half - Total tries - Home/Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored by the Home/Away Team during the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

2nd Half - Try - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the second half result in tries achieved is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

2nd Half - Home/Away Team - Odd/Even tries: You have to predict if the second half result in tries achieved by the Home/Away Team is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

2nd Half - Home/Away Team - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the first try during the second half

2nd Half - Home/Away Team - Last tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the last try during the second half


Combo Markets:

1X2 & Total : This betting market combines two main betting markets where you must predict who will win the match (or draw) and how many total points(over/under) will be scored in the match.


Try Markets:

Try - 1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match in tries achieved.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Try - Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match in tries achieved.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws),
  • X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws),
  • 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Try - Draw no Bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team in tries achieved, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score in tries achieved results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Try - Handicap: bet in which the winner of the game in tries achieved must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the tries proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Try - Handicap (3-Way): bet in which the winner of the game in tries achieved must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the tries proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Try - Total tries: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored during the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Try - Total team tries: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored during the match from the home or away team will be over or under the spread indicated.

Try - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result in tries achieved is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Team to score first try: You have to predict which team will score the first try during the match

Team to score last try: You have to predict which team will score the last try during the match

Most tries (inc. ET): You have to predict if the home or away team will score the most tries during the match.

First tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the first try of the game

Last tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the last try of the game

Anytime tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score during the match

Both Halves - Team to score first try: You have to predict which team will score the first try during the first and the second half

Either Half - Team to score first try: You have to predict which team will score the first try during either the first or the second half

Both Halves - Team to score last try: You have to predict which team will score the last try during the first and the second half

Either Half - Team to score last try: You have to predict which team will score the last try during either the first or the second half

Both Halves - Total tries - Home/Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored by the home/away team during the first and the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Either Half - Total tries - Home/Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of tries scored by the home/away team during either the first or the second half will be over or under the spread indicated.

Home/Away Team - Tries - Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result in tries achieved by the Home/Away Team is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Both Halves - Most tries: You have to predict if the home or away team will score the most tries during the first and the second half.

Either Half - Most tries: You have to predict if the home or away team will score the most tries during either the first or the second half.

Both halves - race to x tries: You have to predict which team will reach first at X tries during the first and the second half of the match.

Either half - race to x tries: You have to predict which team will reach first at X tries during either the first or the second half of the match.

Home/Away Team - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the first try during the match

Both Halves - First tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the first try during the first and the second half

Home/Away Team - last tryscorer: You have to predict which player from the Home/Away Team will score the last try during the match

Both Halves - Last tryscorer: You have to predict which player will score the last try during the first and the second half


Rugby/Rugby League Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Regular Season wins - Team: You have to predict how many wins (over/under) the mentioned team will gather according to the official ranking of the competition.

Regular Season most Losses - Team: You have to predict how many lost (over/under) the mentioned team will gather according to the official ranking of the competition.

H2H - Winner: You have to predict which of the two teams indicated will qualify in the given qualifying phase or play-off round.

To Make Grand Final: You have to predict if the selected team will make the Grand final (Yes) or not (No) during the tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

To reach the Playoffs: You have to predict if the selected team will reach the playoff (Yes) or not (No) during the tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.



The outcome of a bet on a Formula 1/Nascar/Indy Car/Rally event is based on the first published official results. The decisions taken by the official federation (including but not limited to FIA) and affecting or amending the result achieved on the race field will not be taken into consideration. Every race begins with the warm-up lap. If the driver that the user has selected is not

on the starting grid for the warm-up lap, or ready to start the race from the pit lane, the bet will be void and the stake will be refunded, If a race is suspended and there is no an official declared result, all bets on that race will be void.


Motorsports Markets:

Winner (Race): You predict that the selected driver will be the winner of the race.

Winning Constructor (Race): You have to predict which team the winning driver belongs to.

Winning Margin (Race): You have to predict which team/driver will win the race with the margin applied.

Group Winner (Race): You predict that the selected driver will be the winner of the selected group during the race.

Top 3 (Race): You have to predict that the selected driver will reach the podium position.

Top 6 (Race): You have to predict that the selected driver will end the Race within the first six positions. In order to be considered the winner, the driver must complete at least the 90% of the laps completed by the winner rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps.

Top 10 (Race): You have to predict that the selected driver will end the Race within the first ten positions. In order to be considered the winner, the driver must complete at least the 90% of the laps completed by the winner rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps.

H2H (Race): You have to predict which among the two drivers specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the race. Should these drivers retire or be disqualified at the same lap this bet typology will be considered void. If one or more of the drivers listed in the bet are not able to take part in the race this bet typology will be deemed void.

Both Cars Points Finish: You have to predict if both cars of the selected team will end the Race within the first ten positions.

Both Cars classified: You have to predict whether both cars of the selected team will be classified or not according to the official federation report (including but not limited to FIA)

Any Driver to win Race, Pole Position and Fastest Lap: This is also called Hat-trick and you have to predict which driver will win the Race, the Pole Position and Fastest Lap.

First Driver to Make a Pit Stop: You predict which driver will make the first pit stop during the race. Grid Position of Winner: You predict the starting position on the starting grid of the driver winner of the race.

Winning Nationality: You predict the nationality of the winner of the race.

Driver Classified/Non Classified: You have to predict whether the driver will be classified or not according to the official federation report (including but not limited to FIA), published after the main race. In order to be considered as classified, the driver must complete at least the 90% of the laps completed by the winner rounded down to the nearest whole number of laps.

Number of Classified Drivers: You have to predict how many cars/drivers will be classified according to the federation report (including but not limited to FIA) published after the main race.

Fastest Lap: You have to predict which driver will perform the fastest lap during the Grand Prix main race.

First Driver Retirement: You have to predict which driver will retire first during the Grand Prix main race. A driver disqualified or having an accident is considered as retired. If two or more drivers retire during the same lap they will be considered as equal, independently from the order in which they retired.

First constructor retirement: You have to predict which team will retire first during the Grand Prix main race. A driver disqualified or having an accident is considered as retired. If two or more drivers retire during the same lap they will be considered as equal, independently from the order in which they retired

Safety Car: You have to predict if the safety care will come out onto the track during the race.

Virtual Safety Car: You have to predict if the Virtual safety care will come out onto the track during the race.

Winner (Pole): You predict that the selected driver will achieve the best position during the qualifying session.

Podium (Pole): You predict that the selected driver will conclude the qualifying session in first, second or third position.

H2H (Pole): You have to predict which of the two drivers specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the qualifying session.

Winning Margin (Pole): You have to predict which team/driver will win the pole with the margin applied.

Group Winner (Pole): You predict that the selected driver will be the winner of the selected group during the Pole session.

Winner (Practice): You predict that the selected driver will achieve the best position during the Practice session.

Podium (Practice): You predict that the selected driver will conclude the Practice session in first, second or third position.

H2H (Practice): You have to predict which of the two drivers specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the Practice session.

Winning Margin (Practice): You have to predict which team/driver will win the Practice with the margin applied.

Championship Winner (Drivers and Constructors): This type of market will be settled based on the total points achieved by the drivers, immediately after the podium presentation ceremony of the last Grand Prix of the season.

Championship Driver/Team Head to Head (Overall): You predict which driver/team will set the best placement in the current Driver Championship. If both of the drivers/teams achieve the same points in the season, the winner will be declared with the same criteria used by the official federation (including but not limited to FIA; which means that only the best placements in

the seasons will be considered to determine the winner.



The outcome of a bet on a MotoGP, Moto2, Moto3, Superbike, Speedway event is based on the first published official results. The decisions taken by the official federation (including but not limited to FIM) and affecting or amending the result achieved on the race field will not be taken into consideration. Whenever a race is officially postponed or suspended, all the related

bets will remain valid if the event takes place before midnight of the day following the date originally set for the match. If it is not resumed or if it is not completed within the mentioned time frame, all bets related to that event will be considered void.


Motorbikes Markets:

Winner (Race): You predict that the selected driver will be the winner of the race.

Podium (Race): You predict that the selected driver will reach the podium (first, second or third position).

H2H (Race): You have to predict which of the two drivers specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the race. In case of both drivers either retiring or being disqualified at the same lap this bet typology will be deemed void.

Winner (Pole): You predict that the selected driver will achieve the best position during the qualifying session.

Podium (Pole): You predict that the selected driver will conclude the qualifying session in first, second or third position.

H2H (Pole): You have to predict which of the two drivers specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the qualifying session.

Best of group (Race,Pole): You have to predict which driver will achieve the highest position in the selected group. In case one of the drivers of the group does not take part in the selected competition, the bet will be deemed void.



The outcome of a bet on a cycling competition is based on first published official results. If a race is shortened or otherwise affected by weather conditions the bets will be settled according to the decisions taken by tournament officials. If a race is officially cancelled all the related bets will be deemed void. Whenever a stage race is postponed or suspended, all the related bets

will stand valid until the race is completed or cancelled. The winner of the race will be the one who takes first place on the podium. Any disqualification, given after the race, will not be taken into account when settling bets.


Cycling Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the race or competition.

Group winner: You have to predict which of the named cyclists included in the bet will reach the best positioning within the group. If one or more cyclists of the group retire before the beginning of the race, all the bets will be voided.

Podium: You have to predict that the selected cyclist will reach the podium (first, second or third position).

Top 6: You have to predict that the selected cyclist will complete the race within the first six positions.

Top 10: You have to predict that the selected cyclist will complete the race within the first ten positions.

H2H: You have to predict which of the two cyclists specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the overall event. Whenever in a stage one of the two cyclists is disqualified during an advanced stage of the competition that his opponent has not even reached, the disqualified participant will be considered the winner. If one of two riders retire or are disqualified during one

of the race stages, the rider who remains in the race will be considered as the winner. If both competitors do not reach the following stage the bet will be void.

Stage Winner: The Stage winner will be the one who takes first place on the podium. Any disqualification will not be taken into account when settling bets.

Non-participants: If a runner withdraws from the competition or is disqualified when the race or stage has already started, bets on this runner will be settled as Lost.

Matchmaking bets - by stage and overall classification: At least one of the riders or teams must complete the stage or race for the matchmaking bet to be valid. If both do not finish the stage or race all bets will be void.



Markets are considered as decided if a match is officially completed or conceded by the defeated team. Extra ends will be counted for settlement purposes. In the event a match is postponed or abandoned without resuming within 48 hours all undecided markets are considered void.


Curling Main Markets:

Winner (extra ends included): You have to predict the match winner regardless of the margin of points. Total points (extra ends included): You have to predict if the total number of points from both teams combined will be over or under the selected number.

Handicap (extra ends included): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.


Curling Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Refers to winter sports such as cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping, biathlon, Bobsleigh, Freestyle Skiing, Figure Skating, Snowboarding, Skeleton, Speed Skating, Short Track Speed Skating, Luge, Nordic Combined etc. Podium positions will count as official results, regardless of any subsequent disqualification. If there is no ceremony for the podium, the result   

will be determined according to the official result declared at the end of the competition by the regulatory organization. Postponed or Canceled Events If, for any reason, an event (other than the Olympic Games or the World Championships) is postponed or canceled, all bets on that event will be void. Unless the competition takes place within 48 hours of the time originally 

scheduled to begin, or an official result is declared by a regulatory organization within 48 hours. If, for any reason, an Olympic or World Championship competition is postponed or canceled, all bets on that event will be void. Unless the event takes place before the closing ceremony of the games.


Winter Sports Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the competition.

Podium: You predict that the selected competitor will reach the podium (first, second or third position).

H2H: If one of the two participants fails to start, bets will be void. If neither participant finishes the race, bets will be void. If one of the participants manages to finish the race and the other does not, the first mentioned will be the winner.

If one of the contestants fails to finish and the other fails to qualify after the preliminary, the highest ranked competitor in the preliminary will be the winner. If none of the participants qualify after the preliminary, the best placed in the preliminary will be the winner. If one of the participants fails to finish after having passed the preliminary and the other does not manage to pass

the preliminary, the first mentioned will be the winner.

Winner Group: You have to predict which of the competitors specified for this type of bet will get the best finish in the event. If none of the competitors do not complete the competition, the winner will be the one that obtained the best timing during the previous phase. In case of competitions consisting of two runs, if both competitors withdraw in the first run, the bet will be

declared void.



The sound of the bell is the signal for the start of the first round for betting purposes. When one fighter cannot answer the bell for the next round, then the other fighter will be considered the winner in the previous round. In Boxing, a round is considered to be fully played, when 1:30 minutes of the round are played. In MMA, a round is considered to be fully played, when 2:30

minutes of the round are played. When a fight is declared as "No contest" (Fight without decision) all bets will be void, with the exception of those bets that have already been settled by the evolution of the event.

Tie or technical tie: Tie is a points tie. Technical tie is if the referee stops the fight before the fifth round begins, for any reason other than knockout, technical knockout or disqualification.

Knockout: A knockout is when a fighter does not get up after the count of 10. Technical knockout is when the 3 knockout rule applies or if the referee decides so. Any retirement in the corner will be considered a technical knockout unless the fight is decided by the judges' points or if it is declared as "No contest". Technical decision: It is determined by the referees' point

markers at any time other than the end of the fight.

Significant Strikes: Are any Distance Strike or Clinch/Ground Strikes that are considered "Power Strikes" by official scorers. A Significant Strike will count as both a strike and a significant strike and will be worth a total of 0.4 Pts

Knockdown: Is awarded to a fighter who knocks his/her opponent down due to debilitation for what the official scorers consider an appreciable amount of time. In MMA and UFC, regular strikes refer to any legal striking technique, including punches, kicks, elbows, and knees, that a fighter uses to attack their opponent. These strikes are counted towards a fighter's overall

striking statistics. On the other hand, significant strikes are a subset of regular strikes and are defined as strikes that have a clear impact on the opponent, either by landing with significant force or by visibly affecting the opponent. Significant strikes are used to measure a fighter's effective striking during a match, and they are often a key factor in judging the outcome of a

fight. In summary, while regular strikes encompass all legal striking techniques, significant strikes specifically refer to those strikes that have a noticeable impact on the opponent.


Boxing/MMA Markets:

Winner (1,2): It is the bet of one fighter against another in which the winner must be chosen.

Winner (1X2): You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (player 1 wins),
  • X (draw),
  • 2 (player 2 wins).

Total rounds: Bet in which the number of rounds reached in the fight must be specified.

Winning Method : You have to predict who will win and in which way (KO, decision) or draw.

Will the fight go the distance (yes/no): You have to predict if the fight will ‘’go the distance’’ (players play all the rounds till the end, without knockout/decision).

Winner & Exact Rounds: You have to predict who will be the winner and in exactly how many rounds (or decision), or draw.

Winner & Rounds range: You have to predict who will be the winner and exactly within which rounds range (or decision), or draw.

Round Group Betting: For betting purposes betting on rounds or groups of rounds is for a fighter to win by KO (Knockout), TKO (Technical Knockout) or disqualification during that round or group of rounds. In the event of a Technical Decision before the end of the fight all bets will be settled as a win by Decision. Draw is scorecard draw. Technical Draw is if the referee stops

the fight before the start of the 5th round, for any reason other than Knockout, Technical Knockout or disqualification. In the event of a fight being declared a No Contest all bets will be void and stakes returned. In the event of a fighter retiring on his stool between Rounds e.g. 9 and 10, it will count as Round 9 for settlement purposes i.e. the last fully completed round.

Round Group Betting and Winner (Fighter X): You have to predict the winner of the match and in which round group will be For betting purposes betting on rounds or groups of rounds is for a fighter to win by KO (Knockout), TKO (Technical Knockout) or disqualification during that round or group of rounds. In the event of a Technical Decision before the end of the fight all

bets will be settled as a win by Decision. Draw is scorecard draw. Technical Draw is if the referee stops the fight before the start of the 5th round, for any reason other than Knockout, Technical Knockout or disqualification. In the event of a fight being declared a No Contest all bets will be void and stakes returned. In the event of a fighter retiring on his stool between Rounds

e.g. 9 and 10, it will count as Round 9 for settlement purposes i.e. the last fully completed round.

Fighter X to score a knockdown: You have to predict if the Fighter X will score a knockdown during the fight. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Both Fighters to score a knockdown: You have to predict if both fighters will score a knockdown during the fight. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Either Fighter to score a knockdown: You have to predict if at least one of the 2 fighters will score a knockdown during the fight. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Round Knockdown Betting (Fighter X): You have to predict if the Fighter X will score a knockdown during that round. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Round Knockdown Betting (Either fighter): You have to predict if there will be a knockdown during that round. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Total knockdowns (over/under): You have to predict if the total number of knockdowns scored during the entire fight will be over or under the indicated line. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Fighter X total knockdows: You have to predict if the total number of knockdowns scored by player X during the entire fight will be over or under the line indicated. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

To be knocked down and Win (Fighter X, Yes/No): You have to predict if fighter X will be knocked down during the fight and win or not the fight. For settlement purposes a knockdown is defined as a fighter receiving a mandatory 8 count (anything deemed a slip by the referee will not count).

Fighter Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many strikes will comp 1, comp 2 and either ( comp 1 and comp 2 both to score f.e. 200 strikes, not combined) fighter land in a match (300 or more).

Both Fighters Total Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in the match (250 or more).

Fighter Significant Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many significant strikes will comp 1, comp 2 and either ( comp 1 and comp 2 both to score f.e. 200 strikes, not combined) fighter land in the match (30 or more).

Fighter Takedowns: You have to predict how many takedowns will comp 1, comp 2 and either ( comp 1 and comp 2 both to score f.e. 8 takedowns, not combined) fighter land in a match (10 or more).

Total Significant Strikes Landed: How many significant strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in the match (30 or more).

Fighter X Total Significant Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many significant strikes will Fighter X land in the match (10 or more).

Total Strikes Landed (Over/Under): You have to predict how many total strikes will be landed in the match from the 2 fighters combined f.e. Over/Under 220.5.

Fighter X Total Strikes Landed (Over/Under): You have to predict how many total strikes will be landed in the match from Fighter X.

Total Takedowns (Over/Under): You have to predict how many Takedowns will occur during the match from the 2 fighters combined f.e. Over/Under 12.5

Fighter X Total Takedowns (Over/Under): You have to predict how many Takedowns will Fighter X make during the match.

Round 1 Total Strikes Landed(Over/Under): You have to predict how many strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in Round 1 f.e. Over/Under 30.5.

Round 1 Fighter X Strikes Landed (Over/Under): You have to predict how many total strikes will be landed in the match from Fighter X in Round 1.

Round 1 Total Significant Strikes Landed(Over/Under): You have to predict how many significant strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in Round 1 f.e. Over/Under 10.5.

Round 1 Fighter X Total Significant Strikes Landed(Over/Under): You have to predict how many significant total strikes will be landed in the match from Fighter X in Round 1.

Round 1 Fighter Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many strikes will comp 1, comp 2 and either ( comp 1 and comp 2 both to score f.e. 50 strikes, not combined) fighter land in Round 1 (30 or more).

Round 1 Both Fighters Total Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in Round 1 (20 or more).

Round 1 Fighter Significant Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many significant strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in Round 1 (10 or more).

Round 1 Both Fighters Total Significant Strikes Landed: You have to predict how many significant strikes will comp 1 and comp 2 land combined in Round 1 (30 or more).

Most Strikes Landed (1x2): You have to predict who will make most strikes in the match.

Most Significant Strikes Landed (1x2): You have to predict who will make most significant strikes in the match.

Most Strikes Landed in Round 1 (1x2): You have to predict who will make most strikes in Round 1.

Most Significant Strikes Landed in Round 1 (1x2): You have to predict who will make most significant strikes in Round 1.

Fighter Punches Landed: You have to predict the number of punches comp1 or comp2 will land during the fight (comp1/comp2 50,75,100 or more etc)

Fighter Punches Landed Combined: You have to predict the number of punches that will be landed by both fighters combined during the fight ( 200,250 or more etc)

Most Punches Thrown: You have to predict which fighter will throw more punches during the fight

Most Punches Landed: You have to predict which fighter will land more punches during the fight



A volleyball match does not have a specific duration, the match depends on the sets won by each team, once a team wins 3 sets with a maximum of 5 sets, the match is over.

Fighter Punches Thrown: You have to predict the number of punches comp1 or comp2 will throw during the fight (comp1/comp2 150,200,250 or more etc)

Fighter Punches Thrown Combined: You have to predict the number of punches that will be thrown by both fighters combined during the fight ( 500,600 or more etc) If a match is not completed, the bets at the end of the matches will be void and the stake will be refunded, but if the betting markets were determined, it will not happen as it is the live game balance.


Main Markets:

*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Volleyball (same rules apply)

Winner: Predict whether the winner in the match will be the home team (1) or the away team (2)

Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Total Points: Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

Exact Sets: Consists of predicting whether the total number of sets played in the match will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

Will there be a 4th set ?: (Yes - No) the 4th set of the match will have to be played.

Will there be a 5th set ?: (Yes - No) the 5th set of the match will have to be played to define the winning team

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each team. Home Team to win a set: You have to predict if the home team will win at least one set.

Away Team to win a set: You have to predict if the away team will win at least one set.

Home Team to win exactly one set: You have to predict if the home team will win exactly one set.

Away Team to win exactly one set: You have to predict if the away team will win exactly one set.

Home Team to win exactly two sets: You have to predict if the home team will win exactly two sets. Away Team to win exactly two sets: You have to predict if the away team will win exactly two sets.

How many sets will be decided by extra points ?: Predict how many sets will reach extra points (winner of the set has more than 25 points).

Xth Set - Nth Point: You have to predict which team will win point N of set X.


Set Markets:

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Winner: Predict whether the winner in the mentioned set will be the home team (1) or the away team (2)

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Total Points: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in a given set will be over or under a given number in the market.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned set (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - odd/even: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in the relevant match or set will be an odd or even number.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - race to X points : You have to predict which team will reach X points first for the mentioned set.


Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top6, Top8, Top10: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.



A Beach volley match does not have a specific duration, the match depends on the sets won by each team. If any player is replaced with another player before the start of the match, all bets will be void. If a match starts but is not completed, all bets based on the final result will be deemed void, with the exception of markets where the outcome has already been determined.


Main Markets:

Winner: Predict whether the winner in the match will be the home team (1) or the away team (2)

Exact Sets: Consists of predicting whether the total number of sets played in the match will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each team. Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Total Points: Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

How many sets will be decided by extra points ?: Predict how many sets will reach extra points.


Set Markets:

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Winner: Predict whether the winner in the mentioned set will be the home team (1) or the away team (2)

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Total Points: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in a given set will be over or under a given number in the market.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned set (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - odd/even: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in the relevant match or set will be an odd or even number.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - race to X points : You have to predict which team will reach X points first for the mentioned set.

1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th set - X point: You have to predict which team will score the X points first for the mentioned set.


Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



A Darts Game is considered to have started when the first dart has been thrown in the first round of the first set. If the stated number of sets is not completed, bets for the exact result will be void. The highest score possible with three darts is 180, obtained when all three darts land in the triple 20 (the term can be found in many markets).


Main Markets:

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Set Handicap: You have to predict the result in terms of sets won by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the match by both players will be over or under the spread indicated.

Most 180s: You have to predict which player will achieve the most 180s in the match (or if there will be a draw).

180s Handicap: You have to predict the result in terms of 180s achieved by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Home team total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the match by player 1 will be over or under the spread indicated.

Away team total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the match by player 2 will be over or under the spread indicated.

Set Handicap (3-way): You have to predict the result in terms of sets won by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Correct score (in sets): You have to predict the correct score in sets of the entire match.

Player to score a 180: You have to predict which player will achieve the selected 180 in the match (or if there will be none).

King of the Oche (Match Treble): King of the oche is a player who wins the match, scores more 180s than his opponent and have the highest checkout of the match.

Player with highest checkout: Which player will have the highest checkout in a single leg.

Highest checkout in match: What will be the highest checkout of the match by any player.

Total x+ checkout: Predict if the total score of checkout will be from a specific number and above. E.g. over/under 100+ checkout.

Match winner & highest checkout: Which player will win the match and which player will have the highest checkout. Highest checkout can be equal.

Match winner & most 180s: Which player will win the match and which player will score more 180s, 180s can be equal.

Highest checkout & most 180s: Which player will have the highest checkout and which player will score more 180s. Both highest checkout and 180s can be equal.

To lead after xth leg: Which will be the player to lead the game after xth leg.

Three possible outcomes:

  • player1,
  • draw,
  • player2.

xth leg checkout total: What will be the checkout of a specific leg, usual offer on this market is O/U 40.5.

Score after x legs: What will be the score after x legs in the game.

170 checkout in match: Any player to have the highest checkout of the game (170) {T20, T20, BULL}.


Fast Markets:

Xth set - Nth Leg Winner: You have to predict which player will win Leg N of set X.

xth set - correct score (in legs): Predict the correct score in legs of the mentioned set.

xth set - leg handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned set (in legs) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in legs).

xth set - total legs: Predict whether the total legs played in the given set will be over or under a given number in the market.

xth set - odd/even legs: Predict whether the total legs played in the given set will be an odd or even number.

xth set leg x - total darts: You have to predict if total darts thrown by a player to win a specific leg will be over or under the spread indicated.

xth set leg x - highest scoring player on xth visits: You have to predict which player will score more points in a specific visit.

xth set leg x - point range on xth visit: You have to predict what will be the point range of a player’s specific visit.

xth set leg x - checkout score x:y+: You have to predict if checkout score of a specific leg will be over or under 40.5

xth set leg x - checkout colour: You have to predict if checkout colour of a specific leg will be red or green.

xth set - most 180s: You have to predict which player will achieve the most 180s in the mentioned set (or if there will be a draw).

xth set - total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the mentioned set by both players will be over or under the spread indicated.

xth set - Home team total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the mentioned set by player 1 will be over or under the spread indicated.

xth set - Away team total 180s: You have to predict if the total number of 180s achieved in the mentioned set by player 2 will be over or under the spread indicated.

xth set leg x - any player to score a 180: You have to predict if any player will achieve a 180 in the mentioned set and leg (or if there will be none).

xth set leg x - Home team to score a 180: You have to predict if player 1 will achieve a 180 in the mentioned set and leg (or if there will be none).

xth set leg x - Away team to score a 180: You have to predict if player 2 will achieve a 180 in the mentioned set and leg (or if there will be none).


Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top 2: You have to predict the finalists of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Who will go furthest: Predict which of the mentioned players will reach the later stage (or same).

Stage of Elimination: Predict which round the selected player will be eliminated in. overtime

Winning Nationality: You have to predict the nationality of the winner.

Winning Half: You have to predict the tournament winner will come from the Top Half or BottomHalf.

Winning quarter: You have to predict the tournament winner will come from the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter.

First Time Winner?: You have to predict if there will be a first time winner or not.

Xth Quarter Winner: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned quarter (1st/2nd/3rd/4th).



A game of Indoor Soccer is considered with 40 minutes of play as official. All matches will be determined with the final score of regular time, unless otherwise indicated. Regular time must be completed for bets to stand unless otherwise stated. The bets will be valid within the regular time; plus time added by the referee due to time lost as a result of injuries and substitutions.

Overtime, golden goal and the definition of the match by penalties are not valid to settle bets on this sport.


Futsal Markets:

Winner - 1X2: For this, there can be three possibilities: That the home team wins (1), that the final score is a draw (x) or that the visitor is the winner (2).

Double chance (1X-12-X2): bet market in which the player can maximize his chances of winning by covering himself with two outcomes: 1X (home win or draw), 12 (home win or away win) and X2 (draw or away win).

*If a match is played on neutral ground, the team named first is considered home.

Next Goal: Bet on predicting which of the two teams will score the next goal. You can also bet on "no goal" (no goal will be scored).

Both teams to score: There are two possibilities (yes-no) that both teams score at least one goal each. Odd/Even goals to home team, to away team and total goals: The bet consists of predicting if the total goals of a match will be odd or even. If the match ends in a draw at 0-0 it will be settled as an even number of goals. If the match is suspended, all bets on the match will

be void.

Total (Total Home Team - Total Away Team): Consists of betting on the number of goals in a match scored by both teams or by each team individually. For example, you decide to bet on an “Over”, this means that you bet on more than a certain number of goals. On the contrary, if you bet on an “Under” then you bet on less than a certain number of goals.

Who will win the rest of the match? (Live bets apply): This is a live betting market, you bet on who will win the rest of the match. From the moment the bet is made, the score is counting as 0:0 regardless of the actual score of the match.

Draw no bet: this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Handicap: bet in which the winner of the game must be decided with a respective goal margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the goals proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, draw or away team.

Score or exact result: Bet on the exact result of a match, that is, on the exact score at the end of 40 minutes.

Winning margin: In this type of bets, you predict which team will win and by how much difference it will win.

Home team goal range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from the home team.

Away team goal range: Predict in a selected range, how many goals in total will be scored from the away team.


First Half Markets

1st half - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the first half.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

1st half - which team wins the rest: Regardless of the actual score of the fist half, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0.

1st half - xth goal: You have to predict which Team will score the next goal in the first half.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (the home team score),
  • none,
  • 2 (the away team score).

1st half - handicap: You have to predict the final result of the first half taking in consideration the handicap in brackets.

1st half - total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the first half will be over or under the line indicated.


Other Markets

Overtime - 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the overtime.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Overtime - which team wins the rest: Regardless of the actual score of the overtime, at the time of placing the bet the score of the event will be considered to be 0-0.

Overtime - xth goal: You have to predict which Team will score the next goal in the overtime.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (the home team score),
  • none,
  • 2 (the away team score).

Overtime - total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the overtime will be over or under the line indicated.

Penalty shootout - winner: You have to predict the winner of the penalty shootout.

Penalty shootout - xth goal: You have to predict which team will score the xth goal in the penalty shootout.



If a match starts, but is not finished for any reason, all bets offered on the final result of the match are void. For betting purposes, only balls that have entered "legally" will be counted, e.g. when there is a "foul ball" involved, the balls entered will not be considered. Bets will be settled accordingly.


Snooker Markets:

In the case of a re-rack in any of the frames, the following rules will apply:

Frame winner: all bets are valid and will be settled according to the official winner of the frame.

Decided bets: all bets the outcome of which has been determined before the re-rack will be valid. Any event after the re-rack will be irrelevant for betting.

Undecided bets: all bets the outcome of which has not been determined before the re-rack will be settled only according to the events that occurred after the re-rack. Any event prior to the re-rack will be irrelevant for betting.

All bets referring to the final result of the frame (for example: total bets, odd/even bets) will be settled with the official result of the frame.

Frame Bet (Exact Result): The bet refers to the exact final result in the total of frames played.

Frame Winner: This bet refers to the winner of a given frame. This frame must be completed for bets to be valid.

Total: Predict the total of points that will be won in the match.

First to reach 3 Frames: Predict who will be the first to reach 3 frames, Some of the players must reach 3 frames for the bets to stand.


Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Dead heat rule applies to markets where a tie selection is not explicitly offered such as 2ball and 3ball markets. A dead heat is defined as an event in which there are two or more joint winning contracts Dead heat rules state that the stake should be divided by the number of competitors involved in the dead heat and then settled at the normal odds. With the dead heat rule the

potential winnings are re-calculated based on the number of competitors with the same performance. A player is deemed to have played once he/she has teed off. In the event of a player withdrawing after having teed off then stakes will be lost on outright, group, match or 18 hole betting. Where a tournament is reduced from the scheduled number of holes for any reason (i.e.

adverse weather conditions) outright bets placed prior to the final completed round will be settled on the player awarded the trophy if 36 holes of the tournament have been completed. If less than 36 holes have been completed or outright bets were placed after the final completed round then bets will be void. Outrights/Antepost bets on any player who takes part in a

qualifying tournament but then fails to qualify for the main tournament will be classed as losers. Skins Tournaments will be subject to Dead-Heat rules in the event of players winning equal amounts of prize money at the end of the specified competition. If additional holes are played to declare a single winner then this will be used for settlement purposes.


Golf Markets:

Tournament Winner: You have to predict the winner of the tournament.

Group winner: You have to predict which of the named players included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the tournament.

Podium: You have to predict whether your selected player will finish in the top 3 in the tournament, including ties.

Top 6: You have to predict whether your selected player will finish in the top 6 in the tournament, including ties.

Top 10: You have to predict whether your selected player will finish in the top 10 in the tournament, including ties.

Top 20: You have to predict whether your selected player will finish in the top 20 in the tournament, including ties

Top nationality Winner: You have to predict which of the named players, from the selected Nationality, included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the tournament.

Top Continental: You have to predict which of the named players, from the selected continent, included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the tournament.

Winning Margin: Based on the number of strokes between the winning player and the individual(s) who finishes second (includes a price for the tournament to go to a play-off). In the event of adverse weather affecting the tournament then settlement will stand as long as a minimum of 36 holes of a tournament are played.

Will there be a Playoff?: You have to predict whether there will be a playoff (extra hole) or not in the mentioned tour.

Will there be a Hole in one?:

  • Relates to a hole in one (a player is achieving one hole with one hit) being recorded in the designated Rounds of a specified tournament.
  • In the event of adverse weather affecting the tournament then bets will stand as long as a minimum of 36 holes of a tournament are played.
  • In the event of a hole in one being recorded, but 36 holes not being played then the ‘yes’ option - ‘to make a hole in one’ - will be deemed the winner.

Top Left Handed Player: You have to predict which of the named left-handed players included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the tournament.

Top Former Winner: You have to predict which of the named players who have won the mentioned title in the past, included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the tournament.

Player to make the cut: To Make/Miss Cut - A tournament cut must be applied for bets to stand. In the case of a Tournament where a multiple cut system is in place, settlement will be defined by a player playing or not playing in the next Round following the 1st Official Cut.

1st Round Leader: You have to predict which of the named players included in the bet will achieve the best finishing position in the 1st round.

1st Round Top X (5,10,20): You have to predict if the named players included in the bet will achieve top X position in the 1st round.

Outright betting including 'Field': Non-Runner - no bet apart from 'The Field'. The price for 'The Field' includes all players not quoted in this market. Bets are accepted win only. Above Outright betting rules apply.

Betting without a nominated player(s): Dead-Heat rules apply to win bets unless the excluded player(s) does not win the tournament. Dead-Heat rules also apply to the place part of Each-Way bets.

Group betting:

  • The winner will be the player achieving the highest placing at the end of the tournament.
  • Any player missing the cut will be considered a loser.
  • If all players miss the cut then the lowest score after the cut has been made will determine settlement.
  • Non-Runner - no bet deductions in line with Tattersalls' Rule 4(c) will apply.
  • Dead-Heat rules apply except where the winner is determined by a play-off.
  • If a tournament is affected by adverse weather bets will be settled providing that there is a deemed tournament winner and a minimum of 36 holes are completed.
  • The winner will be the player in the lead at the end of the last completed round.

Finishing position of a named player: In the event of a tie for a finishing position the tied position will count. For example, a tie with 5 other players for 8th place will count as a finishing position of 8th.

54, 72 and 90 hole match betting:

  • If a tournament is affected by adverse weather then bets will be settled providing that there is a deemed tournament winner and a minimum of 36 holes are completed.
  • The winner will be the player in the lead at the end of the last completed round.
  • If one player misses the cut then the other player is deemed the winner.
  • If both players miss the cut then the lowest score after the cut has been made will determine settlement.
  • If a player is disqualified or withdraws after starting, either prior to the completion of two rounds or after both players have made the cut, then the other player is deemed the winner.
  • If a player is disqualified during either the 3rd or 4th rounds, when the other player in the match bet has already missed the cut, then the disqualified player is deemed the winner.
  • A price will be offered for the tie and in the event of a tie bets on either player to win will be lost.

Tournament match-ups: As above but bets void in the event of a tie.

Six shooter: Dead-Heat rules apply. Rule 4 may apply in the event of a Non-Runner. Players starting but not completing their round will be deemed losers.

Five shooter: As above but with five golfers grouped together.

18 hole betting: The winner will be the player with the lowest score over 18 holes. Players are paired, they may or may not be playing together.

18 hole - two and three ball betting:

  • Bets stand once the players have teed off the first hole. If a round is abandoned then bets on that round are void.
  • Bets on 2 or 3-balls will stand irrespective of whether the actual pairings/groups may differ.
  • For tournaments using the Stableford scoring system the highest points scorer during the round is deemed the winner.
  • Non-Runners - 2 and 3-ball bets void. In 2-ball betting where a price is not offered for the tie then bets will be void in the event of a tie. I
  • f a price is offered for a tie this will govern settlement. In 3-ball betting Dead-Heat rules apply.
  • For all other bets involving groups of more than 3 players together over 18 holes (e.g. 7-ball, 9-ball, etc) Dead-Heat rules apply.
  • Non-Runner no-bet. Deductions in line with Tattersalls' Rule 4(c) will apply.

Fourballs: Bets stand once both pairings have teed off the first hole.

Handicap betting: Deduct handicap from final total to determine the winner. Tournament must be completed otherwise bets are void. Any player who misses the cut will be deemed a loser. Any non-runner Rule 4 and SP place terms will apply. Dead heat rules apply.

Mythical match-ups:

  • The winner will be the player with the lowest score over 18 holes. If scores are level after 18 holes then bets will be made void.
  • Player to shoot the lowest round
  • Dead-Heat rules apply.
  • Individual player's round score
  • The line may be adjusted In-Play. All bets will be void if the player does not complete the round.

Next hole handicap - 3 balls: Dead-Heat rules apply where applicable. All bets will be void if all 3 players do not tee off on the nominated hole. Settlement of bets is determined when the players leave the green.

Next hole winner - 2 balls: All bets will be void if both players do not tee off on the nominated hole. Settlement of bets is determined when the players leave the green.

Next hole total: Bets are settled on the combined score of the named players at the stated hole. All bets will be void if all players do not complete the nominated hole. Settlement of bets is determined when the players leave the green.

Selected player's score at the next hole : All bets will be void if the player does not complete the nominated hole. Settlement of bets is determined when the player leaves the green.

End of round leader : You have to predict who will lead in the end of the mentioned round. Dead-Heat rules apply.

Matchplay markets: If a match does not start (eg. player injured or disqualified before the start of a match) then all bets on that match will be void.

Bets on markets that can be settled by using the official tournament and match results (including final match correct score and individual match betting) will be settled using those results. This includes where a match finishes early either by agreement of the players or through injury. All other markets where a match finishes before completion of 18 holes (eg. by agreement),

such as match score, will be settled as if the remaining uncompleted holes are ties. For example, a player 2 up at the 13th hole when the match finishes will be deemed to have won 2 and 1 (at the 17th hole). Uncompleted single hole bets will be void.

Greensomes: Bets settled on official tour result.

Foursomes: Bets stand once both pairings have teed off the first hole.

36 hole match betting: Settlement will be on the player achieving the highest placing at the end of 36 holes. If the number of rounds played is reduced, eg. for bad weather, bets will be settled providing that a player has won the trophy (bets will stand as long as there is a deemed winner and a minimum of 18 holes are completed). If  a player is disqualified or withdraws after

starting prior to the completion of two rounds then the other player is deemed the winner. A price will be offered for the tie and in the event of a tie bets on either player to win will be lost. Ryder Cup/Solheim Cup/Walker Cup/Warburg Cup/Presidents Cup and any other 'international matches' All markets, including Outright, Draw No Bet, Handicap, Top points scorer, Correct

score markets, will be settled on official result unless otherwise stated. In the Presidents Cup, ‘To Lift Trophy’ (without the Tie option), dead-heat rules apply.

Singles matches: If an individual match-up ends in a tie then bets will be void.

Correct score markets: All scheduled matches must be completed in full for bets to stand regardless if matches are carried over.

Leader (day) markets: Settlement will be based on score after scheduled number of matches regardless if matches are carried over.

Leader (day-format) markets: Settlement will be based on score after scheduled number of matches in the specified format regardless if matches are carried over.

Most point matches: Markets will be settled on the whole tournament. If an individual match-up ends in a tie then bets will be void. Bets will stand once the player has teed off. Winning Score - Settlement will be upon the completion of 72 holes (or 90 for tournaments where applicable) otherwise bets are void.

To Win/Not To Win A Major - The 4 majors are US Open, US Masters, USPGA and the British Open. Enhanced Win - Refers to tournament outright betting.

Matches to go to the 18th hole: Scheduled number of matches must start for bets to have action. The number of matches where both teams tee-off on the 18th hole will be used for settlement purposes.

Team score 1st full point: For settlement purposes the winner will be the first team to win a scheduled match and as a result acquire a full point. In the event of every scheduled match ending in a tie, bets will be void.



All bets will be settled according to the official result. Cricket matches consist of either one or two innings, 1st innings markets on a match played with a single innings (e.g T10, T20 events) are considered as full time markets for resulting purposes. On a match with two innings (e.g. Test Series) 1st innings and 2nd innings markets will correspond to each inning separately for

resulting purposes, cumulative markets for full time won't include any innings in the description of the markets. If a match is cancelled before any play has taken place, then all markets are considered void unless the match is replayed within 48 hours of its initial starting time. In the event of an over not being completed, all undecided markets on this specific over are

considered void unless the innings has reached its natural conclusion e.g. declaration, team all out, etc. Some tournaments may last up to 5 days (e.g. Test Series), Decided markets will be resulted instantly, any markets that require an event to be fully completed (e.g.. Winner, Handicap) will be resulted after the events are officially announced as completed.

In some events the Duckworth–Lewis method may be applied by the officials in order to determine the winner. The Duckworth–Lewis–Stern method (DL) is a mathematical formulation designed to calculate the target score for the team batting second in a match interrupted by weather or other circumstances. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a

significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting. In the event of a match being reduced in overs for either one or both teams (e.g. from 50 to 35 overs due to bad weather conditions) we reserve the right to void any undecided bets placed on the initial format and adjust odds and markets/lines accordingly in order to be offered again based on the new

format. Super over result is included only on markets with (incl super over) indication. If a match is created in the wrong format (i.e. T10 instead of T20), bets will be void and a new match will be created. In limited overs matches at least 80% of the originally allotted overs in each innings must be bowled unless settlement is already determined, or the match has reached its

natural conclusion without either innings being shortened to less than 80% of the originally allotted overs. In first class or Test matches the whole match counts but in the case of a drawn match at least 200 overs must be bowled in the match.


Cricket Markets

Winner (incl super over): Predict the winner of the match (the result includes the super over).

Total (Over/Under): Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number in the whole event.

Asian Handicap: Predict who will win the game with handicap (no draw).

1X2: Predict the winner of the match (the result doesn’t include the super over).

Available options: Home, Draw, Away.

Correct Score: Predict what the score will be at the end of the game.

Double Chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws),
  • X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws),
  • 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Draw No Bet: Which team will win the match given that all bets will be void if the match is a draw. A tie will be settled as a dead heat.

To Score Most Fours: Which team will score more Fours. Four runs are scored if the ball bounces, or rolls along the ground, before touching or going over the edge of the field. If it does not touch the edge of the field, it must touch the ground beyond it.

To score most Sixes: Which team will score more Sixes. Sixes is a term in cricket meaning that the ball flies over the boundary without touching the ground inside the field, which credits the batsman in 6 runs instead of 4.

Total (Over/Under) - Match Fours: Will the total number of Fours scored in the game be under/over a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) - Match Sixes: Will the total number of Fours scored in the game be under/over a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) - Home/Away Team: Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number in the whole event for the Home/Away team. The result includes the super over.

Odd/Even: Predict whether the Total of runs achieved during a specified period of time will be an odd or even number.

Odd/Even Home/Away Team: Predict whether the Total of runs achieved during a specified period of time will be an odd or even number for Home/Away team.

Highest Opening Partnership: Which team will score the most runs before they lose their first wicket.

1st Wicket Method: Predict what will be the 1st wicket method.

The available options are:

  • Caught,
  • Bowled,
  • LBW,
  • Run Out,
  • Stumped or any Other (includes Sent Off/Retired Out).

Method Of Dismissal 6-Way: What will be the method of the dismissal.

The available options are:

  • Caught,
  • Bowled,
  • LBW,
  • Run Out,
  • Stumped or any Other (includes Sent Off/Retired Out). If no further wickets fall all bets will be void.

Dismissal Method: Will the Next dismissal be a catch or not.

The available options are:

  • Caught,
  • Not Caught.

Runs at fall of Wicket Home/Away Team: Total number of runs for home/away team after hitting the other team’s wicket.

Over at fall of Wicket Home/Away Team: Predict in which over the next wicket of the home/away team will fall. As an example if a wicket falls after 6.2 overs, settlement is done on 7th over. If settlement of bets can be determined they will be settled accordingly. e.g In the event a team leaves the field due to an interruption during over 15 then previous overs less than this

will be settled. However, overs higher than this will be voided.

Total Runs Odd/Even in Over: Predict whether the Total of runs achieved during a specified over will be an odd or even number.

Total Runs Odd/Even in Over - Home/Away Team: Predict whether the Total of runs achieved during a specified over will be an odd or even number for Home/Away team.

Total Runs in Over: Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number on a specified over. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless the result is already decided.

Total Runs in Over - Home/Away Team: Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number on a specified over for Home/Away team. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless the result is already decided.

Total Runs In Over - Home/Away Team 1st Inning: Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number on a specified over for Home/Away team in 1st inning. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless the result is already decided.

Total Runs In Over - Home/Away Team 2nd Inning: Predict whether the runs will be over or under than a given number on a specified over for Home/Away team in 2nd inning. The over must be completed for bets to stand unless the result is already decided.

Wicket in Over - Home/Away Team: Predict if there will be a wicket or not in a specified over for the home/away team. If an innings ends during an over then that over will be considered as complete unless the innings ends due to inclement weather in which case all undecided bets will be void.

Runs Off Xth Delivery - Home/Away Team: Predict if number of runs for the home/away team in the Xth delivery will be over/under a specific line.

To Win The Toss: Predict which team will win the coin flipping in the beginning of the game.

A Fifty To Be Scored In The Match: Predict if there will be at least one batsman to score 50 runs and above. If a match is reduced in overs and an official match result is available all bets will stand. In the event of an interruption and match not being resumed within 48 hours all undecided bets will be void.

A Hundred To Be Scored In The Match: Predict if there will be at least one batsman to score 100 runs and above. If a match is reduced in overs and an official match result is available all bets will stand. In the event of an interruption and match not being resumed within 48 hours all undecided bets will be void.

Most Run Outs: Predict which team will have more Run Outs. A run out usually occurs when the batsmen are attempting to run between the wickets, and the fielding team succeeds in getting the ball to one wicket before the batsman has made their ground at that end. If a match is abandoned due to any reason then all undecided bets will be void unless settlement is

already determined. If a match is reduced in overs and a match result is reached then the team who achieved most run-outs whilst fielding regardless of the amount of overs bowled will be the winners.

Match Top Batsman: Predict the Top Batsman. The one who makes the most runs will be the winner. Those who started the match but did not bat are settled as losers. Bets placed on any player not participating in the match will be void. When two or more players score the same number of runs, dead- heat rules will apply.

Match Top Bowler: Predict the Top Bowler. The one who has more wickets is the winner. If all bowlers have 0 wickets, then all bets are void. Bets placed on any player not participating in the match will be void. If two or more bowlers have taken the same number of wickets, the bowler who has conceded the fewest runs will be the winner. If there are two or more bowlers

with the same wickets taken and runs conceded, dead heat rules will apply.

Man Of The Match: Predict which player will be the best player of the match. Bets will be settled on the officially declared player of the match.

Batsman To Score a Fifty in The match: Predict which player will score a fifty in the match.

Highest 1st 6 Overs Score: Predict which team has the most total runs comparing first 6 overs for both teams. In the event of the same number of runs for both teams, bets will be void.

Player To Score Most Sixes: Predict which player will score the most Sixes in the game. When two or more players score the same number of sixes, dead-heat rules will apply.

Player to be Caught Out in 1st/2nd innings: Predict if an individual player will be caught out during the first or second innings. Available outcomes: Yes/No

Player Total Runs Odd/Even in 1st/2nd innings: Predict if the score in runs achieved by an individual player will be an odd or even number during the first or second innings.

Highest Individual Score: Predict if the highest individual score in runs achieved by any player will be over/under a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) Wides: Predict if the number of Wides bowled in the match will be over/under a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) Ducks: Predict if the number of Ducks in the match will be over/under a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) Wickets: Predict if the number of Wickets taken in the match will be over/under a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) Extras: Predict if the number of Extras in the match will be over/under a specific line.

Fall Of 1st Wicket: How many runs will be scored at the fall of the 1st wicket.

Fall Of 1st Wicket - Home/Away Team: How many runs the home/away team will score at the fall of the 1st wicket.

Team Of Top Batsman: Predict in which team the top batsman of the game will be.

Team With Top Bowler: Predict in which team the top bowler of the game will be.

Total (Over/Under) Top Batsman: Predict if the score in runs for Top Batsman score will be over/under a specific line.

1st inning Xth Over Dismissal - Home/Away Team: Predict if a dismissal will occur in the Xth over of the 1st inning for the home/away team.

Highest Scoring Over - Total (Over/Under): Predict if the score in the highest scoring over will be over/under a specific line.

Total (Over/Under) Run Outs: Predict if the number of runs outs will be over/under a specific line.

Match Handicap: Which team will win the match with wickets and runs handicap.

To Win The Toss And The Match: Which team will win the coin toss and the match.

Total (Over/Under) 1st Over: Predict if the score in runs in the 1st Over be over/under a specific line.

Will The Game Go To Super Over?: Predict if there will be a Super Over in the Game.

Match Milestones: Predict how many of the specified milestones (50/100) will be scored in total in the match. This is determined by how many individual runs of 50+ or 100+ are scored in the match. A score of over 100 would count as both a 50 and a 100.

Tied Match: Predict if a match will end as a tie in regular time. A tie is when at the conclusion of play, both teams have completed their innings and their scores are equal.

Completed Match: Predict if the match will be completed. A match is considered completed if there is an official result.


Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Series Winner: You have to predict which team will win the Serie (couple of games)




General Rules

  1. All esports markets are based on in-game score events or results at the end of a scheduled match/map.
  2. All settlements will occur using the official score and results which are declared on the official video stream or the in-game stream of the relevant matches.
  3. All match start dates and times displayed for Esports matches are for indication purposes only and are not guaranteed to be correct. Bets will stand if a match is offered with an incorrect date and/or time.
  4. If a match is paused/postponed and not rescheduled to a later time within 48 hours of the actual scheduled start time, then all bets on that match will be voided.
  5. If the name of a player/team/tournament is misspelled, all bets will still stand unless it’s obvious that the misspelled name is the same as a different entity.
  6. If a team name is changed due to a team leaving the organization, joining another organization, or due to an official change of team name, all bets will stand.
  7. If the organizer of the event allows for stand-ins and there is an official result, all bets will be resulted as normal.
  8. In the case where there is an overruling of a match result by the organiser due to unforeseen circumstances - such as cheating - all bets on that match will be voided.
  9. If a match has been declared as a walkover win by the tournament organizer, all bets will be void.
  10. If one team retires during a match, only wagers on the completed individual maps will be resulted. Match market, match side markets and all other undecided map markets will be voided.
  11. All markets consider overtime, unless stated otherwise in the market name.
  12. If the match format is changed or differs from the one which is being offered, we reserve the right to void all bets.
  13. If the fixture is listed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void all bets.
  14. If a match is played before the scheduled start date / time, all bets placed after the actual start of the match will be refunded. All bets placed before the actual start of the match will stand.
  15. If a match or map is replayed due to an organizer or technical issues, all undecided markets will be void, replayed matches or maps will be handled separately as new match.
  16. If the final gameplay length/duration is the same as a particular threshold, it is resolved as OVER.
  17. Where an event involves the same two players or teams playing multiple games or maps, for example “best of 3”, and one or more games or maps are not played because the result of the event has already been determined, bets on unplayed games or maps are void and stakes refunded. Dates and start times are shown for information purposes only and may  not be accurate.
  18. Where an event is cancelled, postponed or interrupted and not completed within 48 hours of the originally scheduled start time, bets on that event are void and stakes refunded. However, games or maps that are completed within 48 hours are settled normally even if additional games or maps that were supposed to be part of the same matchup are cancelled or further postponed.
  19. Bets are settled based on the official broadcast of the game by the publisher or event organiser. Where the broadcast shows a counter of rounds won, kills, dragons, towers etc., this will generally be used to settle relevant bets. If the result of a bet is unclear from the broadcast, or if there is no broadcast, then the statistics API for the game will be used where available.
  20. In the case of indexed or numbered markets (such as the winner of a specific round in Counter Strike: GO, or the team to score a particular numbered kill in League of Legends or DOTA2), the index determines the objective that counts. Words such as “next” in the market name are not guaranteed to be correct, as broadcasts may be delayed and we may not always advance the index precisely when an objective is scored or a round completed. All bets are therefore settled on the particular numbered round or objective specified, regardless of any other wording in the market name or its timing in relation to when the bet was placed.
  21. If the scheduled number of rounds or maps is changed, or if markets are erroneously offered based on a different number of rounds or maps from the actually scheduled number, then bets on the winning margin (including handicap), total rounds / maps, correct scores etc. are void and stakes refunded.
  22. Map winner and matchup winner bets stand. If any map is not played or is awarded to one player or team by walkover or default without play having commenced, all bets on that map and on the matchup as a whole are void and stakes refunded. Bets relating only to maps that are played stand. A map is deemed to have started as soon as the game clock starts or either team or player takes a game action relating to that map, including picks, bans and weapon purchases.
  23. This rule applies to all bets placed on matches where a disconnection or technical issue occurs to a competitor.
  24. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result provided by a combination of sources including the Dotabuff match page and relevant Twitch clips.
  25. If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and he is able to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all affected bets on that Map and Match will stand.
  26. This rule works for all eSports, except for CS.
  27. At CS 2 If a player disconnects and nobody replaces him then If they decide to play 4v5 and they play AT LEAST 3 rounds after the moment of the disconnection then all undecided map markets, including match moneyline + undecided match side markets are all void.


Counter Strike:GO Rules

Where Overtime can be played, this will be included in the settlement of markets; unless the Draw participant is quoted for a specific market, in which case settlement will be based on the statutory number of rounds.

Most map bets are based on the scheduled number of rounds excluding extra rounds played in the event of a draw. If, however, a map winner market is offered without a “draw” selection then this is settled in favor of the overall winner of the map including extra time if played.

Title-specific vocabulary:

  • T / CT (Terrorists / Counter-terrorists): title specific name of Dark / Light team
  • Round: Team wins Rounds to win the Map. Round is won when 1) one team eliminates the other 2) by Terrorists when they successfully detonate the bomb 3) by Counter-terrorists when the bomb does not detonate in 120 seconds from the start of the Round. First team to score 16 Rounds wins the Map.
  • Overtime: In case of Map draw score, first overtime is being played in Bo6 format. In case of another draw , next overtime with same rules will be played. This process repeats until one team wins overtime. Overtime rules can be tournament-specific.
  • Pistol round: 1. and 13. round on a particular Map.


Dota2 Rules

  1. For bets involving towers, all destroyed towers count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion.
  2. For bets involving barracks, all destroyed barracks count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion. The ranged and melee barracks in each pair count as separate barracks, so that each team has a total of six barracks.
  3. For bets involving kills (other than “First Blood”), the official broadcast or game API if available is definitive in determining whether the death of a Champion counts as a kill. For example, where a Champion is killed by tower or minion damage without the involvement of an enemy Champion this may not be registered as a kill on the broadcast, in which case it does not count as a kill for bet settlement purposes.
  4. For bets on First Blood, the broadcast or official API score must register the kill as First Blood. Where, for example, a kill is denied by a team-mate, it may not be counted as First Blood (regardless of whether it is registered as a kill on the broadcast kill counter), in which case it will not count as First Blood for bet settlement purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, all kill markets other than “First Blood” are settled based on the kill counter, but a kill that is registered on the kill counter will count as First Blood only if it is announced as such.
  5. For bets on Roshans, the team that scores the last hit on Roshan as determined by the broadcast or game API if available is deemed to have slain Roshan, regardless of the player who picks up the aegis of the immortal.
  6. For bets involving the next team to score a particular objective or the team to score the most of a particular objective, where a “neither” or “draw” option is offered and is the winning outcome, bets on either team are losers. Where no such selection is offered and neither team is a winner, all bets on the market are void and stakes refunded.
  7. Where one team surrenders, bets stand and are settled as follows. For bets involving the map winner, the winning team is the team that did not surrender. Bets involving Roshans, barracks and kills are settled based on the situation at the time the surrender takes place. Bets involving towers are settled as if the winning team had destroyed the minimum number of additional towers theoretically required to win the game normally from the position when the surrender occurred. For example, if the winning team has destroyed all tier 1 towers and one tier 2 tower, then it will be deemed to have destroyed three further towers (seven in total), since it would have needed to destroy at least one tier 3 tower and the two ancient towers to have won the game normally from that position.

Title-specific definitions:

  • Ancient: The primary objective of the Map. The first team to destroy opposing team’s Ancient wins the Map.
  • GG: This allows the relevant team to surrender the Map when typed into the all chat.
  • Dire / Radiant: The title specific name of Dark / Light opposing teams
  • Kill: The Light/Dark team’s score, which represents the total number of times members of the opposing team were killed.
  • Aegis: An item which appears after the game objective Roshan is killed. It can be picked up by a player. • Tower: A team specific game objective, which can be destroyed by opposite team.
  • Barracks: A team specific game objective, which can be destroyed by opposite team.


League of Legends (LoL) Rules

  1. For bets involving towers, all destroyed towers count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion.
  2. For bets involving inhibitors, all destroyed inhibitors count as having been destroyed by the opposing team even if the last hit was from a minion.
  3. For bets involving the number of inhibitors destroyed, each of the six inhibitors counts only once, even if it is destroyed, respawns and is destroyed again.
  4. For bets involving the next inhibitor destroyed, each destruction of an inhibitor counts separately, even where it has respawned and is being destroyed for a second or subsequent time.
  5. For bets involving kills (including “First Blood”, which in League of Legends is synonymous with the first kill on the map), the official broadcast or game API if available is definitive in determining whether the death of a Champion counts as a kill. For example, where a Champion is killed by tower or minion damage without the involvement of an enemy Champion this may not be registered as a kill on the broadcast, in which case it does not count as a kill for bet settlement purposes.
  6. For bets involving the next team to score a particular objective or the team to score the most of a particular objective, where a “neither” or “draw” option is offered and is the winning outcome, bets on either team are losers. Where no such selection is offered and neither team is a winner, all bets on the market are void and stakes refunded.Where one team surrenders, bets stand and are settled as follows. For bets involving the map winner, the winning team is the team that did not surrender. Bets involving dragons, barons and kills are settled based on the situation at the time the surrender takes place. Bets involving towers and inhibitors are settled as if the winning team had destroyed the minimum number of additional towers and / or inhibitors theoretically required to win the game normally from the position when the surrender occurred. For example, if any inhibitor of the losing team is down at the time of surrender then no additional inhibitor is deemed to have been destroyed. If no inhibitor of the losing team is down then the winning team is deemed to have destroyed one additional inhibitor, with priority given to an inhibitor that has already been destroyed if such an inhibitor exists and has respawned. If the winning team has destroyed all tier 1 towers and one tier 2 tower, then it will be deemed to have destroyed three further towers (seven in total), since it would have needed to destroy at least one tier 3 tower and the two nexus towers to have won the game normally from that position.

Title-specific vocabulary:

  • Nexus: the primary objective of the Map. The first team to destroy opposing team’s Nexus wins the Map. • Kill: The Blue/Red team’s score, which represents the total number of times members of the opposing team were killed.
  • Turret: a team specific game objective, which can be destroyed by opposite team.
  • Inhibitor: a team specific game objective, which can be destroyed by opposite team.
  • Dragon: a game objective, can be killed by players.
  • Baron: a game objective, can be killed by players.


General Markets*

*One or more markets from the particular section can be found on different E-sport titles that are offered on our Sportsbook platform. Some of those titles are: KoG (Kings of Glory), Rainbow Six, Starcraft, WoW (World of Warcraft), VALORANT, GoW (God of War), HALO, HOTS (Heroes of the Storm), Rocket League, SMITE.

Winner (1,2): Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event.

Winner (1X2): Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event, or if the match will end with a draw.

Map Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective map margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the maps proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.


Example match NomGaming vs Team Spotnet:

Nom-Gaming (-1.5) ➔ This market refers to Nom win (X) maps giving a disadvantage of 1.5, if the event ends 3-0 in favor of Nom, he would win the bet line, since the handicap we selected is 1.5, Nom continues at the head of the scoreboard with 1.5 - 0 in its favor.

Team Spotnet (+1.5) ➔ This market is to provide an advantage of 1.5 to Team Spotnet in all the maps established by the game, if the event ends 2 - 1, the winner of this would be Team Spotnet since the an advantage of 1.5 gives him a score in his favor of 2.5 taking advantage of team 1, with the final result being 2 - 2.5.

Total maps: This market refers to the number of maps that the game is going to have.

Exact score (on maps): This market refers to the exact and final score of the match offering the options 0:2 - 1:2 2:0 - 2:1

First Map - winner - Second Map - winner: This market defines only the winner of either the first or second map of the event including overtime.

First map - winner 1x2: In this market we offer you the 3 regular options, which are (Home - Away - Draw) and are defined according to the map that is in play at the moment.


CS:GO Markets

Winner: Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event

First map - total rounds: This betting market defines whether the map that is available will have over 26.5 rounds or under 26.5 rounds including overtime that occurs in the event.

First map - round handicap: In this betting market you can give X team an advantage or a disadvantage over the total number of rounds that the selected map has. Example match Ffamix vs Exdt:

Ffamix (-2.5) ➔ This market refers that Ffamix will win the first round map even giving a disadvantage of - 2.5 points ( if the map ends 20-10 having Ffamix the advantage, he would still win the bet line since he would be left with a score in his favor of (17.5-10).

Exdt (+2.5) ➔ This market means that the Exdt player will win the rounds with an advantage of +2.5 points. If the final score was 15-15 the winner of these rounds is Exdt having a score of 17.5 points.

Xth Map Overtime (yes/no): Predict if there will be an overtime on Xth map.

Xth Map - 1st pistol round winner: Predict who will win the 1st pistol round on Xth map.

Xth Map - 2nd pistol round winner: Predict who will win the 2nd pistol round on Xth map.

Xth Map - Team to win the Nth round: Predict which team will win the Nth round of the Xth map.

Xth Map - race to 3/6/9/12 rounds: Predict which team will reach 3/6/9/12 rounds first, in the Xth Map.


Extra CS:GO Markets

Team to win at least 1 Map yes/no: whether a certain team wins at least one Map in particular Match. Overtime Yes/No: whether Overtime will be played or not.

Pistol Round winner (First, second pistol round): which team (Terrorist / Counter Terrorist) wins specified pistol (1./16.) Round.

First half winner: which team (Terrorist / Counter Terrorist) has higher number of won rounds after first 15 rounds.

Second half winner: which team (Terrorist / Counter Terrorist) has higher number of won rounds after first 15 rounds and before map is concluded as draw or won by one team.


Dota2 Markets

Winner: Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event

X map - 1st aegis: The settlement of the bet is determined by the team that collects the Immortal's Aegis and not who kills Roshan.

X map - 1st tower: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will destroy a tower first

X map - 1st Barracks: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will destroy a barrack first.

First map - winner: This market defines the winner of the first map in regular time only, not including overtime.

Second map - winner: This market defines the winner of the second map only in regular time without including overtime.

First map - kills, draw no bet: This market defines the winner of the first map in achieved kills, clarifying that if the event ends on a draw, this is settled as voided.

First map - death handicap: In this market we can give advantage or disadvantage to the selected team X as the one who will have more kills on the first map.

Total maps: This market refers to the number of maps that the game is going to have.

Map Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective map margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the maps proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Xth Map - Team to Destroy the Next Tower: Predict which team will destroy the next tower on the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Draw First Blood: Predict which team will make the first kill of the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Score the Most Kills: Predict which team will make the most kills in the specific map (or draw).

Xth Map - Team to Score the Next Kill: Predict which team will make the next kill(#).

Xth Map - Team to Slay the Next Roshan: Predict which team will kill the next Roshan(#).

Xth Map - Total Kills Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of kills in the Xth map will be odd or even.

Xth Map - Total Kills Scored Over/Under: This market refers to the number of kills that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Roshan Slains: This market refers to the exact number of Roshan slains that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Roshan Slains Over/Under: This market refers to the number of Roshan slains that the specific map is going to have (over/under).

Xth Map - Total Towers Destroyed: This market refers to the exact number of towers that were destroyed in the specific map.

Xth Map - Total Towers Destroyed Over/Under: This market refers to the number of towers that were destroyed in the specific map (over/under).

Team to Score a Rampage: You have to predict which team (or no team) will score a rampage. Rampage is a distinguished achievement of single-handedly killing 5 enemy champions in short succession - Team A/Team B. If there is no Rampage Kill in the Map, bet will be considered as loss.

Team to Score an Ultra Kill: You have to predict which team (or no team) will score an ultra kill. An Ultra kill is a distinguished achievement of single-handedly killing 4 enemy champions in short succession - Team A/Team B. If there is no Ultra Kill in the Map, bet will be considered as loss.

Xth Map - Game Time Over/Under: You have to predict How many minutes will Xth Map be played - Over/Under.

Xth Map - Team to Score the Most Kills Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective kills margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the kills proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Xth Map - Race to 5/10/15/20 Kills: Predict which team will reach 5/10/15/20 kills first, in the Xth Map.


Extra Dota2 Markets

Team to win at least 1 Map yes/no: whether a certain team wins at least one Map in particular Match.

Map Duration: whether a map’s final gameplay length/duration is over or under a certain figure.

Resulting: A duration the same as the threshold is resolved as OVER selection. The duration is resolved based on final score screen, which is available from the official steam API, when the map finishes.

Map Xth Kill: the winner of this market is the team that makes a kill forcing the sum of the total kills for both teams to be equal to N.

Map Rampage: whether at least one player, from the Dark or Light teams has scored 5 or more kills in a short period of time and this event is announced in game.

Map Ultrakill: whether at least one player, from the Dark or Light teams has scored 4 or more kills in short period of time and this event is announced in game.

Map Beyond Godlike: whether at least one player, from the Dark or Light teams has scored 10 or more kills without dying and this event is announced in game.

Map Megacreeps: whether all Dark or Light barracks are destroyed and this event is announced in game.

Map Type of activated rune spawned at specific map time: Type of rune, which spawns at specific game time (thresholds) and is activated (Or bottled and activated later) by one of the players.


League of Legends Markets

Winner: Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event.

Map Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective map margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the maps proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Total maps: This market refers to the number of maps that the game is going to have.

Exact score (on maps): This market refers to the exact and final score of the match offering the options
0: 2 - 1: 2
2: 0 - 2: 1

First map - first inhibitor: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will destroy an inhibitor first in the first map.

First map - 1st tower: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will destroy a tower first in the first map.

First map - first dragon: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will kill a dragon first in the first map.

First map - first baron: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will kill a baron first in the first map.

First map - first kill: In this betting market you can select which of the two teams will make the first kill in the first map.

Xth Map - Team to Destroy the Next Tower: Predict which team will destroy the next tower on the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Draw First Blood: Predict which team will make the first kill of the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Score the Most Kills: Predict which team will make the most kills in the specific map (or draw).

Xth Map - Team to Score the Next Kill: Predict which team will make the next kill(#).

Xth Map - Total Kills Odd/Even: You have to predict if the total number of kills in the Xth map will be odd or even.

Xth Map - Total Kills Scored Over/Under: This market refers to the number of kills that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Towers Destroyed Over/Under: This market refers to the number of towers that were destroyed in the specific map.

Xth Map - Game Time Over/Under: You have to predict How many minutes will Xth Map be played - Over/Under.

Xth Map - Team to Score the Most Kills Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective kills margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the kills proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Xth Map - Race to 5/10/15/20 Kills: Predict which team will reach 5/10/15/20 kills first, in the Xth Map.

Xth Map - Both Teams to Destroy an Inhibitor: Predict if both teams will destroy an inhibitor on the specific map or not.

Xth Map - Both Teams to Slay a Baron: Predict if both teams will slay a baron on the specific map or not.

Xth Map - Both Teams to Slay a Dragon: Predict if both teams will slay a dragon on the specific map or not.

Xth Map - Team to Destroy the Next Inhibitor: Predict which team will destroy the next inhibitor on the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Slay the Next Baron: Predict which team will slay the next baron on the specific map.

Xth Map - Team to Slay the Next Dragon: Predict which team will slay the next dragon on the specific map.

Xth Map - Total Barons Slain: This market refers to the exact number of Baron slains that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Barons Slain Over/Under: This market refers to the number of Baron slains that the specific map is going to have (over/under).

Xth Map - Total Dragons Slain: This market refers to the exact number of Dragon slains that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Dragons Slain Over/Under: This market refers to the number of Dragon slains that the specific map is going to have (over/under).

Xth Map - Total Inhibitors Destroyed: This market refers to the exact number of Inhibitors destroyed that the specific map is going to have.

Xth Map - Total Inhibitors Destroyed Over/Under: This market refers to the number of inhibitors destroyed that the specific map is going to have (over/under).

Team to Score a Penta Kill: You have to predict which team (or no team) will score an penta kill. A penta kill is a distinguished achievement of single-handedly killing 5 enemy champions in short succession - Team A/Team B. If there is no Penta Kill in the Map, bet will be considered as loss.

Team to Score a Quadra Kill: You have to predict which team (or no team) will score an quadra kill. A quadra kill is a distinguished achievement of single-handedly killing 4 enemy champions in short succession - Team A/Team B. If there is no Quadra Kill in the Map, bet will be considered as loss.

Xth Map - Team to Slay the Rift Herald: Predict which team will slay the Rift Herald on the specific map.


Extra League of Legends Markets

Team to win at least 1 Map yes/no: whether a certain team wins at least one Map in particular Match.

Map Duration: whether a map’s final gameplay length/duration is over or under a certain figure.

Resulting: A duration the same as the threshold is resolved as OVER selection. The duration is resolved based on final score screen, which is available from the official steam API, when the map finishes.

Map Xth Kill: the winner of this market is the team that makes a kill forcing the sum of the total kills for both teams to be equal to N.

Map Total Turrets: whether final count of destroyed towers (Based on the visible in-game score, which is the sum of the Red + Blue destroyed towers) in a certain map is over or under a certain figure.

Map QuadraKill: whether at least one player, from the Red or Blue teams score 4 or more kills in a short period of time and this event is announced in game.

Map PentaKill: whether at least one player, from the Red or Blue teams has score 5 or more kills in a short period of time and this event is announced in game.

Map Xth Dragon type: Type of first / second spawned dragon since the start of the map.

Map Dragon soul type: Type of third spawned dragon since the start of the map.

Map Certain type of dragon kill: whether a dragon of a certain type will be slayed at least once in a certain map.


Call of Duty Markets

Winner: Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event. Map Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective map margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the maps proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Total maps: This market refers to the number of maps that the game is going to have.

Exact score (on maps): This market refers to the exact and final score of the match offering the options 0: 2 - 1: 2 2: 0 - 2: 1

Xth Map - Team to win the Nth round: Predict which team will win the Nth round of the Xth map.

Xth Map - race to 3/6/9/12 rounds: Predict which team will reach 3/6/9/12 rounds first, in the Xth Map.

Xth map - total rounds: This betting market defines whether the map that is available will have over 26.5 rounds or under 26.5 rounds including overtime that occurs in the event.

Xth map - round handicap: In this betting market you can give X team an advantage or a disadvantage over the total number of rounds that the selected map has. Example match Ffamix vs Exdt:

Ffamix (-2.5) ➔ This market refers that Ffamix will win the first round map even giving a disadvantage of - 2.5 points ( if the map ends 20-10 having Ffamix the advantage, he would still win the bet line since he would be left with a score in his favor of (17.5-10).

Exdt (+2.5) ➔ This market means that the Exdt player will win the rounds with an advantage of +2.5 points. If the final score was 15-15 the winner of these rounds is Exdt having a score of 17.5 points.

Xth Map Overtime (yes/no): Predict if there will be an overtime on Xth map.

Xth Map Total Points Scored Over/Under: This market refers to the number of points scored that the specific map is going to have.


Overwatch Markets

Winner: Determine the winner of the game (x maps) according to the number of maps offered in the event.

Map Handicap: bet in which the winner of the match must be decided with a respective map margin. The correct score is added or subtracted from the maps proposed in the handicap, and after said operation, it will be determined who wins: home team, or away team.

Total maps: This market refers to the number of maps that the game is going to have.

Exact score (on maps): This market refers to the exact and final score of the match offering the options
0: 2 - 1: 2
2: 0 - 2: 1

Xth Map - Team to win the Nth round: Predict which team will win the Nth round of the Xth map.

Xth Map - race to 3/6/9/12 rounds: Predict which team will reach 3/6/9/12 rounds first, in the Xth Map.

Xth map - total rounds: This betting market defines whether the map that is available will have over 26.5 rounds or under 26.5 rounds including overtime that occurs in the event.

Xth map - round handicap: In this betting market you can give X team an advantage or a disadvantage over the total number of rounds that the selected map has. Example match Ffamix vs Exdt:

Ffamix (-2.5) ➔ This market refers that Ffamix will win the first round map even giving a disadvantage of - 2.5 points ( if the map ends 20-10 having Ffamix the advantage, he would still win the bet line since he would be left with a score in his favor of (17.5-10).

Exdt (+2.5) ➔ This market means that the Exdt player will win the rounds with an advantage of +2.5 points. If the final score was 15-15 the winner of these rounds is Exdt having a score of 17.5 points.

Xth Map Overtime (yes/no): Predict if there will be an overtime on Xth map.

Xth Map Total Points Scored Over/Under: This market refers to the number of points scored that the specific map is going to have.


FIFA Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).

Draw no bet (DNB): this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.


NBA 2K Markets

Winner of the match 1X2: Predict if the winner will be the home or away team with the option to select the draw as well.

Money Line (Winner 1,2) (incl.OT): Predict the match winner regardless of the margin of points. This market will include Overtime.

Total (Over/Under) (incl.OT): Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the line given in the chosen betting market. For example: Over 215.5 - Under 215.5. This market will include Overtime.

Handicap (spread) (incl.OT): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match. This market will include Overtime.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match(3 periods of 12 minutes). There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).



Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Group Winner: You bet on the team that finishes with the higher amount of points in its group.



In the case of a match not being finished, all undecided markets are considered void. If a player/team retires all undecided markets are considered void.

Main Markets

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Total Points: Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

Xth game - Winner: Predict the winner in the mentioned game.

Xth game - Total Points: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in a given game will be over or under a given number in the market.

Xth game - Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned game (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Xth game - odd/even: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in the relevant game will be an odd or even number.

Xth game - race to X points : You have to predict which team will reach X points first for the mentioned game.

Xth game - Nth point : You have to predict which team will win the Nth point for the mentioned game.

Outright Markets:

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.




Winner : You predict that the selected player will be the winner of the tournament/event.

H2H: You have to predict which of the two players specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the tournament/event. In case of both players either retiring or being disqualified at the same stage of the competition this bet typology will be deemed void.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).


Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



If a player retires, forfeits the match or is disqualified all undecided markets are considered void. If penalty point(s) are awarded by the umpire, all bets on that game will stand.

Main Markets

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Xth game - Winner: Predict the winner in the mentioned game.

Xth game - Total Points: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in a given game will be over or under a given number in the market.

Xth game - Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned game (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Xth game - odd/even: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in the relevant game will be an odd or even number.

Xth game - race to X points : You have to predict which team will reach X points first for the mentioned game.

Xth game - Nth point : You have to predict which team will win the Nth point for the mentioned game.


Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Winner: You have to predict the winner of the tournament.

Top 3: You have to predict whether your selected player will finish in the top 3 in the tournament, including ties.

H2H: You have to predict which of the two players specified in the bet will achieve the best position in the tournament. In case of both players either retiring or being disqualified at the same stage this bet typology will be deemed void.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).


Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



All markets exclude overtime unless otherwise stated. Markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 80 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time.

Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Draw no bet (DNB): This betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Total Hometeam: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored, from Hometeam, during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Total Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored, from Away Team, during the entire match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

Odd/Even Home: You have to predict if the number of goals scored by the home team during the entire match is going to be odd or even. If the home team does not score any goal the winning selection is even.

Odd/Even Away: You have to predict if the number of goals scored by the away team during the entire match is going to be odd or even. If the home team does not score any goal the winning selection is even.

1X2 & Total: You have to predict the outcome of the match together with the number of goals scored during the match by considering the indicated spread.

Six outcomes are possible:

  • 1&Over “X”,
  • X&Over “X”,
  • 2&Over “X”,
  • 1&Under “X”,
  • X&Under “X”,
  • 2&Under “X”

Quarter Markets

Quarter 1x2: You have to predict the outcome of the given quarter, selections are 1-the home team, 2-the away team and X-draw. If the quarter is incomplete this market will be void.

Quarter Draw no bet: You have to predict the winner of the given quarter, if the quarter finishes as a draw all bets will be made void for this market, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the given quarter adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the quarter, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter Total: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the given quarter will be over or under the line indicated, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be void.

Quarter Total Home/Away: You have to predict if the total number of goals scored by the named team (Home or Away) during the given quarter will be over or under the line indicated, if the quarter is uncompleted this market will be made void.

Quarter Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the selected quarter .

Quarter Odd/Even: You have to predict if the quarter result is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.


Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.

Top4, Top8: You have to predict if the selected team will finish in the respective top position when the competition ends.

To make the final: You have to predict if the selected team will make the final of the competition.

Regular Season Most Wins/Defeats : You have to predict which team will record the most wins/defeats during the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets

*Some of the below listed markets might appear under E-Table Tennis (same rules apply)

However, and in case of a player retirement, all markets determined in the pitch are settled accordingly and all the rest declared void and null. For avoidance of doubt if a table tennis player retired before the last point concluded, the match winner market is void, but all markets related to specific games or points that are determined, are settled accordingly.

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Handicap Games (spread): You have to predict the winner of the match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Total Games (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of games played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of games won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match (in points).

Total Points: Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the number given in the chosen betting market.

How many games will be decided by extra points ?: Predict how many games will reach extra points (winner of the set has more than 11 points).

Exact Games : You have to predict the exact number of games during the match.

Game Markets

xth Game - Winner: Predict whether the winner in the mentioned game will be the home team (1) or the away team (2).

xth Game - Total Points: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in a given game will be over or under a given number in the market.

xth Game - Point Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned game(in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the game(in points).

xth Game - odd/even: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both teams in the relevant game will be an odd or even number.

xth Game - race to X points : You have to predict which team will reach X points first for the mentioned game.



Main Markets

Money Line (Winner) (incl.OT): Predict the match winner regardless of the margin of points. This market will include Overtime.

Total (Over/Under) (incl.OT): Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by both teams will be more or less than the line given in the chosen betting market. For example: Over 215.5 - Under 215.5. This market will include Overtime.

Handicap (spread) (incl.OT): You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match. This market will include Overtime.

Winner of the match 1X2: Predict if the winner will be the home or away team with the option to select the draw as well. No overtime is included.

Even/odd (incl.OT): Here you predict if the result of the match will be an odd or even number. This market will include Overtime.

Total points per team (home - away) (incl.OT): Consists of predicting whether the total of points scored by home or away team will be more or less than the line given in the chosen betting market. For example: Over 215.5 - Under 215.5. This market will include Overtime.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Bandy Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match.

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Floorball Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match. There are 3 possible outcomes: 1 (home team wins), X (teams will draw), 2 (away team wins).

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of goals scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Waterpolo Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets

1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (home team wins),
  • X (teams will draw),
  • 2 (away team wins).

Total (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the entire match.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1X (at the end of the match the home team wins or draws),
  • X2 (at the end of the match the away team wins or draws),
  • 12 (at the end of the match the home team wins or the away team wins).

Draw no bet (DNB): this betting market consists in the following, to define a bet as a winner, there must necessarily be a winning team, which means that, if the match ends in a draw, the money bet will be refunded. For example, if a final score results in a draw, the bet will be settled as void.

Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the entire match adding or subtracting the indicated handicap to the result of the match.

Winning Margin: Betting market that predicts the amount of difference a team will have from its opponent at the end of the match, for example home team by 1-5 points.

Halftime / Fulltime: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st half time of the match together with the outcome of the entire match. The possible outcomes are: (1/1, 1/X, 1/2, X/1, X/X, X/2, 2/1, 2/X and 2/2).

Total Hometeam: You have to predict if the total number of points scored, from Hometeam, during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Total Away Team: You have to predict if the total number of points scored, from Away Team, during the entire match will be over or under the line indicated.

Highest Scoring Half: You have to predict which half will have the most points scored.

Odd/Even: You have to predict if the match result is an odd or even number, if the match result is “0:0′′, bets are counted as “even”.

First Half Markets

1st half - Draw no Bet: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half, if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be void, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - double chance: You have to predict the outcome of the 1st Half.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1X (at the end of the 1st Half the home team wins or draws),
  • X2 (at the end of the 1st Half the away team wins or draws),
  • 12 (at the end of the 1st Half the home team wins or the away team wins).

1st half - Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the half, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half - Total (Under/Over): You have to predict if the total number of points scored during the 1st half will be over or under the given line, if the half is uncompleted this market will be void.

1st half - Home/Away Total (Under/Over): You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the named team (Home or Away) during the 1st half will be over or under the given line, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

1st half- odd/even: You have to predict if the total number of points scored in the 1st half will be odd or even, if the half is incomplete this market will be void.



Main Markets

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Handicap Sets: You have to predict the result in terms of sets won by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Total Sets (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of sets played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Xth Set - 1X2: You have to predict the outcome of the Xth set.

There are 3 possible outcomes:

  • 1 (player 1 wins),
  • X (players will draw),
  • 2 (player 2 wins).

Xth set - Draw no Bet: You have to predict the winner of the 1st half, if the half finishes as a draw all bets will be void, if the half is uncompleted this market will be made void.

Xth set - Handicap: You have to predict the winner of the mentioned set (in won points) adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the set(in points).

Xth set - Total: Predict whether the total points accumulated by both players in the mentioned set will be over or under the line.

Xth set - Player 1/2 total: You have to predict if the total number of points scored by the mentioned player during the given set will be over or under the line indicated, if the set is incomplete this market will be made void.

Bowls Outrights

Winner: You have to predict the winner of the given tournament according to the official ranking of the competition.



Main Markets

Winner (1,2): Betting market that consists of predicting the winner of the match regardless of the point margin.

Handicap Games (spread): You have to predict the winner of the match adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match

Handicap Sets: You have to predict the result in terms of sets won by each player adding or subtracting to the final result the spread specified in the bet.

Correct Score: You have to predict the correct score of the match in terms of sets won by each player. If one player retires during the match all undecided bets will be considered void.

Total Games (Over/Under): You have to predict if the total number of games played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Odd/Even games: Predict at the end of the match the total games are an odd or even number.

Total Games (Over/Under) Player 1: You have to predict whether the total number of games for Player 1 will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game. The amount of games played will be indicated in the bet settlement by the second number in brackets. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Total Games (Over/Under) Player 2: You have to predict whether the total number of games for Player 2 will be over or under the indicated spread. A tiebreak is regarded as a game. The amount of games played will be indicated in the bet settlement by the second number in brackets. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Winner & Total: You have to predict the winner of the match and whether the number of games played is over or under the indicated spread.

Tiebreak (yes / no): You have to predict if there will be a Tie-break in the match.

Deuce in the game (Yes/No): "Deuce in the game" means that the score of the game will reach 40-40 score.

1st Set Winner: You have to predict the winner of the first Set. The bet will be considered "void" if the first set is not completed.

2nd Set Winner: You have to predict the winner of the second Set. The bet will be considered "void" if this set is not completed.

Set “X” Winner: You have to predict the winner of the Set “X”. The bet will be considered "void" if this set is not completed.

Double result (First set/ match): Predict the winner of the first set, and at the end of the match in a single betting market.

Player 1 to win exactly 1 set: Predict if the home player will have a victory of 1 set during the match. Player 2 to win exactly 1 set: Predict that the away player will have a victory of 1 set during the match. Exact Sets: You have to predict the exact number of sets during the match.

Total sets: You have to predict if the total number of sets played in the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Any set to nil: Predict if at least one of the sets of the match will end with 6-0 / 0-6 exact score.

Set “X” Handicap games: You have to predict the winner of the Set “X” adding or subtracting the indicated spread to the result of the match. If the match is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void. Set “X” Total games: You have to predict if the total number of games played in the Set “X” during the match will be over or under the spread indicated.

Set “X” Correct Score: You have to predict the exact correct score of the Set “X”. If the mentioned set is not completed, all undecided bets will be considered void.

Player 1 to Win a Set: You have to predict if player 1 will win, or not, at least one set in the match. There are two possible outcomes: YES and NO.

Player 2 to Win a Set: You have to predict if player 2 will win, or not, at least one set in the match. There are two possible outcomes: YES and NO.

Set “X” odd/even: You have to predict if the total number of games played in the Set “X” during the match will be odd or even.

Set “X” will there be a tiebreak : You have to predict if in the Set “X” there will be a Tie-break.

Set “N” - race to x games: You have to predict which player will reach “X” games first in the specific set

Who will win Game (X and Y) of set n_: Betting market that consists of predicting the player who will win games x and Y for set n, For example: 1 (games 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where the bet is for home player) - X (game 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where you bet on the Tie) - 2 (Game 6 and 7) 2nd set (Where you bet on the away player).

Who will win point X in game Y in set n? (Includes live game bets): Predict the player who will win point x of game y of set n. For example, the player Wawrinka will have a victory in the 1st point in game 10 of the 3rd set of the match.

Who will win game x of the set (1, 2, 3, 4,5)? (Includes live game bets): Predict the player who will win game x of the specified set in the betting market. For example: 1 (game 10) 2nd set - 2 (game 10) 2nd set. Exact number of points in game X (1st set): (Includes live game bets): Predicts the exact number of points played in the chosen game on the first set betting


Deuce in the game yes-no (Includes live bets): "Deuce in the game" means that the score of the game will reach 40-40 score.

Result of game X (Set N) Player 1 or 2 (0-15-30-40): It consists of predicting the winner of a game, and how many points the opposing player will make (0-15-30-40), that is, if you choose player 1 to 30 it means that the game is won by player 1 but player 2 scores 30 points.

Set “N” game x - odd/even points: It consists of predicting whether the number of points played in a game of a set, will be odd or even.

Set “N” game x - correct score or break: It consists of predicting the winner of a game, and how many points the opposing player will make (0-15-30-40), or if there will be a break of serve in the mentioned game.

Set “N” game Y - race to x points: Predict the player who will reach first to X points in the specific game. Set “N” game Y - first x points winner: Predict the player who will win the first X points in the specific game.

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6- Computer-Cookies werden verwendet, um die Servicequalität für alle unsere Spieler zu erhöhen und eine bessere Qualität der Erfahrungen zu bieten. Durch die Verwendung von Cookies bietet unsere Website ein Maximum an Sicherheit für unsere Spieler.
7- WinsRoyal Casino kann den Benutzernamen und/oder den Vornamen und/oder den Nachnamen und/oder die Region der Spieler verwenden und verbreiten.
Die KYC-Informationssicherheit des Unternehmens ist die Sicherheitsmaßnahme, die es gegen die Eröffnung mehrerer Konten und Geldwäsche getroffen hat.
8- WinsRoyal Casino kann die persönlichen Daten der Spieler im Rahmen seiner Dienstleistung weitergeben. Das Unternehmen gibt Informationen weiter, wenn dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist, zur Untersuchung von Betrug, zu Sicherheitszwecken und aufgrund von Zahlungen von Kreditauskunfteien.

Das WinsRoyal Casino ergreift Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um zu verhindern, dass die Einnahmen durch irgendeine Art von schlechten Aktivitäten generiert werden.
Es arbeitet hart, um zu verhindern, dass sie für Terrorismusfinanzierung, Geldwäsche oder andere kriminelle Aktivitäten verwendet werden.
1. WinsRoyal Casino prüft akribisch alle Mitgliedskonten der Kunden. Wenn ein Verdacht auf betrügerische Aktivitäten besteht, sperrt WinsRoyal Casino das Mitgliedskonto des Kunden und das Konto bleibt gesperrt, bis alle Prüfungen bezüglich des Kontos abgeschlossen sind.
2. Die Quelle des Geldes, das auf die Konten der Kunden eingezahlt wird, darf nicht illegal sein. Einzahlungen dürfen nicht illegal sein und dürfen nicht aus einer illegalen Quelle stammen. Das WinsRoyal Casino führt in dieser Hinsicht die strengsten Kontrollen durch.
3. Wenn WinsRoyal während der Casinoinspektionen eine illegale Quelle entdeckt, wird es sofort die zuständigen Behörden benachrichtigen.
4. WinsRoyal Casino führt immer Kontoprüfungen durch, um Geldwäsche zu verhindern.
5. Das WinsRoyal Casino kann von seinen Kunden verlangen, dass sie ihre Identitätsdaten angeben, um die Sicherheit der Mitgliederkonten zu gewährleisten. Sollte ein Kunde die angeforderten Dokumente nicht vorlegen, kann das Mitgliedskonto von WinsRoyal Casino gesperrt werden.
6. WinsRoyal casino achtet darauf, dass die Herkunft jedes vom Kunden eingezahlten Geldes transparent ist. Aus diesem Grund versucht es, die Integrität jedes eingezahlten Geldes zu bestimmen.
7. WinsRoyal Casino unterhält KYC-Verfahren (Know Your Customer), um das Anti-Geldwäsche-Gesetz durchzusetzen und dessen Anforderungen zu regeln.          
8. WinsRoyal Casino ist bestrebt, die Kunden, die es bedient, durch den KYC-Prozess zu identifizieren.
9. WinsRoyal Casino überwacht ständig die Einzahlungen und Wetten der Kunden. Die Kontrollen zielen auf die Sicherheit sowohl der Kundenkonten als auch der Casino-Transaktionen ab. Aus diesem Grund kontrolliert WinsRoyal casino die folgenden Punkte;
9.1. Ungewöhnliche Wettmuster, die im WinsRoyal Casino auftreten können,
9.2. Fragwürdige Ein- und Auszahlungsmuster von Kunden,
9.3. Verlässlichkeit der Daten von Kundenkarten,
9.4. Probleme bei der Überprüfung von Kundeninformationen und Diebstahl von Identitätsdaten der Kunden,
9.5. Kontoverknüpfung/Erstellung mehrerer Konten für dieselben Kunden
9.6. Jeder Kunde oder jede Kundin wird sofort benachrichtigt, wenn mögliche Geldwäscheaktivitäten entdeckt werden.
10. Das WinsRoyal Casino ergreift die folgenden Maßnahmen, um mögliche kriminelle Aktivitäten zu verhindern und aufzudecken;
10.1. WinsRoyal Casino akzeptiert keine Kunden, die anonyme Konten eröffnen oder Konten mit fiktiven Namen erstellen,
11.2. WinsRoyal Casino akzeptiert Einzahlungen per Kreditkarte, Debitkarte, Überweisung, Banküberweisung und E-Wallets,
11.3. WinsRoyal Casino führt ein strengeres Sicherheits- und Prüfungsverfahren für Kunden ein, die es als hochriskant oder politisch riskant (PEP) identifiziert,
11.4. Es ist strengstens untersagt, mehrere Konten im WinsRoyal Casino zu eröffnen,
11.5. WinsRoyal Casino akzeptiert keine Wetten, die vom Kunden gemacht werden, es sei denn, der Kunde hat ein Benutzerkonto in seinem Namen erstellt, es sei denn, es gibt ein ausreichendes Kontoguthaben, um den Wettbetrag zu decken,
11.6. Das WinsRoyal Casino erwartet, dass die notwendigen Einzahlungen zur Deckung des Wetteinsatzes ordnungsgemäß getätigt werden. Andernfalls akzeptiert es die getätigte Wette nicht.
12. WinsRoyal Casino führt Audits zur Kunden- und Casinosicherheit durch. In diesem Zusammenhang kann es jederzeit alle von Kunden getätigten Wetten, alle Gewinne, alle Einzahlungen und Abhebungen überprüfen. Es kann Konten ohne vorherige Ankündigung sperren. Während des Audits kann es die betreffenden Konten sperren.

1. Alle unsere Kunden können ihre Beschwerden zu jedem Problem problemlos an die Behörden von WinsRoyal Casino richten. Auf jeden Fall hat sich das WinsRoyal Casino den Grundsatz zu eigen gemacht, seinen Kunden stets zu helfen. Kunden können ihre Anfragen über die unten aufgeführten Kommunikationsmittel an uns senden.
- Sie können unsere Kundenvertreter rund um die Uhr per Live-Chat kontaktieren.
- Sie können eine E-Mail an senden.
2. Die Mitarbeiter des WinsRoyal-Casinos werden die Beschwerden unserer Kunden umgehend bearbeiten und daran arbeiten, die beste Lösung zu finden.
3. Wenn unsere Kunden ein Bild oder Dokument zu ihrer Beschwerde senden möchten, können sie es an senden. WinsRoyal Casino prüft die Wünsche der Kunden im Detail. Als Ergebnis der Prüfung wird die Entscheidung von WinsRoyal Casino als Endergebnis gewertet.
4. Wenn Kunden mit der von WinsRoyal Casino angebotenen Lösung nicht zufrieden sind, können sie eine Beschwerde zur Prüfung bei der Curaçao eGaming Commission einreichen.

1. Winsroyal casino offers chat functionality for all games, promotions, bonuses and products on its website. It is used as a means of communication with other players and live dealers through the chat function.
2. Winsroyal casino assumes no liability and responsibility for the behavior of any customer using the chat function on any subject.
3. Winsroyal casino reserves the right to remove chat functions from the website if any chat history is abused.
4. Any unethical and personal use of the chat function is strictly prohibited. Using the chat function; takes serious precautions against customers or website visitors, including but not limited to collusion, insults, profanity, discrimination, publishing commercial messages.
5. In case of unethical use of the chat function, such as personal gain, abuse, it may lead to exclusion of such customers from the games that support the chat function.
6. Suspicious chats detected by Winsroyal casino will be reported to the relevant authorities, including but not limited to the Curaçao eGaming Commission.
7. Winsroyal casino reserves the right to close the member account of such customers when it detects the violation of the terms of use of the chat functions.
8. Winsroyal casino chat rooms are managed by the software provider of the respective game.
9. All conversations are recorded in the chat log.

1. Spielen Sie verantwortungsbewusst und mit Maß. Betrachten Sie Glücksspiel nicht als eine Möglichkeit, Geld zu verdienen, und spielen Sie nur mit Geld, dessen Verlust Sie sich leisten können. Wenn Sie sich Sorgen über Ihre Spielgewohnheiten machen oder vom Glücksspiel einer anderen Person betroffen sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an GamCare oder Gamblers Anonymous, um Hilfe zu erhalten.https:/ / ist Eigentum von WG Project N.V. (Lizenznummer: 365/JAZ), Registrierungsnummer 162816, Adresse Abraham de Verstaat 9 Curacao, ansässig in Curacao. WINSROYAL.COM wird von einer privaten Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung betrieben und verfügt über das nicht ausschließliche Recht, Glücksspiele und Wetten auf internationalen Märkten über Serviceleitungen und/oder das Internet zu nutzen.
2. Ein Kunde oder Website-Besucher darf durch die Nutzung aller Dienste und aller Materialien von WinsRoyal Casino keine Rechte an den Marken, Grafiken, Texten, Konzepten, Methoden oder anderen Namen von WinsRoyal Casino ableiten. Kunden oder Besuchern der Website ist es gestattet, alle vom WinsRoyal Casino zugelassenen Dienste und Materialien zu nutzen.
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4. WinsRoyal Casino prüft die von der Website selbst erhaltenen Informationen und bewertet im Einzelfall, ob sie diese bestätigen. Damit die Informationen einer Website eines Drittanbieters auf der WinsRoyal-Casino-Website verwendet werden können, muss auf der Seite, auf der die Informationen der Website eines Drittanbieters verwendet werden, ein Link als Quellseite hinzugefügt werden. Diese „Quellenseite“ ist jedoch unter der Bedingung eines Links erlaubt.
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6. Durch die Registrierung bei WinsRoyal Casino verpflichten sich Kunden, alle geltenden Urheberrechte und/oder Marken im Zusammenhang mit dem Betrieb von WinsRoyal Casino zu respektieren.
7. Kunden sind verpflichtet, WinsRoyal Casino an folgende Adresse zu benachrichtigen:, wenn sie glauben oder feststellen, dass der Urheberrechtsinhalt von WinsRoyal Casino falsch reproduziert oder in irgendeiner Weise verletzt wurde.
8. WinsRoyal Casino ist das Kopieren oder sonstige automatische oder manuelle Sammeln von Daten von einer Website untersagt.
9. Kunden sind allein verantwortlich für alle Kosten, Schäden und Ausgaben, die durch die unbefugte Nutzung der geistigen Eigentumsrechte von WinsRoyal Casino entstehen.
10. Die unbefugte Ausübung eines der oben genannten Rechte kann zu einer strafrechtlichen Verfolgung oder anderen Maßnahmen führen.



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